Welcome to attend 1st International Academic Conference of Acupuncture and
Traditional Chinese Medicine of Canada (Feb 27-28, 2021, Virtual Meeting)
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Contact Person : Ms. Huang
感 谢 友 情 赞 助 单 位
本次大会由加拿大中医针灸联盟、加拿大针灸中医学院联合主办的 2021年首届加拿大中医针灸国际学术大会(网络会议)将于2月27-28号在美丽的加拿大东部海边城市哈利法克斯举行。我们邀请到了数十位身怀绝技的,世界顶级的,来自不同国家的中医针灸专家齐聚一堂;他们不但有深厚的理论知识,更有丰富的临床经验。通过本次大会,大家相互切磋技艺,智慧布施,传授在疫情期间应用中医针灸及气功防治各种痛症和心理精神疾病知识和经验, 必将使参会的中医针灸同仁收益匪浅,同样也会对加拿大及世界中医针灸事业的发展,作出不可磨灭的贡献!
Conference Announcement
1st International Academic conference of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine of Canada (Virtual Meeting)
February 27-28, 2021
This February, the world well-known Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture doctors and experts from different countries will joint for a special virtual conference, organized and hosted by the Alliance of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine of Canada (AACMC) and the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM) located in Halifax, the beautiful coastal city in Atlantic Canada.
This special group of TCM & Acupuncture specialists will be presenting their research papers and sharing their knowledge and experiences on the topic of Mental Health and Pain Management during this pandemic.
We have invited dozens of world-class TCM experts with unique skills from across the globe to present their research with us for this virtual conference. In addition to their deep theoretical knowledge, they also have rich and vast clinical experience. Throughout this virtual conference, our presenters will exchange their skills and share their expertise and explain the ways to prevent and treat pain and mental illness during the pandemic by Traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture , and Qi-Gong, which will undeniably benefit the participating attendees.
We believe our body of experts will also make a long-lasting contribution to the development of TCM and acupuncture in Canada and the world!
For this conference, we divided the venue into a Chinese-speaking track for Chinese attendees and an English-speaking track for English attendees! We anticipate that all TCM and acupuncture colleagues will thoroughly enjoy this feast of knowledge whether in Chinese or English.
We will issue continuing education credits and certificates to all participating professionals who attend the conference!
We also invite all of our colleagues from Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and Qi-Gong from around the world to participate in this great opportunity to advance their knowledge and experience.
Improve your clinical skills and lay a solid foundation for your future clinical development!
Registration will start soon !All expert’s profile will be posted on different social media! Please pay attention to the updated info from the organization committee!
We look forward to seeing you! Please register early!
Committee of the conference
Jan 14/2021
Key Note Speakers & Conference Schedule
February 28th
Conference Schedule

Topic: Incredible advantage of Mini Ren Acupuncture Therapy for Chronic Intractable Pain
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 16:45, 英国伦敦时间2月29日 00:45,北京时间2月29日8:45
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 16:45,England London Time Feb 29th 00:45, Beijing Time Feb 29th 8:45
黄国健博士擅长应用迷你刃针疗法,埋线疗法、浮针及中医中药治疗各种痛症,不孕不育症,常见病及疑难病症。现为加拿大中医针灸联盟主席、加拿大安康中医药针灸康复中心主席、 马尼托巴专业针灸协会主席、加拿大迷你刃针研究会会长、 世界中医穴位埋线疗法学会加拿大分会会长、加拿大整体医学研究院副主席、世界华人中医论坛常务理事、世界中医药联合会仲景传承与创新专业委员会常务理事,世界疼痛学会会员(International Association for the Study of Pain, IASP)及加拿大疼痛研究会会员(the Canadian Pain Society, CPS)。
Intractable pain is a common ailment in an acupuncture clinic! It is estimated that about 20-
30% of soft tissue injury pain is refractory pain lasting from 6 months to many years. Various
treatments, including acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, massage, chiropractic and
manual treatment can only temporally relieve the pain, and then the patient suffers a relapse
again with poor long-term results. Because there is no specific treatment, many patients rely on
long-term use of painkillers to maintain daily life and work, and their quality of life is significantly lower than the normal population. The characteristics of refractory pain with soft
tissue injury include: 1) long-term and recurrent pain, which can be triggered or aggravated by
a variety of causes; 2) pain that can be widespread or only localized; 3) pain that is sometimes accompanied by numbness and cold limbs; 4) during palpation, there are obvious round or cord-shaped pain nodules, tender nodules, high tension of local skin and muscle, and hard texture in the pain area.
After many years’ studying of fascial trigger point theory and scar adhesion theory, Dr. Guojian
Huang pointed out that the fascial trigger points were immature scar tissues with inflammatory
reactions which were the cause of refractory pain of soft tissue injury related. Such immature
scar tissue not only produces local tenderness and pain. At the same time, scar tissue between
soft tissues such as myofascial and skin leads to increased friction during exercise, resulting in
secondary soft tissue injury, pain and dysfunction. Again this kind of scar adhesive tissue will
also produce compression symptoms on local vascular nerve tissue causing limb coldness,
numbness, and discomfort.
A Mini Ren Acupuncture (MRA) needle has a tiny blade on the top of needle and it works on the
superficial myofascial trigger points and scar tissues. Although the depth of the needle’s
insertion is generally less than one centimeter, it has a stimulating effect the same as a needle.
It also has a special advantage of a blade cutting effect, especially on myofascial trigger points
and adhesive scar tissues to eliminate the root cause of intractable pain. MRA not only can
make magical pain relief effects quickly, but also can obtain long-term treatment effects to
achieve the result of curing intractable pain of soft tissue injury! MRA is a safe and effective
acupuncture therapy which should be promoted to the world to help patients get relief from
refractory pain!
Dr. Guojian Huang had 11 years training of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine at
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, and Peking Union Medical College (PUMC), China. Dr.
Guojian Huang started his medical training at Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (now Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine) in 1983, and then he was a residency doctor and a faculty member in the Internal Medicine of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1988. He pursued his Master degree at the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from 1991 to 1994. Dr. Huang received his PhD in Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in 1997. Dr. Huang was physician doctor and specialist worked at the Beijing-China Friendship Clinical Medicine Research Institute. Dr.Huang then took a postdoctoral position at the University of Manitoba Medical School in Canada in 1998.
Dr. Huang spent over 30 years practice in China and Canada. Since 2005, Dr. Huang has established a private practice at Ankang Acupuncture Healing Center in Winnipeg, Canada. Dr. Huang is specialized in Mini-Ren Acupuncture Therapy, Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy,
Subcutaneous Needling (FSN) for pain management and treatment of infertility, various common and difficult diseases.
He has edited and authored the “Collections of Single Chinese Herbal Medicine Application”, “Collections of Single Acupuncture Point Application “, and co-edited the “Full Book of Health Care for Middle-aged People”. Dr. Huang has over 50 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Currently, Dr. Huang is the President of the Alliance of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine of
Canada (AACMC), President of the Canadian Ankang Acupuncture Healing Center, President of
Manitoba Professional Acupuncture Association (MPAA), President of the Canada Mini-Ren
Acupuncture Therapy Association, President of the Canadian Branch of the World TCM Acupoint
Catgut-Embedding Therapy Society, Vice President of the Canadian Institute of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine Research (CIAAMR), and Executive Director of the World Chinese Forum of
Traditional Chinese Medicine. He also serves as Executive Director of the Zhongjing Heritage and
Innovation Professional Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Dr.
Huang is an active member of International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), and member of the Canadian Pain Society (CPS).
Dr. Huang is dedicated to promoting fundamental principles and healing approach of Mini-Ren
Acupuncture Therapy. Dr Huang has been invited as mentor of Mini-Ren Acupuncture Therapy for
Pain Management training courses in Winnipeg, Toronto, Vancouver, San Francisco, as well as in
European countries in the past 2 years.

Topic: Scalp-Acupuncture Treating ADHD and Neurological Disorders
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 13:15, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 21:15,北京时间2月29日5:15
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 13:15,England London Time Feb 28th 21:15, Beijing Time Feb 29th 5:15
在本次国际演讲中,史博士将从多动症和脑部疾病的诊断、症状识别、深度鉴别、临床流程、有效针法等方面进行介绍。 她将在讲座和视频中分享她的成功案例,效果惊人。她的专长是利用头针治疗神经系统疾病,影响着世界各地的患者。她的演讲重点介绍注意力缺陷多动症,使参会者可以从丰富的信息与实用的临床知识中受益,使他们可以在医疗领域应用实用的临床知识。
史灵芝(Linda Hao),黑龙江中医药大学中医针灸学博士, 师从全国名医孙申田精修神经头针,焦氏头针传承人。现任美国国家健康中心主席, 神经针灸研究院暨国际头针学院创始人, 世中联头针专委会副会长, 欧洲头针学会名誉顾问及专家。
史灵芝博士是创新运用神经头针治疗儿童自闭症、多动症和三联体综合征,小儿脑瘫,脊髓小脑共济失调症SCA-15等疑难病的先驱。她擅长治疗脑中风、脑损伤、多发性硬化症、脊髓损伤、及其它神经系统疾病。多年来,她治疗治愈来自美国各阶层民众,知名人士和世界各地的疑难病患者,以针灸的显著疗效得到了美国及国际社会的认可。她曾多次接受美国电视如Action 7 News采访及媒体报纸杂志报道。2017 年 2 月, 美国主流电视台Fox News, 及Global Dragon 报道了神经头针专题采访。美国新墨西哥州报纸分别于2019年 2月4日Journal North 和 2019年2月10日Albuquerque Journal 在头版头条以“ The Point of Hope”为题报道了头针治疗神经系统疾病的写实故事,首次在舆论界肯定了头针治疗疑难病的神奇疗效!
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological-developmental disorder. It is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children and adults. An estimated 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults have ADHD. It has its social, physical, and emotional impacts on patients and their families.
Scalp acupuncture is a breakthrough contemporary acupuncture technique in the treatment of brain diseases integrating traditional Chinese needling methods with Western medical knowledge of representative areas of the cerebral cortex. It has been proven to be a most effective technique for treating central nervous system disorders.
In this international lecture, Dr. Linda Hao is going to present the diagnosis of ADHD and brain disorders, identifying symptoms, in-depth differentiation, clinical procedures, and effective needle technique. She will share her success stories with amazing results in her lecture and a video. Her specialty in neurological disorders utilizing scalp acupuncture impacts patients worldwide. Her presentation highlights ADHD so audience can benefit from the wealth of information with practical clinical knowledge which they can apply in their medical field.
We’ll deepen our knowledge and skills as we prepare to take on the challenges of treating patients with neurological disorders utilizing scalp-acupuncture, changing and giving back to them a better life.
Dr. Linda Hao, aka Lingzhi Shi, received her Doctorate Degree in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture from Heilongjiang TCM University in Harbin, China, with specialty in neuro-acupuncture. She is the President of the National Healthcare Center in Albuquerque, NM, the founder of the Academy of International Scalp Acupuncture, and the co-founder and full professor of the Neuro-Acupuncture Institute. Dr. Linda Hao is appointed Honorary Adviser and Expert of European Association of Scalp Acupuncture.
She is the Vice President to the Specialty Committee of Head Acupuncture of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.
Dr. Linda Hao is a pioneer in the neuro-acupuncture treatment of children with Autism, ADHD, Trisomy 18, and other difficult neurological disorders worldwide. She specializes in the treatment of cerebral palsy, stroke, traumatic brain injury, MS, and paralysis, etc. Her patients come from all walks of life including celebrities in USA and abroad. Her work has garnered national and international recognition, and her accomplishments have been broadcasted many times by local and national TV like Fox News, Action 7 News and newspapers, bringing widespread acceptance of Scalp Acupuncture throughout the world. The Albuquerque Journal on February 10, 2019 and Journal North on February 4, 2019 headlined an article “Point of Hope,” illustrating the great accomplishments in the treatment of neurological diseases.
Dr. Linda Hao has many years of teaching experience, presenting seminars domestically and internationally, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Netherland, and Denmark, etc. She has trained students around the globe in the field of scalp-acupuncture. She is the co-author of the book Chinese Scalp Acupuncture and has published numerous articles in medical journals in English and Chinese. She has authored a chapter AUTISM in Acupuncture for Brain, Sept. 2020, published by Springer, and in numerous western medicine books & journals on scalp-acupuncture.
Dr. Linda Hao was awarded in Nov. 2020 the Feng Fan Award for her accomplishment in academic exchange of the teaching of TCM by the World Federation Organization. She is one of Top Ten Honorees in the Hundred Professionals Hundred Schools Award, by the World TCM Forum, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Academy of Science in Chinese Medicine, and Beijing Government in June, 2016. She received Certificate of Excellent Thesis Award 2003 in China, Outstanding Women of the Year of New Mexico, USA in 1998, and a Certificate of Outstanding Achievement in Acupuncture from the House of Representative of the State of NM in 1997.

Topic: A Brief Discussion on the common Psychiatric and Psychological Factors and their Treatment Strategies
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 14:30, 英国伦敦时间2月27日22:30,北京时间2月28日6:30
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 14:30,England London Time Feb 27th 22:30, Beijing Time Feb 28th 6:30
A Brief Discussion on the common Psychiatric and Psychological Factors and their Treatment Strategies
Dr Lihong Liu, PhD, male, was born in 1958, from Xiangxiang, Hunan Province, China. Currently, he is the Chairman of Beijing Tongyou Sanhe Traditional Chinese Medicine Development Foundation. Dr. Liu studied Chinese medicine at Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Chengdu University of Chinese Medicine, and Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, and became one of the earliest recipients of a doctoral degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine when the P.R.C. first established Ph.D. programs in this discipline in 1992.
In addition to the academic education under the mentorship of Professor Chen Zhiheng and the late Shanghan expert Professor Chen Yiren, as well as Professor Deng Tietao, outside the institutional TCM setting, he sought out instruction from the late Chinese medicine cosmology scholar Li Yangbo, the Daoist medicine expert Wang Qingyu, the Shanghan physician Zeng Rongxiu, the Yijing master Zeng Yisheng, the emergency medicine specialist Li Ke, and a host of other local physicians whose practice is still characterized by the highly traditional and locale-specific flavor of classical Chinese medicine. In 2006, Dr. Liu worshipped Lu’s family of the Sichuan Fire Spirit School in Qin’an and studied Fu Yang medicine under Medical forest Vulcan Lu Chonghan. In 2015, under the mentorship of master Yang Zhenhai, Dr. Liu practiced Huangdi Neizhen.
Today, Dr. Liu serves as a Distinguished Professor at Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, and has emerged as one of China’s foremost experts on the Shanghan lun, as well as the Yijing (Book of Change). He is also at the forefront of a Chinese renaissance movement that aims at reviving the depth and the core values of Classical Chinese Medicine. In his capacity as a scholar, he has recently published the influential books, Sikao zhongyi (Contemplating Chinese Medicine, 2003), Kaiqi zhongyi zhi men (Opening the Door to Chinese Medicine, 2004), The True Biography of Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2005, Fu Yang Forum, 2008, and Huangdi Neizhen, 2016. Over the past decades, Dr. Liu has spared no effort in exploring the excellent folk schools of Chinese medicine and spreading the traditional culture and philosophy of Chinese medicine, which has been influential at home and abroad.

Topic: A clinical study on Acupuncture combined with Chinese herbal medicine in treating Anxiety disorder
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 11:50, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 19:50,北京时间2月29日3:50
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 11:50,England London Time Feb 28th 19:50, Beijing Time Feb 29th 3:50
现任加拿大针灸中医学院董事长,加拿大S-T 自然医学中心医学专家,加拿大新斯科舍省针灸与自然疗法协会理事长(1993年创办成立),世界中医药学会联合会套针专业委员会副会长。世中联慢性病专业委员会副会长,世中联药膳食疗研究专业委员会常务理事。
在加拿大近30年中,他专心致志研究西方各种有效自然疗法和中医,在国际自然医学和世界针联会议上多次发表论文。陈博士一直潜心钻研采用自然疗法和中医治疗现代多元性化学敏感症,书写10多万字的著作,此研究成果填补了中医和针灸在此课题上的空白。陈博士在加拿大为发扬中医文化奋斗了三十多年,多次受到加拿大省督, 省长和市长的颁奖。
In this clinical study, 80 cases with anxiety were observed. 45 cases that were treated with acupuncture combined with Chinese herbal medicine while 35 cases were treated with Chinese herbal medicine only.
The result showed that the effective rate of the group using acupuncture combined with Chinese herbal medicine was 91.2%, while the group with Chinese herbal medicine only was 63%. In 30 days observed period, patients treated by acupuncture combined with Chinese herbal medicine recovered faster and better from the anxiety disorder than those patients treated by Chinese herbal medicine alone. There is a significant difference between the two groups (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine is more effective treatment for anxiety disorder than treatment using Chinese herbal medicine alone.
Key words: anxiety disorder, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine.
Dr. Chen is the Chairman of the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, medical expert at S-T Natural Medicine Centre, president of the Acupuncture and Naturopathy Association of Nova Scotia since 1993. He also serves as vice-chairman of the specialty committee of Trocar of World Federation of Chinese Medicine societies, Director of the specialty committee of medicated diet and diet-therapy of WFCMS.
Dr. Chen is proficient in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and western Naturopathic Medicine, and he is frequently interviewed and invited as a guest speaker on Canadian TV programs and newspapers to promote the culture of Chinese medicine to local community.
Dr. Chen was born into a medical family. He studied medicine with his grandfather since he was a child, and he followed the famous acupuncture Master Zhang Jin as his mentor. Dr. Chen holds a Canadian master’s degree and Natural Medicine degree. Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. in Acupuncture from Heilongjiang University of Chinese medicine, China.
He is the founder of the Canadian College of Natural Medicine in 1998 and has trained students all across the Canada. In 2008, Dr. Chen and Dr. Diana Li decided to change the college’s name as the Canadian College of Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. The education has focused on acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Dr. Chen and Dr. Diana Li co-authored several English-language TCM textbooks for students.
Over the past 30 years in Canada, Dr. Chen devoted himself to studying various effective natural therapies and traditional Chinese medicine and has published many papers at the International Natural Medicine and World Acupuncture Conferences. Dr. Chen spent over 30 years in research and treatment of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) disease and become an expert in this field. Dr. Chen has devoted himself to the practice of natural therapies and traditional Chinese medicine to treat modern multiple chemical hypersensitivities and authored a 100,000-words book on MCS that fills a gap in Chinese medicine on this subject. Dr. Chen has received numerous awards from Lieutenant Governor, Premier of Nova Scotia and city mayor for his contribution and achievements of promoting Chinese Medicine culture.

Topic: Acupressure for mental health applying five elements theory of the Traditional Chinese Medicine
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 11:00, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 19:00,北京时间2月29日3:00
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 11:00,England London Time Feb 28th 19:00, Beijing Time Feb 29th 3:00
李彤博士是加拿大针灸中医学院 院长,加拿大中医针灸学会 副会长,加拿大中医针灸学会新斯科舍省分会会长,世针联执委委员,世界中医药学会联合会心身医学专业委员会副会长. 加拿大中醫院校聯盟會 副会长
在1998年李彤博士与陈实成博士一起创始是加拿大自然医学学院,此学院在2008年改名为加拿大针灸中医学院, 加拿大针灸中医学院专注于中医与针灸的教育,至今己培养了众多的优秀的合格的针灸师服务于加拿大、美国及其他国家。
李彤博士与陈实成博士一起编辑和出版了一系列英文书籍包括:中医基础学,李-陈点穴按摩放松, 李-陈点穴治疗痛症, 李-陈点穴经络按摩,供学生们更好地学习中医。
This presentation will focus on using a special acupressure technique, by applying the five elements theory to balance the five emotions to achieve emotional well being. This will help individuals cope with anxiety, depression and daily stress through the use of self-healing acupressure techniques. Over 30 years clinical study and practice, this unique acupressure techniques were taught and used for by thousands practitioners in mental health care.
Dr. Diana Tong Li is the founder and president of the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM), the Vice President of the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada (CMAAC), as well the president of the Nova Scotia chapter of CMAAC. She is also an executive committee member of the World Federation of the Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies.
Dr. Li is the pioneer to set up the first-ever acupuncture clinic in Atlantic Canada. Dr. Li continues in promoting Chinese medicine to local communities and trained hundreds of qualified Acupuncture practitioners. She received her Ph.D. in Acupuncture from the Heilongjian University of Chinese Medicine.
Dr. Li has worked tirelessly to conduct research, attend, and speak at national and international conferences.
Dr. Li’s expertise has led to be an expert in treating infertility patients with the unique fertility program. Dr. Li often dedicates herself to a variety of media organizations, such as CBC, ATV, The Chronicle Herald. In 2013, Dr. Li was elected to the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies.
Dr. Li has published several specialized English textbooks; include Dr. Li-Chen Acupressure Massage for Relaxation and Health, Dr. Li-Chen Acupressure Massage Treating Pain Conditions, Di. Li-Chen Acupressure Meridian Massage, Dr. Li-Chen Acupressure Massage Treating Common Illness and Traditional Chinese Medicine Foundations.

Lara Lopes
Topic: Qigong and Tuina for Autism Spectrum Disorders
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日8:50, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 16:50,北京时间2月29日00:50
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 8:50,England London Time Feb 28th 16:50, Beijing Time Feb 29th 00:50
自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)等普遍存在的神经发育疾病正在急剧增加(根据美国国家健康统计,2015年有1/45名儿童)。大多数疗法只有在每周使用大量时间(例如ABA治疗每周40小时)时才有效。国家卫生系统的候补名单很多,无法为每个孩子提供所有推荐的小时数。那些由家庭成员支持的治疗确实很昂贵,而且大多数人都无法获得(根据美国疾病控制和预防中心的数据,解决自闭症的费用估计每个孩子一生的费用为320万美元)。无人看管的儿童面临着不健康,挣扎和社交不适应的巨大风险。一种针对ASD儿童的中医生物反馈技术–气功感觉训练按摩–(QST) 的功效已得到很好的证明(美国),照顾者每天只需15分钟即可轻松提供。最近的研究证实了其通过常规神经科学分析实现某些生物标志物的可行性。发现触觉纤维C损伤在ASD患者中很常见,这可能解释了为什么在感觉减敏的情况下获得了调节增益。2018年的一项研究开发了一种协议来测量QST涉及的某些神经机制。结果表明接受QST按摩的儿童的副交感神经音调增加更多,并且在干预后观察情绪面孔时,副交感神经音调受到的影响更大(降低)。额叶前额叶对情绪面孔的反应也更大。最近,我们研究组进行了3例3-6岁的葡萄牙ASD儿童的QST临床病例(论文正在准备中),临床改善建议与美国的研究结果非常相似。MORA®生物共振是一种基于量子物理学的诊断和治疗技术,其历史渊源来自于Voll博士的电针研究。这种创新的方法是在70年代中期发展起来的,它将量子物理学中的波和频率的原理转移到了医学技术中。在过去的几年里,心理生物音模块(PB)旨在治疗身体疾病,尤其是心理或精神疾病。ASD是一种可用的治疗方案。 据介绍,病人可能会从β状态切换到α状态。我们想用定量脑电图(QEEG)来记录大脑的电势活动,以验证这一假设。为此,我们已经完成了一项调查, 并通过了105名葡萄牙儿童(5-6岁)经心理计量学验证的ASD诊断量表“ EASPEA”。根据目前的方案,我们将他们随机分为3组(每组35名ASD儿童)以开始初步研究。
研究问题:我们的目的是要发现,通过QEEG测量的神经生理脑电波(α,δ,θ,β)的差异是否可能在针对ASD的每周8次MORA PB治疗后和每日QST干预5个月后发生。
Lara Lopes博士是心理学专家,中医学硕士,在波尔图大学攻读生物医学博士学位。Lara Lopes博士在多个专业学校和诊所担任培训师以及心理学和中医学科的临床医生,具有丰富的专业经验。她的研究工作始于硕士学位论文的实验研究,主题为“白球气功对听觉注意的急性影响:通过Biopac反应时间测量进行的随机对照研究”。她的研究兴趣集中在中医临床对神经心理学水平可能产生的影响,尤其是对患有神经发育障碍的儿童。传统的植物性生物反馈疗法(“气功”)和以ELT(情感释放疗法)进行轻拍是一些可能值得测试的技术。
Pervasive neurodevelopmental diseases such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are dramatically increasing (1/45 children, according to USA National Health Statistic, 2015). Most of therapies are effective only when given with a large amount of hours per week (e.g., 40 hours/week for ABA Therapy). National Health Systems have huge waiting lists and cannot provide all the recommended hours per child. Those therapies, supported by family members, are truly expensive and not accessible for most people (addressing autism costs an estimated $3.2 million in lifetime costs per child according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA). Non-attended children are at big risk of growing unhealthy, struggling and social unadapt.A TCM biofeedback technique for ASD Children – the qigong sensory training massage – (QST) have efficacy well proven (USA) and may be easily provided by caregivers, with just 15 minutes per day. Recent studies preconized its feasibility achieving some biomarkers from a conventional neuroscience analysis. Tactile Fibers-C impairment was found to be common in ASD people, this might explain why with sensory desensitization regulatory gains were obtained. A 2018 study developed a protocol to measure some neural mechanisms involved in QST. Results suggest that a parasympathetic tone increased more in children receiving QST massage and, while viewing emotional faces post-intervention, parasympathetic tone was more affected (reduced). Also the prefrontal cortex response to emotional faces was greater. Recently, our research group conducted 3 QST clinical cases with Portuguese ASD Children 3-6 years old (paper in preparation) and clinical improvements suggest to be very similar to the USA findings.MORA® Bioresonance is a diagnostically and therapeutic technique based on the findings of quantum physics and with historical roots on Dr. Voll ́s Electroacupuncture findings. This innovative method, developed in the mid 70 ́s, transfers the principle of waves and frequencies, from quantum physics to medical technology. In the last years, the psycho-biophony module (PB) was designed to treat physical but especially psychological or mental disorders. ASD is a therapeutical programme available. It is stated that the patient may switches from beta to alpha state. We want to check this assumption using the Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) to record the electrical potential brain activity. For that purpose we already accomplished a survey and “Escala de Avaliação da Criança com Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo” (EACPEA), a Psychometric validated Scale for ASD Diagnosis in 105 Portuguese children (5-6 years old). We will randomly divide them in 3 groups (35 ASD Children in each group) to start a preliminary study, according to the present protocol.
Research question: we aim to find whether differences in the neurophysiological brain waves (alpha, delta, theta, beta), measured by QEEG, might occur after 8 weekly sessions of MORA PB therapy for ASD and after 5 months of daily QST intervention.
Dr. Lara Lopes is a psychologist and a Master in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ph.D candidate in Biomedical Sciences at University of Porto. Dr. Lara Lopes has professional experience as Trainer and a clinical practitioner of Psychology and TCM subjects in diverse Professional Schools and Clinics. She started her research work with an experimental study for Master Thesis about “The Acute Effect of White Ball Qigong in Perceptual Auditory Attention: a Randomized Controlled Study Done with Biopac Reaction Time Measurements”. Her research interest focuses on the effects that TCM practices may have on a neuropsychological level, especially in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Traditional Vegetative Biofeedback Therapy (“Qigong”) and Tapping as a ELT (Emotional Liberating Therapy) are some of the techniques that might be interesting to test.

John Kelly
Founder of the TCM Academy, Ireland
Topic: Acute Musculo skeletal pain and acute sports injury
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 10:05, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 18:05,北京时间2月29日2:05
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 10:05,England London Time Feb 28th 18:05, Beijing Time Feb 29th 2:05
约翰-凯利(John Kelly)博士从竞技体育运动员退役后,最初在20世纪80年代末跟随意大利的马万里(Giovanni Maciocia)教授学习针灸,随后又跟随迈克尔-麦金太尔(Michael McIntyre)学习草药。他对急性疼痛和伤病特别感兴趣,并深知许多顶级运动员需要非常快速恢复比赛或训练。自1992年以来,他一直在爱尔兰威克洛(Wicklow)全职执业。
在这个激动人心的在线演讲中,John Kelly博士介绍了一种实用的方法,可通过综合针灸技术在繁忙的诊所中治疗急性疼痛。他将综合针灸技术与他对主要经脉、经别、腧穴和奇经八脉如何工作和相互作用的动态理解想结合。
This talk discusses the importance of channel dynamics in our understanding and treatment of Acute pain and injury, and looks at the importance of this dynamics network in both the diagnosis and treatment of pain but also informs us how and why certain points work.
In this talk we are reminded that the classical literature is as relevant today as it was in the past and is better placed to inform us of this vessel systems and its interplay of energy that we can use to successfully treat pain. This talk can guide us to develop a system that works in a busy clinic, but will also allow us to understand better how other systems and treatments we already know work.
Having retired from competitive athletics, Dr. John Kelly initially studied in the late 1980’s with Giovanni Maciocia and subsequently herbal medicine with Michael McIntyre. He has a special interest in acute pain and injury and understands that many top-level athletes need to return to competition or training very quickly. He has been in full time practice in Wicklow, Ireland since 1992.

Murate Topoglu
Honorary President of Turkish Acupuncture Society
Topic: Acupuncture for migraine headache
演讲时间:温哥华时间2月28日 10:30, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 18:30,北京时间2月29日2:30
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 10:30,England London Time Feb 28th 18:30,Beijing Time Feb 29th 2:30
阳性有效率为85%。各类头痛都要用大关穴(合谷 LI4和太冲LR3)。其他穴位有百会GV20-风池GB20-天柱BL10-印堂GV29-攒竹BL2-足三里ST36。
关键词 穴位, 头痛, 偏头痛, 激光针灸
Murat Topoglu博士1984年毕业于度库兹埃路尔大学医学院(Dokuz Eylül University),并于同年在瑞士开始了他的首次针灸学习。 1985年,他在卫生部斯里兰卡科伦坡的针灸学院学习深造。 1988年,他去中国学习进修针灸治疗学。 1990年12月5日至8日,应世界针联(WFAS)和世界卫生组织(WHO)邀请参加了在法国巴黎举行的第二届世界中医药大会,并发表了关于肥胖症的演讲。
他是世界针联(WFAS) 2009和2012世界耳穴疗法学院,2018年世界中医药联合会及2019年知识网络在线网络研讨会的执行委员。
Headache is common symptoms almost for all people Acupuncture is very effective treatments for all kinds of headache.
The positive effective rate is 85%
Big gates points must be used
(LI 4 and LR 3) for all types of headache al the time. The other points are GV20-GB20-BL10-Yingtang-BL2-ST36
Keywords: Acupoints, headache, migraine laser acupuncture
Murat TOPOĞLU graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Medicine in 1984 and started his first acupuncture studies in Switzerland in the same year. In 1985 he was educated at the Acupuncture Academy in Colombo, Sri-Lanka by the Ministry of Health. In 1988 he went to China to master the acupuncture treatment. On 5-8 December 1990, WFAS and WHO (World Health Organization) invited to the 2nd World congress in Paris, France and presented a paper on Obesity.
He is an executive member of WFAS The World Academy of Auricular Medicine 2009 and 2012, the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2018, Network of Knowledge online webinar 2019.

Roger Jahnke
演讲题目:中医的身心疗法- 气功和太极拳安全性,有效性,机理和宣传
Topic: The Mind-Body Practices of Chinese Medicine – Qigong and Tai Chi: Safety, Efficacy, Mechanisms and Dissemination
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 08:00, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 16:00,北京时间2月29日00:00
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 08:00,England London Time Feb 28th 16:00, Beijing Time Feb 29th 00:00
Roger Jahnke, 东方医学博士,曾在健康行动综合医学诊所担任医师总管,有30多年的临床实践经验。他是国家气功协会、整体气功和太极研究所以及内在治疗师(Healer Within)基金会的创始人。他著有两本备受推崇的心身修炼书籍《心身修炼 Mind-Body Practice》和《内在治疗师和医治的诺言 The Healer Within and The Healing Promise》,并在书本和研究期刊上发表了大量文章。Jahnke曾为包括美国医学协会、美国医院协会和国家健康研究所在内的著名机构做演讲或咨询。
It has now become obvious that all mind-body methods have especially robust influence on naturally occurring, inner healing resources including neuro-endocrine, immune, telomere functionality, vagal tone – as well as brain plasticity, lymph propulsion, etc. The integration of Body Practice, Breath Practice and Mind Focusing Practice is common across all systems of Mind-body Practice – Qigong, Yoga, Tai Chi and many others – originating from indigenous cultures and contemporary innovation. The evidence base for safety and efficacy is robust. The research on operant mechanisms is very advanced. Research on dissemination is growing rapidly.
Participants in these mind-body modalities report that the effects of practice are significant in the mental emotional context as well. Every physiological and every psychological effect of mind-body practice releases a cascade of functional enhancement effects. Relaxation lowers blood pressure and shifts the neurotransmitter profile – causing immune activation. Deeper breaths accelerate lymph propulsion and tone the vagal system, which then triggers a wide array of health maximizing functions including recovery of telomere functionality.
To demonstrate that Mind-Body Practice – Qigong and Tai Chi – are a relevant component of any integrative medicine program or community based health resiliency program, Dr Jahnke will cite research on safety, efficacy, mechanisms activated and dissemination of Mind-Body Practice.
Roger Jahnke, OMD, served as Chief of Staff at Health Action Integrative Medicine Clinic for over 30 years of clinical practice. He is the founder of the National Qigong Association as well as the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi and the Healer Within Foundation. He is the author of two highly respected books on Mind-Body Practice, The Healer Within and The Healing Promise, as well as numerus articles in texts and research journals. Jahnke has lectured to, or consulted for, prestigious institutions including the American Medical Association, The American Hospital Association and the National Wellness Institute.

Hegyi Gabriella
Topic: Acupuncture for the pain management
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 08:25, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 16:25,北京时间2月29日00:25
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 08:25,England London Time Feb 28th 16:25,Beijing Time Feb 29th 00:25
Hegyi Gabriella是医学博士,擅长内科、职业医学和康复,她在匈牙利布达佩斯的圣斯蒂芬大学(University of St. Stephan)完成了医学科学博士学位。她于1989年在布达佩斯建立了东西方医学结合的山本康复研究所(Yamamoto rehabilitation Institute)兼任所长。自1997年以来,她是卫生部咨询委员会的成员,自1986年以来在大学为医生组织中医、神经治疗和补充替代医学相关课程。在过去的16年里,他一直是匈牙利生物物理学协会的主席,匈牙利医学针灸协会主席,CAMbrella研究员,泛欧补充替代医学CAM项目研究员,北约补充替代医学CAM项目研究员,是2015年成立的佩奇大学中医孔子学院创始成员。她发表和出版了250多篇论文、多本书籍。过去的很多年,她一直担任6个专业医学期刊的编委。
Hegyi Gabriella is Medical Doctor, with specialization of internal medicine, working medicine and rehabilitation, she completed her Ph.D. in medical Sciences at the University of St. Stephan, Budapest, Hungary . She went on to establish and lead the efforts of Yamamoto rehabilitation Institute in Budapest in 1989 where eastern and western medicine joints. She is the member of advisory board of health Ministry since 1997, organizes the TCM, neural therapy and Cam courses at University for medical doctors since 1986. For the past 16 years, he has been the President of Hungarian Biophysical Association,
President of Hungarian Medical Acupuncture Association, researcher of CAMbrella, the Paneuropean CAM Project, researcher of NATO CAM Project, establish person of TCM Confucius Institute of Pecs University in 2015. She is the author on more than 250 papers, more books. She has been an Editorial Board Member of 6 professional medical journals in last years.

Truth Sayer
Topic: Auricular acupuncture for mental health
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 19:50, 英国伦敦时间2月29日 3:50,北京时间2月29日11:50
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 19:50,England London Time Feb 29th 3:50, Beijing Time Feb 29th 11:50
耳穴医学是中医的一个专业,它起源于《黄帝内经》和西医的一些分支。利用耳廓的微系统,耳穴医学已经发展成为对身体的所有生物系统进行诊断和治疗的极为复杂的系统。诊断非常全面和准确,在没有病人访谈或病史的情况下,仅检查一项就可以为医生提供比病人的入院文件更多的信息。 治疗可以在几秒钟内缓解急性疼痛。耳穴诊断还包括边缘系统和心理困扰。Truth Sayer医生的讲座将讨论耳穴医学对心理不适的诊断和治疗,并包括许多她临床实践中的有趣案例。
Truth Sayer,针灸和东方医学博士DAOM,东方医学医师Dip.OM,执业针灸师LAc,执业婚姻和家庭治疗师LMFT,拥有针灸和东方医学博士学位,中医理学硕士学位,三个心理学硕士学位和中国语言学学士学位。她是加州东方医学会名誉会长,曾任旧金山美国中医学院教员。她具有20年的临床经验,是世界著名、世界卫生组织公认的耳针医学顶级专家黄丽春医生(中国)的十年弟子。Truth Sayer曾多次在美国和台湾地区的研讨会和学术会议上担任演讲嘉宾,包括2009年和2012年世界耳针疗法医学会,2018年世界中医药联合会世界中医药大会,2019年知识网络在线网络研讨会。Truth Sayer是耳针与超凡医学研究所的创始人和首席教师。
Auricular Medicine is a specialty within Traditional Chinese Medicine that has its roots in the Huang Di Nei Jing and some of its branches in Western Medicine. Using the micro-system of the Auricle, Auricular Medicine has developed into an incredibly sophisticated system of both diagnosis and treatment of all bio-systems of the body. The diagnosis is remarkably comprehensive and accurate. Without a patient interview, or history, the examination alone provides the doctor with more information than the patient’s intake paperwork. Treatment can relieve acute pain within seconds. Auricular diagnosis also includes the limbic system and psychological distress. Dr. Truth Sayer’s lecture will discuss diagnosis and treatment of psychological complaints with Auricular Medicine and will include many interesting cases from her clinical practice.
Truth Sayer, DAOM, Dip.OM, LAc, LMFT, has a doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, a Master’s of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine, three Masters Degrees in Psychology and a Bachelors in Chinese Linguistics. She is President Emeritus of the California State Oriental Medical Association, and a former faculty member of the American College of
Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco. She has 20 years of clinical experience and has been the disciple for ten years, of Dr Huang Li Chun, MD(China), LAc., world famous physician, teacher, and WHO recognized top expert in Auricular Medicine. Truth Sayer has been a guest presenter at numerous gatherings and conferences in the US and Taiwan, including
The World Academy of Auricular Medicine 2009 and 2012, the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2018, Network of Knowledge online webinar 2019. TruthSayer is Founder and Chief Faculty of the Institute of Auricular and Transcendental Medicine.

博士 教授
Topic: The 5 Acu-points Scalp Acupuncture Treatment for Neurological and Psychological Disorders: Application and Advantages
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 08:50, 英国伦敦时间2月27日16:50,北京时间2月28日00:50
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 08:50,England London Time Feb 27th 16:50,Beijing Time Feb 28th 00:50
王教授本科和博士毕业于南京中医药大学针灸推拿专业,曾经担任英国东伦敦大学中医针灸专业全职高级讲师、针灸诊所主任,和英国自然医学院针灸课程主任。现为英国伦敦中医针灸学院院长,南京中医大学客座教授,英国王博士中医针灸诊所和脑病中心主任,南京中医药大学英国中心硕博研究生海外导师,世中联头针专业委员会副主任委员,英国头针研究会会长,多个海外杂志审稿人,多次参加国际学术大会和应邀大会主题发言,发表数十篇中英文论文,在全球举办五十多次中医针灸尤其是脑病相关的学习班。2020年与世界著名科技和医学出版社Springer合作出版了英文专著《Acupuncture for Brain, Treatment for Neurological and Psychologic Disorders(针灸脑病学)》
Neurological and Psychological Disorders are an important part of TCM brain diseases, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, and irritable bowel syndrome, among others. Traditional acupuncture has rich experience in treating these diseases with certain proven efficacy. With the development of encephalopathy in traditional Chinese medicine, more and more attention is paid to the use of scalp acupuncture and the acu-points of the Governor Vessel that belong to the brain. The 5 Acu-points Scalp Acupuncture is a combination of five commonly used stimulation acu-points on the head, which have their own unique fundamental and clinical effectiveness for the treatment of common neurological and psychological disorders, together with scalp acupuncture special manipulations, which have the clinical application and advantages of TCM acupuncture. The scalp acupuncture manipulation is easy to learn with hands-on skills in clinical setting.
Prof. Dr. Tianjun Wang graduated from Acupuncture Program, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (NJUCM) in 1989. Dr. Wang received his PhD at NJUCM, specializing Acupuncture treatment for depression. He had worked as a Medical Doctor and Acupuncturist in a Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Nanjing, China for 18 years. Prior to UK, Dr. Wang was a clinical supervisor and an Associate Professor at NJUCM. From 2001 to 2003, he worked as a Lecturer and Acupuncturist at the Mediterranean Regional Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine (MRCTCM), Malta. After moving to the UK in 2007, Dr Wang joined the University of East London as a senior lecturer and director of UEL Acupuncture Clinic until December 2014. He has been a Visiting Professor of Liaoning University of Chinese Medicine since 2009 and guest Professor of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China since 2017. He was acupuncture course director and senior lecturer at the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) during 2015-17.
Currently, Dr. Wang is the President of London Academy of Chinese Acupuncture (LACA), Director of TJ Acupuncture Clinic and Brain Care Centre in London, Professor and Director of Master and PhD program at the UK Centre of NJUCM and Shulan College of Chinese Medicine, UK.
Dr Wang is the Vice President of the scalp acupuncture committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) and the President of the British Institute of Scalp Acupuncture. Dr. Wang is a reviewer of a dozen of academic peer-reviewed journals. He has been given a great number of conference talks and seminars, particularly on the subject of the brain.
The specialties of Dr. Wang are depression relief, Brain Health Care, Pain Management, Fertility Support and Women’s Health. He has authored or co-authored over 20 publications. He is the author of the book Acupuncture for Brain, Treatment for Neurological and Psychologic Disorders, published by Springer in 2020.

Topic: Shen Qi concept and TCM psychiatry
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 15:55, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 23:55,北京时间2月29日 7:55
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 15:55,England London Time Feb 28th 23:55, Beijing Time Feb 29th 7:55
The concept of the Ben Shen (本神) is derived from the internal classics, Neijing(内经) which systematically discusses the theory and practice of the TCM mental energy theory. Although few TCM practitioners in later generations systematically sorted out and discussed this theory, its content still played an important guiding role in the clinical treatment of mental illness in TCM. The essence of Ben Shen is that clinical treatment should be based on human shen, i.e. the human mental status. In particular, the clinical treatment of mental illness must be based on human shen. Therefore, as a Chinese medicine clinician, who must know the pattern differentiation of human mental energy.
In this lecture, we will first discuss the source of the original Ben Shen theory, understand the shen qi concept and its clinical application. It is not difficult to see from the medical practice of Chinese medicine clinical mental illness treatment for thousands of years that understanding the shen qi concept and its clinical characteristics of pattern differentiation are the key points for treating mental illness.
According to the theory of Neijing, when treating mental illness, it is necessary to understand the state of people’s mental state and the characteristics of human mental activities, and the theory of shen qi makes this theory a reality and make the mind theory of Chinese medicine very practical. Shen qi theory solves the assessment of mental state, pattern diagnosis and corresponding treatment of Chinese medicine, improving the accuracy of treatment and the clinical efficacy.
According to the mental energy theory of Neijing, the lecture will briefly discuss the basic concepts and clinical applications of the four aspects, namely the ben shen psychology, the ben shen health preservation, the ben shen acupuncture and the ben shen herbology. These are the four basic contents of the ben shen healing system. This lecture will provide participants with a novel and traditional clinical treatment perspective and ideas, which is very helpful for the treatment of mental illness.
Dr. Yang graduated from Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine in 1984. He obtained a master’s degree in diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine in 1987 and stayed on as a teacher. In 1990, he went to Japan Aichi Medical University to study psychiatry, and then obtained a doctorate in psychiatry from Kobe University in 1998, Japan. Dr. Yang currently teaches master’s and doctoral courses at Alhambra Medical University and other Chinese medicine universities, and he has been treating patients in his personal clinics for many years. Dr. Yang is also active in national and local eeducation courses. Dr. Yang led his professional team to establish the American Intitude of Mental Health in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2008 and served as the CEO. Dr. Yang is the Vice Chairman of Board of Specialty Committee of Psychosomatic Medicine and the Council Vice Director of Board of Specialty Committee of Mental Diseases of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.
Dr. Yang has unique experience and achievements in general internal medicine, especially in psychiatry. A total of dozens of papers and works have been published before and after. His doctoral research paper on the post-mortem brain of schizophrenia was published as the first cover article in 1998 in the American Journal of Biopsychiatry. In 1996, Dr. Yang participated in a seminar of young Chinese and Japanese psychiatrists held in Shanghai, and published a paper entitled “Earthquake Disaster in the Eyes of Psychiatrists” with his own experience of earthquake rescue.
From his long-term medical treatment and research, Dr. Yang’s treatment of schizophrenia, affective disorders, and neurosis is unique, and his theory is based on the Inner Classic (Huangdi Neijing). Dr. Yang proposed the Ben Shen Acupuncture, Ben Shen Herbology, Ben Shen Conservation and Ben Shen Psychology. Regard these knowledges and understanding, he finally has published these 4 books in 2019. It provides a more comprehensive concept and treatment system for TCM mental illness and hopes to inherit and develop this specialty for the future.

Topic: Acupuncture and Moxibustion for the Treatment of Pain Syndrome
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日11:25, 英国伦敦时间2月28日19:25,北京时间2月29日3:25
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 11:25,England London Time Feb 28th 19:25,Beijing Time Feb 29th 3:25
2,痛症治疗中,特殊手法的运用: 结合《灵枢·官针》篇和自身临床经验,谈如何根据病位深浅, 病情轻重,选择不同的针刺手法。
殷晓雪博士现为加拿大安省注册针灸师和中医师(general level),原北京大学第三医院副教授,副主任医师。2003-2016年曾在北医三院骨科从事临床和科研工作,主要工作和研究方向是中西医结合治疗骨科和创伤疾病及骨与软骨细胞及细胞外基质研究、骨质疏松等。曾作为课题负责人承担国家自然科学基金两项,国内外期刊发表论文20余篇,参与编写及翻译骨科专著多本。
1989年至1997年,陕西中医学院中西医结合骨伤专业,获得学士及硕士学位。2000年至2003年于北京大学第三医院攻读骨外科博士,2003年获得北京大学医学博士学位。 2007.4-2008.7 在美国西雅图University of Washington Medical Center 骨科和运动医学系骨科实验室从事博士后工作。
目前在加拿大,除了临床工作,殷博士还担任多伦多中医教育机构Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine的学术主任和资深讲师,为加拿大培养了众多的中医和针灸从业人员。
Combining 《Nei Jing》 and personal treatment experience, some unique principles and manipulations of acupuncture and moxibustion in treating pain syndrome will be discussed.
- The uniqueness of acupuncture point selection in the treatment of pain syndrome: the point selection for the treatment of pain is different from that for the treatment of of internal diseases
- The application of special techniques in the treatment of pain syndrome : Combining the chapter of “Lingshu·Guan zhen” and own clinical experience, discuss how to choose different acupuncture techniques according to the depth of the disease and the severity of the disease.
- Share some clinic cases.
Dr. Xiaoxue Yin is a CTCMPAO registered Acupuncturist and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) practitioner. She was a medical doctor holding Ph. D degree and practicing integrated TCM and Western medicine specialized in Traumatology and Orthopaedics for over 20 years in a first-class general hospital in China before going overseas. She did her post doctoral research in the department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine at University of Washington Medical Center before coming to Canada.
Dr. Yin received her Bachelor degree in TCM and Master degree major in integrated traumatology from Shaanxi University of TCM, and Ph.D. in Orthopaedic from Peking University, China. With 20 years of clinical experience and under the guidance of knowledge and theory of integrative Chinese and Western Medicine, Dr. Yin is truly an expert in the area of sports medicine, traumatology/orthopaedics, rehabilitation and general practice of acupuncture.
Except for clinic practice, Dr. Yin has been an Academic director and TCM instructor at Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine. She is one of the most popular professors and has trained numerous Acupuncture and TCM students in Toronto.

Topic: Pattern Summary of Acupuncture Syndrome and Treatment of Pain and Joint Disorders
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 16:45, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 00:45,北京时间2月28日8:45
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 16:45,England London Time Feb 28th 00:45, Beijing Time Feb 28th 8:45
吴中朝,主任医师,国家名老中医, 教授,医学博士学位。第五批全国名老中医吴中朝工作室传承指导老师,中国中医科学院博士研究生导师,中国中医科学院针灸医院主任医师。中国针灸学会经筋分会主任委员、针法灸法分会副主任委员、中国民族医药学会艾灸分会会长。为《中医杂志》、《中西医结合杂志》、《中国针灸》、《针刺研究》等编委或主审专家。长期从事中医及针灸临床工作。既能继承传统的中医药的精髓,又能不断开拓创新。理论基础扎实、临床功底深厚,具有丰富的医疗经验和较深的学术造诣。在诊治痛症、代谢性疾病及疑难病症等方面有独到的经验。思维广闊,整体辨治,针药结合,治法独到,手法特别。为中央电视台中华医药、健康之路、科技之光、北京电视台养生堂等节目的主讲专家。受众广泛,以其专业性、学术性、新颖性、实用性而获佳评。先后应邀出访数十个国家与地区进行中医针灸等学术活动、临床医疗、标准制定等。在国家中医管理局两次全国科普专家的评聘中,皆被评为国家中医药管理局中医科普巡讲专家。先后主持与参加各类课题研究20余项。其中,作为课题负责人先后主持世界卫生组织、国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、国家中医药管理局基金项目等11项,省课题1项,并参加其他各类课题10余项。其中所主持“艾灸对老年人血液净化作用研究”曾获省科技进步一等奖。其他获奖项目,分别获中国中医科学院、中国针灸学会一、二等奖各一项。在国内核心期刊发表专业论文100余篇,主编学术著作学术著作20余部,出版挂图多套。
This presentation focuses on the following 4 major aspects to discuss the meridian and acupoint treatment principle for pain syndrome and osteoarthropathy, including common causes and pathogenesis of pain syndrome and osteoarthropathy, the relationship between pain syndrome and osteoarthropathy in terms of disease location and meridian acupoints diagnosis and treatment, treatment and manipulation for pain syndrome and osteoarthropathy, and common question for acupuncture treatment for pain syndrome and osteoarthropathy. Each aspect will be elaborated in detail respectively.
Prof. Zhongchao Wu is a noted and experienced physician of Chinese medicine at the national level, serving as professor and advisor of doctoral students at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (CACMS), chief physician of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Center of CACMS. A veteran practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture and moxibustion, Wu has nearly two decades of clinical experience and has published more than 100 papers and over 20 books on the medical specialty. He is the author of the English book Gua Sha Scraping Massage Techniques: A Natural Way of Prevention and Treatment through Traditional Chinese Medicine, Practical Guide to Cupping Therapy: A Natural Approach to Heal Through Traditional Chinese Medicine, published by Shanghai Press in 2017 and 2018.
He has traveled extensively overseas for medical assignments and lectures and has been engaged in clinical teaching to local and overseas students for many years.

Topic: Clinical Research on the Benefits of “Dr. Wu’s Head Massage” in the Treatment of Insomnia
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 14:55, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 22:55,北京时间2月29日6:55
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 14:55,England London Time Feb 28th 22:55, Beijing Time Feb 29th 6:55
本文采用“吴博士头部推拿” 治疗失眠,总样本139例,试验组70例,对照组69例─采用非相关的部位“下肢推拿“,用随机对照,多中心临床试验,进行失眠治疗的对照研究。观察指标为目前学术界较为公认的:PSQI,SAS,SDS积分及随访,安全性评价。通过两组治疗前与治疗后(五次、十次、十五次)积分变化及统计学分析和治疗结束后30天的随访、安全评价,结果表明:两组间PSQI积分改善有显著差异(P值0.016/5次、0.012/10次、0.002/15次),说明治疗组疗效优于对照组。两组间SAS焦虑P值(0.347/5次、0.03/10次、0.043/15次);SDS抑郁P值(0.129/5次、0.02/10次、0.001/15次)也是随着治疗次数增加而改变,有显著差异。说明在改善失眠患者的焦虑和抑郁方面试验组优于对照组。随访两组晨起体力恢复及中医症状改善,试验组疗效优于对照组(P < 0.001)。说明头部推拿不仅有近期疗效,也还有一定的远期疗效,安全性等的评价为一级,无不良事件发生。
在追求中医的道路上,吴教授曾师从著名的针灸、气功、中药和中医专家,获得他们的真传。世界针灸学会联合会(World Federation of Acupuncture Moxibustion Society)前任主席王雪苔(Xuetai Wang)教授是他的针灸导师;联合国教科文组织认定的人类非物质文化遗产中医针灸代表性传承人及中国针法灸法研究会(China Association of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Manipulation)会长张缙教授传授给他针刺手法绝技;大成拳创始人王香斋(Xiangzhai Wang)的关门弟子,也是峨眉传人周潜川 (Qianchuan Zhou)亲传弟子的著名中医和气功专家焦国瑞 (Guorui Jiao教授,是他医学气功硕士专业的导师。此外,《抗癌中草药》的作者李永光(Yongguang Li) 教授是他脉诊和中药的老师。
吴教授奉行“读万卷书行万里路”的古训,在正规和严格的高等教育之外,他在人生的旅途中还从佛教、道教及民间吸收营养;90多岁高龄的嵩山少林寺第32代首座僧释万行 (Shiwanxing) 大师和现代著名高僧医生Miaozan都是他旅途中的良师益友。
从1989年开始,吴教授访问过日本、德国、 法国、 意大利、 奥地利、 匈牙利、 捷克斯洛伐克、 苏联、 南斯拉夫、 美国和澳大利亚等二十多个国家,并提供系列讲座及巡回治疗。已培训逾千名学生;其中医药、针灸和气功方面研究论文已在多个国家出版物上发表达50多篇;各国报纸、杂志、期刊、电视、广播等报道达300多篇。
This article investigates the use of “Dr Wu’s Head Massage” to treat insomnia. In total 139 cases were sampled with a test group consisting of 70 cases and a control group with 69 cases. A randomized controlled, multi-center clinical trial was used to conduct a controlled study on the treatment of insomnia. Observation indicators used in this study which are currently recognized by the academic community are: PSQI, SAS, SDS points and follow-up safety evaluation. Through the score changes and statistical analysis of the two groups before and after treatment (receiving treatment five times, ten times, and fifteen times for each group), and 30-day follow-up and safety evaluation after treatment,The results showed that there was a significant difference in the improvement of PSQI scores between the two groups (P value 0.016/5 times, 0.012/10 times, 0.002/15 times), indicating that the treatment group was better than the control group. The SAS anxiety P value between the two groups (0.347/5 times, 0.03/10 times, 0.043/15 times); the SDS depression P value (0.129/5 times, 0.02/10 times, 0.001/15 times) also increased with the number of treatments And change, showing a significant difference. This shows that the test group fared better than the control group in improving anxiety and depression of insomnia patients. The two groups were followed up for morning physical recovery and improvement of relevant TCM symptoms, and the efficacy of the experimental group was better than that of the control group (P <0.001). The date shows that head massage not only has short-term curative effects, but also has certain long-term curative effects. The safety evaluation is grade 1 and no adverse events occurred.
The above results indicate that head massage can control insomnia symptoms and improve sleep quality during the treatment cycle, and also has relevant long-term effects post treatment. Head massage provides a new modality and effective method for the treatment of insomnia. This method is safe and practical, convenient and worthy of further endorsement.
Keywords: insomnia, head massage, clinical research
Professor Wu is the founder and president of the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He began his medical career as a barefoot doctor following his uncle to serve local villagers in China in 1973. After 5 years of study at the Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine in Harbin, China (1978-1983), he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. After 3 years of study at China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, China, he received a Master’s Degree in Medicine in Acupuncture & Qigong. From 1985 to 1988, he was amongst the first group of graduates both in China and internationally to receive the Master’s Degree of Medicine in the Qigong Program. He later studied at the Hebei Medical University of Shijiazhuang, China, and received a Ph.D. in Chinese & Western Integrated Medicine.
Professor Wu is the vice president of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), the vice president of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), the founder and president of International Association of Wu’s Head Massage, the president and founder of International Health Qigong Federation, the chairman of the board of TCM Acupuncture Inheritance Committee of WFAS, the Ph.D. program professor of Henan University of TCM , the guest professor of Heilongjiang University of TCM & Chengdu University of TCM, editor/chief of the English/Chinese version of World Chinese Medicine(Canada) magazine, the chairman of DC Acupuncture and TCM International Inc., chairman of Dr. Wu Naturals Canada Inc., the vice chairman of the Education Guidance Work Committee of WFCMS, “Great Master of International Instructor of WFCMS,” review expert at The National Natural Science Foundation of China, invited expert at the Austrian Natural Science Foundation Committee, the direct lineal descendant of Jin Zhang, the representative of the TCM Acupuncture Intangible Culture Heritage of Humanity (authorized by UNESCO), and shortlisted and top project and expert of “100 Talents and 100 Skills” project for overseas Chinese TCM practitioners in 2017.
Since 1986, Professor Wu has visited and trained students in Japan, the United States of America, Canada, Russia, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Iran, Taiwan, and Yugoslavia. The total number of students has reached close to one thousand, with a large majority being in Austria, Hungary, and Canada.
Many of his written articles regarding TCM, acupuncture, and Qigong have been published internationally. A large number of his academic papers were also presented at international medical symposiums and conferences. There are over 300 reports in newspapers, magazines, journals, radio, and television from different countries such as Japan, U.S.A., Germany, France, Austria, Hungary, China, Yugoslavia, and Canada that feature him and his contributions. Professor Wu is also the associate editor of the second publication of “Explaining and Proofreading by Mandatory Classical Literature”《针灸大成校释》.
Professor Wu is the founder and global promoter of Wu’s Head Massage which has gradually become a popular school of thought in the overseas Chinese Medicine Community. “Wu’s Head Massage” is published in English, Hungarian and Chinese. He is experienced in clinical research of acupuncture manipulation, Qigong, insomnia treatment, uterine bleeding, infertility, and physical and psychological dysfunctions. In recent years, the strategic development, teaching, and education of overseas Chinese Medicine have been carried out to a great extent.

Topic: Application of Psychosomatic Modulation (Mind-Body Therapy) in Digestive System Disorders
演讲时间:温哥华时间2月28日 09:15, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 17:15,北京时间2月29日01:15
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 09:15,England London Time Feb 28th 17:15, Beijing Time Feb 29th 01:15
田海河博士,教授,1993年获得北京中医药大学医学博士学位。全美中医药学会ATCMA会长,美国中医校友联合会TCMAAA主席, 北京中医药大学美国校友会创会会长,北京中医药大学临床特聘专家和美国中医中心指导专家, 全美中医公会AAAOM常务理事, 世界华人中医师协会副会长, 世中联监事会副主席, 内科专业委员会, 心身医学专业委员会等副会长和多个其他专业委员会常务理事等。美国多所中医院校博士班导师。《世界中医药杂志》美国版名誉主编。
Digestive system disorders are very common illness, and are commonly and effectively treated by TCM in clinical practice. In addition to paying attention to the structure and function of the digestive system itself, the impact of mental and mood factors on the gastrointestinal tract should also be given better understanding, and the Gut health is also vital for mental health and your health overall. Both Gut and Mental health are inseparable fragments, that is called “Your second Brain in your Gut”.
This lecture will explore the Brain-Gut connections, propose the mind-body therapy as one of the essential treatment opportunities for digestive system diorders, and interpret the knowledge and clinical fundamentals of TCM treatments such as soothing the liver and relieving depression, calming the heart and tranquilizing the mind, as well as the effect of gut flora dysbiosis on the mental health.
Prof. Dr. Haihe Tian received his Ph.D. degree in Chinese medicine from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China in 1993, and was mentored there by internationally known experts in TCM. After completing his medical degree, he taught and practiced traditional Chinese medicine in the affiliated hospital of Beijing University of TCM. Dr. Tian has been a TCM practitioner and professor in the United States since 1997, serving as academic dean and clinical director at the TCM School in Tampa Bay, FL.
He has served as the President of the American TCM Association (ATCMA), President of The TCM American Alumni Association (TCMAAA), the founder and President of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine American Alumni Association (BUCMAAA), specially-appointed clinical professor at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Steering Committee member of US Center of Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (USCCM-BUCM), and is an Executive Director of Doctoral Committee of the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medical Universities (AAAOM ), a board member of the American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAOM), and as a committee member of the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM). He is also appointed as Vice President of the Worldwide Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians, Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), Vice Presidents of the Specialty Committee of Internal Medicine, Specialty Committee of Psychosomatic Medicine, and Executive Directors of many other Specialty Committees, WFCMS. He is a mentor of doctorate program at many American Acupuncture and Oriental Medical universities. Dr. Tian is an Honorary Editor-in-Chief of World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (WJTCM) US Edition.
Dr. Tian has published 40 professional papers and 20 medical books as an author or co-author.

国际竖横针刺法研究会 会长
Topic: “Approaching China” Cross Needling Technique – Neck Muscle Needling for Soreness, Coldness and Heaviness at Neck, Shoulder, Upper Back and Scapula
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 18:00, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 02:00,北京时间2月28日10:00
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 18:00,England London Time Feb 28th 02:00,Beijing Time Feb 28th 10:00
钱德金,字润之。江苏扬州人,中医世家。中国针灸学会会员,副主任医师。国际竖横针灸学院顾问,国际竖横针刺法临床研究会会长。一指禅推拿正宗第五代传人,钱氏一指禅推拿正宗第三代传人(叔祖 钱福卿,父 钱健民)。85年南京中医学院结业。从事临床一线近半世纪,至今仍在临床一线。
1, Introduction of Shu Heng Acupuncture manipulation and characteristics
2, Resolving doubts of getting Qi
3, Cervical muscle syndrome and cervical spondylopathy
4, The types of Cervical muscle syndrome
5, Neck Muscle Needling for Soreness, Coldness and Heaviness at Neck, Shoulder, Upper Back and Scapula (cervical muscle syndrome of brachial plexus nerve supraclavicular branch compression)
Prof. Dejin Qian, courtesy name Runzhi, was born in Yangzhou City of Jiang su Province, China. He is from a Traditional Chinese Medicine family of generations. Through his heritage and career, he processes many titles, such as: Consultant for International College of Shu Heng Acupuncture, Chair of International Clinical Research Institute of Shu Heng Acupuncture, the Fifth Successor of Yi Zhi Chan Tui Na (One Finger Zen Manipulation), the Third Successor of Qian’s Yi Zhi Chan Tui Na. Prof. Qian graduated from Nanjing College of Chinese Medicine and has been working as a clinician for more than 40 years. He is Member of Acupuncture Society of China and Deputy Chief Physician.
Prof. Qian and Prof. Yi Zhao are the co-authors of the textbook “The Study of Yi Zhi Chan Tui Na”. Prof. Zhao is the former Vice-President of Tui Na Association of China and Supervisor of Masters Students by research in Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. “The Study of Yi Zhi Chan Tui Na” is the first academic work on theory and clinical of Tui Na for its own area. It ends the history that Tui Na had no textbook with systematic theory for its own. The book is a significant milestone of Tui Na Chinese Medicine and a significant achievement of the fifth successors of Yi Zhi Chan. This book was officially published in May 2020. In 2017, Chinese Medicine Council of China credited “Qian’s Yi Zhi Chan Tui Na” as part of the National Continued Professional Development Project.
Prof. Qian and his brother Mr. Shijin Qian invented “Shu Heng Acupuncture” in the mid-70s. Shu Heng Acupuncture is useful as a needling treatment applied to skeletal muscles to correct movement disorders caused by soft tissue pathology. In 1987, Prof. Mu Liang Qiu and Prof. Dan An Chen, who were considered as the Authorities of acupuncture in China, led a group of experts from Beijing and Shanghai to scientifically evaluate Prof. Qian’s invention. After thorough examination, Shu Heng Acupuncture was awarded First Class Achievement in Science and Technology by the Health Department of Jiangsu Province. In 2014, Chinese Medicine Council of China credited “Shu Heng Acupuncture” as part of the National Continued Professional Development Project. Prof. Qian published more than ten provincial medical research papers between 80s and 90s. On May 23rd 1992, Health Newspaper had a special report on Mr. Qian used Shu Heng Acupuncture to treat patients with complex conditions. His book “Shu Heng Acupuncture” was published by Hubei Publishing House of Science and Technology in 2017.
In December 2018, Central Television Network interviewed Prof. Qian in the internet TV program-Modern Renowned Doctors. The interview was soon released in more than ten major websites in China. In order to promote Chinese Acupuncture and Tui Na, Prof Qian travels to many countries including those in Europe, Australasia, South East Asia as well as many cities in China, he wishes his students can skillfully use Shu Heng Acupuncture to help patients all over the world.

Topic: Exploration the Mechanism of Pain Transmission and Acupuncture Analgesia
演讲时间:温哥华时间2月27日 12:40, 英国伦敦时间2月27日20:40,北京时间2月28日4:40
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 12:40,England London Time Feb 27th 20:40, Beijing Time Feb 28th 4:40
Dr. Jinping Lu graduated from Acupuncture Program, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (NJUCM) in 1987. Then he worked as a medical doctor and a faculty member in the Acupuncture Department of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. From 1995 to 1997, he worked as an Acupuncturist at the Mediterranean Regional Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine (MRCTCM), Malta. Prior to immigration to New Zealand, Dr. Lu severed as Director of Acupuncture Department of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He was also appointed as Deputy Chief TCM Doctor in 2000.
In 2003, Dr. Lu immigrated to New Zealand and has been working as an Acupuncturist, Herbalist and educator since then, and received his Master of Medical Science degree in 2005. Dr. Lu has been fully involved in Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture teaching and clinical practice in New Zealand for 18 years and has made special progress in common and difficulty diseases, especially in integrative medicine combine Chinese medicine and conventional medical practices. Dr. Lu has gradually formed his own theoretical system and medicine characteristics and has gained the trust of his patients.
He has gradually formed much his own knowledge and formula strategies in TCM clinical practice and has his expertise in treating diseases with hands-on experience. He established the trust between his clinic and patients.

Topic: Da Cha point Acupuncture Manipulation for Regulating Spirit
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 14:05, 英国伦敦时间2月27日 22:05,北京时间2月28日06:05
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 14:05,England London Time Feb 27th 22:05, Beijing Time Feb 28th 06:05
针具:0.12 ~ 0.25的一寸针。
李晔, 原北京西医儿科医生,西学中后于92年受邀出国,定居马来西亚第三十年。
The purpose of this lecture is to share clinical cases and details of the application of Da Cha point acupuncture, and to assess the patient’s functional status and response during treatment, as well as the effectiveness after treatment.
Methods: Several randomized cases with typical response to acupuncture were selected due to lecture time. All of cases were treated with a single-acupuncture and single-acupoint.
Treatment Site: Basically, the selected cases were treated under the public attention.
Needle: 0.12 ~ 0.25 one-inch needle.
Patient age group: 3~75 years old. Diagnostic criteria of Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Western Medicine Clinical Specialties were used, and participants are consciousness with clinical symptoms. No Chinese herbs or Western drugs were used for treatment.
Manipulation: Routine manipulation according to the textbook “Acupuncture and Moxibustion”. Adhering to the Master Zuo Changbo’s concentration and careful and slow manipulation of the Da Cha Point, the focus is on perceiving or getting the patient’s body response.
RESULTS: The clinical efficacy was significantly higher in patients of all ages than in other therapies (as reviewed by the patients themselves and their families).
CONCLUSION: The Da Cha Point Acupuncture is easy to access and does not require high requirements for the treatment site. A quiet place is the best. Needles are also easy to buy and carry. The needle manipulation can achieve amazing results with care. Although this acupuncture method is not based on the classics, however, after ten years of numerous clinical cases, it has been proved that Da Cha Point has a very impressive clinical effect in regulating the mind. It is an acupuncture technique that is easily mastered by many acupuncturists.
Dr. Ye Li, formerly was a medical doctor and pediatrician in Beijing, and later she became a doctor of integrated Chinese and Western medicine. She went abroad in 1992 and settled in Malaysia for more than 30 years.
Dr. Li established Malaysia Anika Sempurna Sdn. Bhd. and Blue Sky Pharmaceutical Factory (GMP) in Malaysia. She also served as a health columnist in seven media, and served as a super top moderator in the World TCM Forum with more than 100,000 members. Dr. Li continues to promote the culture and methodology of Chinese medicine globally.
Dr. Li is an early disciple of Prof. Zhu Hanzhang. She studied Chinese medicine, acupuncture and orthopedic manipulation under mentorship of many famous masters, and has her expertise of Acupotomy, Pi (Sword) Needle, Round Sharp Needle, Silver Needle, Teasing Needle and Thread-embedding Needle therapies in addition to Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. Dr. Li specializes in treating painful and difficult diseases with various acupuncture tools and techniques. She has been enjoying a good reputation in the field of minimally invasive and acupuncture for decades.
In recent years, Dr. Li has verified the classics of single-acupuncture and single-point acupuncture in clinical practice, and has accumulated good clinical experience in the use of filiform needles and manipulative therapy. Her lectures on practical and effective therapies have been warmly welcomed by the acupuncture communities domestically and internationally.

Topic: Qian Kun Nuo Qi Needling Method and Tumor Analgesia
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 14:05, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 22:05,北京时间2月29日06:05
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 14:05,England London Time Feb 28th 22:05,Beijing Time Feb 29th 06:05
刘金洪先生先后求学于南京中医药大学、上海中医药大学、浙江中医药大学,获得针灸学学士、硕士学位和中医内科(肿瘤)学博士学位,现为加拿大约翰·珍妮中医学院院长、教授,约翰·珍妮中医院院长、肿瘤中心主任,安大略省注册中医师、针灸师,靶向中医学与经方针灸学创始人,南京中医药大学客座教授、国际经方学院加拿大分院院长, 加拿大癌症支持协会理事,加拿大中医针灸联盟副主席、安省主席,世界中医联合会国际临床研究合作中心专家。自1988年起从事中医临床工作,采用针药结合治疗各种痛症、瘫痪及自体免疫性疾病,采用独具特色的经方针灸靶向治疗方法治疗癌症/肿瘤及内科、妇科疾病,临床效果显著,受到患者普遍赞誉,是加东地区具有重要影响力的中医医生之一。曾多次获得省、厅级科技进步和教学成果奖,主持的《中医药靶向治疗研究》项目获中国国家科学基金和浙江省医药卫生优秀人才基金的资助。主编《约翰·珍妮针药结合临证精要》两部,参与编写专业著作10余部,在国内外专业期刊公开发表论文70余篇。
Based on the pathogenesis of cancer pain – meridian qi deficiency and upper and lower qi flow being obstructed by substantial tumor, Qian Kun Nuo Qi needling method guides the qi of Qian and Kun from heaven and earth levels to gather in human level, high-effectively clearing the obstructed meridian qi to relieve the sharp pain of cancer. This paper detailedly introduces the specific operational approaches of Qian Kun Nuo Qi needling method, and puts the clinical cases as the example to illustrate the applications of the needling method in tumor Analgesia.
John Jin Hong Liu, R.Ac & RTCMP received his bachelor degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Nanjing University of TCM, his master degree in Acupuncture and his doctor degree in TCM Internal Medicine(Oncology) from Zhejiang Chinese Medical University.
He is the principal of John & Jenny TCM College, president of John & Jenny TCM Clinic Centre, and Director of John & Jenny TCM Cancer Centre, vice-president of The Alliance of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine of Canada (AACMC) , honoured researcher at International Collaboration Centre of TCM Clinical Research (Canada) ,council member of Canadian Association of Cancer Support, currently guest professor at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine teaching TCM classical literatures and previously professor at Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a medical doctor at its affiliated TCM Hospital.
He started to clinically practice Chinese medicine from 1988, using acupuncture and Chinese medicine to treat various pain disorders, paralytic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases. He is the founder of TCM and Acupuncture Combined Target Treatment and Three-level Target Diagnostic Method
inventor of various acupuncture needling techniques including “one-needle multi-directional needling technique ”, “five constituent needling technique” and “heaven-earth qi-moving needling technique” and has written 2 books – “ TCM and Acupuncture Combined Clinical Essentials I & II”. He also successfully applied the unique acupuncture and Chinese medicine target treatment to tumour, internal medicine and gynecology. The results are clinically proven to be significant. Dr. Liu has won many advanced science and technology awards in the departmental and provincial level. He published up to sixty essays on professional magazines both at home and aboard, participated in the writing of many professional books and was one of the judges for the Chinese National Science Foundation. His project, The Analysis of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Target Treatment, was strongly supported by the Chinese National Science Foundation and the Zhejiang Provincial Health Care Outstanding Scholarship.

Topic: Jing Fang Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 19:00, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 03:00,北京时间2月28日11:00
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 19:00,England London Time Feb 28th 03:00, Beijing Time Feb 28th 11:00
类风湿性关节炎 (rheumatoid arthritis,RA) 是一种对称性、多关节、小关节的慢性、全身性、进行性、自身免疫性疾病,滑膜关节炎症为其主要病理改变,关节肿痛为其主要临床症状,除关节受累外,该病尚可侵犯心、肺、肾、眼、神经系统等组织器官,所以又有类风湿病之称。由于迄今发病原因不明,目前现代医学治疗多使用糖皮质激素、免疫抑制剂、非甾体抗炎药、生物制剂等,但药物的副作用、加之疗效的不确定性等因素,促使业界不断寻找新的治疗手段和方法。本人在37年的从医生涯中,对经方辨治类风湿性关节炎有一定的临床经验,将RA分为湿邪困表证、寒热错杂证、寒湿凝滞证、寒凝血瘀证、气血亏虚痰瘀痹阻证、肝肾亏虚证六型,分别使用麻杏薏甘汤、桂枝芍药知母汤、附子汤、当归四逆汤、黄芪桂枝五物汤、金匮肾气丸等进行治疗,临床疗效满意。
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic, progressive, autoimmune disease with symmetrical, multi-joint, small joints. Synovial joint inflammation is the main pathological change, and joint swelling and pain are its main clinical symptoms. In addition to joint involvement, the disease can still invade tissues and organs such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, and nervous system, so it is also known as rheumatoid disease. Since the cause of the disease is still unknown, glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and biological agents, etc. are mostly used in modern medical treatments. However, the side effects of drugs, coupled with the uncertainty of efficacy and other factors, have prompted the industry to constantly search for new treatment means and methods. In my 37 years of medical practice, I have certain clinical experience in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis based on Jing Fang (Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas) Syndrome Differentiation. RA is divided into six types of syndromes: syndrome of dampness evil stagnation in the exterior, syndrome of intermingled heat and cold, syndrome of stagnation and congelation of cold-damp, syndrome of congealing cold with blood stasis, Syndrome of Qi and blood deficiency and phlegm stagnation, and syndrome of liver-kidney deficiency. Using Maxing Yigan Decoction, Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Decoction, Fuzi Decoction, Danggui Sini Decoction, Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Decoction, and Jingui Shenqi pills and other treatments have satisfactory clinical effects.
Dr. Zhenliang Wang graduated from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in 1994 with a PhD in Shanghan Lun. He then was a postdoctoral fellow at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. He is currently a Professor and chief physician at Henan University of Chinese Medicine, a Zhongjing Teaching Master, a member of the Academic Committee of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, a member of the Teaching Committee, director of Zhongjing Medical Research Institute, director of clinical basic subjects of traditional Chinese medicine, and director of Department of Shanghan Lun. Dr. Wang serves as Evaluation expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Advisor of Chinese Medicine in the Community sponsored by the Chinese Red Cross Society, deputy chairman of the Zhongjing Theory Branch of the China Association of Chinese Medicine, vice chairman of Specialty Committee of Clinical Research for Ancient Classical Formulas of WFCMS, Vice President of the Traditional Medicine Culture Development Committee of the China Ethnic Medical Association, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of the Zhongjing National Medical Education Branch of the China Folk TCM Research and Development Association, Deputy Secretary-General of the Zhongjing Academic Inheritance and Innovation Committee of the WFCMS, Director of the Henan Society of Chinese Medicine, chairman of the Zhongjing Academic Branch of the Henan Society of Chinese Medicine, and a distinguished expert of the Henan Society of Confucian Medicine.
Dr. Wang primarily focuses on Zhongjing academic teaching, Chinese medicine clinical practice and scientific research. Dr. Wang research interest is studying on the effect of Zhongjing principles and prescriptions on rheumatism and immune disease. Dr. Wang is PI of several projects funding from National and Provincial agencies including 1 project from National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 projects from the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 5 provincial-level projects, and 4 school-level projects.
Dr. Wang has been awarded 1 Special Prize and 1 Second Prize for Provincial Teaching Research Achievements, 2 First Prizes for Scientific and Technological Progress, 1 First Prize for Municipal Scientific and Technological Progress, and 1 Excellent Achievement Award for Postdoctoral Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation by the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. He has published 68 academic papers, authored 14 books and co-authored 11 books.

Topic: Clinical study of Fire Needle Acupuncture for Pain
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 11:25, 英国伦敦时间2月27日 19:25,北京时间2月28日03:25
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 11:25,England London Time Feb 27th 19:25, Beijing Time Feb 28th 03:25
⾃1989年在法国南方TOULOUSE 从事中医临床和教学工作, 受聘于法国几所高等院校传授中医和中国健康文化,开办诊所,并于1997 创立了法国黄家中医药学院 (ACADÉMIE WANG DE MÉDECINE TRADITIONNELLE CHINOISE)。目前,这是法国一所学员多,质量高的中医学校之一,培养出了⼤批的从事中医、针 灸及按摩的人才。
在法国,欧洲及国际性医学研讨会上多次发表论⽂和演讲,如«火针之研究(中文) »; «中医药治疗疑难症(法文) »; 2014年著书 « 中医治痛(法文) », 由法国TREDANIEL出版社出版和发行; 全国中医药⾼等教育”一三五”创新教材 《中医血液病学》编委;今年7月在《北京中医药⼤学学报》 发表 《 热性针灸治疗冈上肌钙化 性肌腱炎 》 ⼀⽂。
曾多次接受法国的电视台和广播电台的记者采访。中央电视台CCTV 的国际台法语频道多次邀请本人及本校学生做访谈节⽬,并对我校2015在北京实习做了报道。2007 年被评选为《世界针灸》杂志主办的全球针灸风采⼈物。
现任法国黄家中医药学院院长;世界中联疼痛康复专业委员会副会⻓; 全欧洲中医药专家联合会副主席;世界中医药学会联合会理事;海外华人中医论坛常务理事;法国中医科学院院士 ;《世界针灸》杂志特邀编委; 法国总裁俱乐部成员。
This presentation provides an overview of the following points.
- An overview of the literature on fire needle acupuncture.
- Methods of manipulation and precautions of fire needle acupuncture for pain management.
- Experimental studies and preliminary investigation of the mechanism of fire needle acupuncture for pain management.
- The analgesic effects of fire needle acupuncture.
- Advantages of fire needle acupuncture for pain management.
- Painful diseases treated by fire needle acupuncture.
Dr. Defeng Wang, graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 1985, and was the first graduate student of acupuncture under guidance of Master of Chinese Medicine, Professor He Puren in the same year.
In 1989, Dr. Wang started her Chinese medicine clinical practice and teaching career in TOULOUSE in the south of France. She was employed by several French universities to teach TCM and Chinese health culture, and operate acupuncture clinics. In 1997, Dr. Wang founded ACADÉMIE WANG DE MÉDECINE TRADITIONNELLE CHINOISE. To date, the school is one of the best Chinese medicine schools in France in terms of number of students and quality education. The school has trained a large number of talents to practice Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage.
Dr. Wang was frequently invited as guest speaker in French, European and international medical symposiums, such as “Research on Fire Needle (Chinese)”; “Treatment of Difficult Diseases with Traditional Chinese Medicine (French)”. Dr. Wang authored several books including “Treatment of Pain with Traditional Chinese Medicine (French) “published by French TREDANIEL publishing house in 2014. Dr. Wang was an Editorial Board member of China TCM higher education “Thirteenth Five-Year” innovative textbook “Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hematology”. Her paper “Clinical study on the treatment of calcific tendinitis by thermal acupuncture” was published in Journal of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in July 2020.
Dr. Wang has been interviewed by reporters from French TV and radio stations several times. Dr. Wang and her students were invited to do talk shows on The French channel of CCTV International, and the school 2015 internship trip to Beijing was covered. In 2007, she was selected as one of the Global Acupuncture Iconic Person sponsored by World Journal of Acupuncture -Moxibustion.
Currently, Dr. Wang is the President of the Wang Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, France, the vice president of the WFCMS Pain and Rehabilitation Specialty Committee, the vice chairman of the Pan-European Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Societies, the director of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), the executive director of the World TCM Forum, and the member of the French Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences , and the member of French CEO Club. Dr. Wang is also a guest editorial board member of World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion.

Topic: Coping with Mental Health Challenges during Pandemic
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 19:25, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 03:25,北京时间2月28日11:25
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 19:25,England London Time Feb 28th 03:25,Beijing Time Feb 28th 11:25
To cope with mental health challenges during pandemic, the presentation is sharing treatment perceptions with typical cases discussions. It is intended to provide a more efficient and more effective way to help medical workers relieve their stress, help patients identify symptoms of organic mental disorder and anxiety panic attacks, reduce psychological fears, and make prevention and psychological crisis intervention strategies simple and easy, and help people with psychological panic caused by the pandemic and patients with depression, anxiety, hypochondriasis, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other neurological disorders to get out of their mind confusion and heal their pain with more mature experience.
Dr. Rui Li received her Ph.D. in Education specializing in Applied Psychology from Beijing Normal University, China. Dr. Li is a Visiting Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Management Science, Expert Reviewer of the National Psychology Professional Evaluation Committee, and Contract Senior Consultant at the EAP Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as the Clinical Hypnotherapist Certified by the World’s Highest Medical Organization, the World Medical Executive Certification Association (WMECA). Dr. Li also serves as a Special Guest Certified Psychologist for Baidu Baike, an online Encyclopedia.
Dr. Li was awarded “National Top 100 Lecturers”, won the first “National Outstanding Psychology Professional Excellence Award”. Dr. Li is a popular invited guest psychologist on many media platforms. Dr. Li is national famous doctor on Chunyu platform, and won the “2020 Chunyu Good Doctor, Anti-pandemic Hero”. Dr. Li successfully consulted tens of thousands of cases locally and internationally.

Topic: Clinical Practice and Thoughts on Cheek Needling and its Contribution to the Refinement of Pain Disorder Treatment
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 11:00, 英国伦敦时间2月27日19:00,北京时间2月28日03:00
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 11:00,England London Time Feb 27th 19:00, Beijing Time Feb 28th 03:00
This presentation focuses on cheek acupuncture therapy for pain treatment. Since 1991, the long journey of cheek acupuncture therapy exploration began through a clinical accidental discovery. After 30 years of continuous research, the cheek acupuncture system has been established on the basis of observation and summary of more than 200,000 clinical cases. There are a total of 16 acupoints for cheek acupuncture therapy. Through the three theoretical levels of cheek acupuncture, the indications of cheek acupuncture therapy for pain treatment are introduced in detail, and the cases of cheek acupuncture therapy for shoulder pain are discussed.
Dr. Yongzhou Wang is a chief physician in Gansu Chinese Medicine Research Institute, China. He invented “Cheek Acupuncture Therapy” in 2000, and was also in charge of this research project, which was a provincial level twice-approved project as assessed by the Gansu Province Ministry of Science. This Project fills a gap in Chinese Medicine Cheek Acupuncture Therapy and was awarded Second Prize of Gansu Province HuangpuYi Chinese Medicine Scientific Research. Dr. Wang is also an in-house apprentice of abdominal acupuncture and Yuantong Acupuncture and has a unique perception of Micro-acupuncture Systems. Dr. Wang has more than 30-year of clinical experience. He resided in France for more than ten years. Dr. Wang earned a diploma from Paris Descartes University with a major in “Psychological Research on Stress Reaction”, and a diploma from the University of Paris VI Pierre & Marie Curie with a major in “Psychological Process on Chronic Pain” and “Integrative Medicine on Somatic and Emotional health.” He currently teaches at the University of Paris XIII Nord and University of Paris VI Pierre & Marie Curie. He is the Chief Board Member of the Pan European Federation of TCM Societies (PEFOTS). He was also invited as a guest professor at Yunnan Chinese Medicine Institute, China.

Topic: Intervention on Anxiety with TCM
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 12:15, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 20:15,北京时间2月29日04:15
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 12:15,England London Time Feb 28th 20:15, Beijing Time Feb 29th 04:15
1983年毕业于南京中医药大学,其后在该校分别获硕士与博士学位,曾在南京中医药大学第二附院,南京中医药大学第二临床医学院从事临床,科研及教学工作,曾参与并主持过针灸对帕金森病的研究,针灸治疗中风的研究,卫生部《穴位穴典》的研究项目等,并在德国与英国从事过针灸的临床工作。参加过卫生部组织的《针灸学》高级参考资料的编写工作,编著了《百年百名中医-邱茂良》等十多部书稿, 发表过30多篇论文。主要从事针灸及中医对神经精神系统疾病,眼科疾病的临床研究工作。现为Oriental Asclepius, Inc CEO,大西洋中医学院教授,Everglade University 教授,全美中医药学会副会长。
Dr.He shares his personal opinion about general anxiety disease (GAD) in cause, manifestation and treatment. In this topic, the cause of GAD is considered as excessive Yin with stagnated Yang. The characteristic of GAD are those conditions might attributed as either physically or psychologically controlling by internal Yin pathogens. Based on the thought above, the conclusion about the treatment for GAD should be getting rid of the Yin pathogen and agitating the diffusing of Yang, and expelling all secondary pathogens what come out due to the existence of excessive Yin.
Dr. He graduated from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1983, he then obtained his master and doctor degrees at the same school. He used to work in clinical, scientific research and teaching at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of TCM and the Second Clinical Medical College of Nanjing University of TCM. He has participated in and presided over the research on acupuncture treatment for Parkinson’s disease and stroke. Dr. He also took part in the research project of the “Acupoints Collection” held by the Ministry of Health. Moreover, he has been engaged in the clinical work of acupuncture in Germany and the United Kingdom. He helped prepare the advanced reference materials of “Science of Acupuncture and Moxibustion ” organized by the Ministry of Health. Besides, he has compiled more than 10 manuscripts such as “The History of Hundreds of Chinese Medicine Practitioners – Qiu Maoliang” and published more than 30 papers. He mainly devoted himself to acupuncture and Chinese medicine for the clinical research of neuropsychiatric diseases and ophthalmic diseases. He is currently the CEO of Oriental Asclepius, Inc., the professor of Atlantic College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the professor of Everglade University, as well as the Vice President of the American National Association of Chinese Medicine.

Topic: A Clinical study on application of acupuncture and Tui-Na for improving vision and relieving visual fatigue
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 19:50, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 03:50,北京时间2月28日11:50
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 19:50,England London Time Feb 28th 03:50, Beijing Time Feb 28th 07:45
Dr. Yinghong Li is the Myopia Repair Specialist at Jiayanhua Medical Center, Associate Professor of Kinesiology at Hunan University of Technology, Postdoctoral Visiting Scholar of Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine, National Examiner of the Blind Medical Massage Examination, Examiner of Health Care Massage Therapist, Examiner of Health Care Guasha Therapist, Executive Director of the Evaluation and Promotion Committee of Chinese Medicine Appropriate Technology of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS-EPCCMAT).
Dr. Li published over 20 academic papers in journals including “Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion”, “Acupuncture Research”, “Chinese Journal of Basic Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine”. Dr. Li also serves as Editor-in-chief and Associate Editors for more than 10 professional textbooks of acupuncture and Tui-Na massage. Dr. Li is PI or co-PI in more than 10 projects from provincial and municipal funding programs.
Dr. Li specializes in the use of integrative acupuncture and Tui-Na massage therapy for myopia, visual fatigue and fundus-related diseases. She is also specialized in the use of acupuncture, moxibustion and Tui-Na massgae, sports rehabilitation and other approaches for treatment of sports injuries, neck, shoulder, lumbar and leg pain, facial paralysis, post-stroke disorders and other illness.

Topic: Clinical Application of Multifunctional Trocar in the Treatment of Pain
演讲时间:温哥华时间2月27日 17:35, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 01:35,北京时间2月28日09:35
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 17:35,England London Time Feb 28th 01:35, Beijing Time Feb 28th 09:35
Dr. Guowen Hou is among the world’s premier traditional Chinese medicine doctors. Dr. Hou is currently the chairman of the specialty committee of Trocar of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, the 6th Deputy Secretary of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, the vice president of the World Floating Needle Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society, and the Director of Beijing Institute of Trocar and Chinese Medicine, World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies. Dr. Hou is the inventor of subcutaneous Trocar needle, new floating needle, new wrist-ankle Trocar, and Tai Chi Shen needle.
Dr. Hou earned his medical degree from Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Hou is disciple of Prof. Cheng Xinnong, who is an inheritor World Intangible Cultural Heritage of TCM Acupuncture, master of Chinese medicine, master of acupuncture, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Dr. Hou is also disciple of Prof. Shi Xuemin, a world-renowned acupuncture expert, master of Chinese medicine, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Dr. Hou serves as a Senior Advisor of the China Medical Herald, USA, Visiting TCM Doctor of the Houston Integrative Medicine, USA, Senior Advisor of the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Honorary Director of the Nova Scotia Acupuncture Therapy Association of Canada, visiting professor of Australia College of Integrative Medicine, Distinguished Professor of the Federation Chinese Medicine Centre of Australia, professor of Malaysian Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, senior research fellow of Chinese medicine at Yuanpei Business School, Peking University’s Boya Production-University-Research Base Center. Dr. Hou is also entitled as “Chinese Traditional Excellent Doctor”, “World Outstanding Experts”.
Dr. Hou is the author of “Multi-functional Trocar for Quick Treatment of Pain” published by China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2017, and is a special guest speaker of “Trocar for Pain Relief” on the “Chinese Medicine” program of CCTV4 Chinese International Channel.
Dr. Hou is the founder of multifunctional subcutaneous Trocar acupuncture needle (Multifunctional Trocar) method. Dr. Hou’s method has been promoted by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as listed as a “high-tech and Chinese Medicine Appropriate Technology promotion project” by the Traditional Medicine International Exchange Center of the SATCM. Many social Medias including CCTV, China Traditional Chinese Medicine News, China Traditional Chinese Medicine Net, Health News, and the WeChat official account platform of the SATCM have successively reported.
Dr. Hou has given over 900 workshops around the world to train 30,000 plus practitioners in the multi-functional Trocar method which will benefit the majority of patients.

Topic: Depression treatment by acupuncture and TCM
演讲时间:温哥华时间2月28日 18:00, 英国伦敦时间2月29日 02:00,北京时间2月29日10:00
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 18:00,England London Time Feb 29th 02:00, Beijing Time Feb 29th 10:00
Dr. Jiulin Wang has both MD and MSc. Degrees in TCM from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where he was also a faculty member. He has taught TCM/Acupuncture in many universities from China, US, and Canada. Currently, Dr. Jiulin Wang is an Associate Professor and past chair of the Acupuncture Program at Grant MacEwan University. He is also a founding member of Bethune Oriental Medicine Center, a largest Acupuncture clinic in Alberta, where he provides private TCM/Acupuncture service to the public.
Jiulin is dedicated to biomedical research. He finished two terms of post-doctoral fellowship training in the Neuroscience Department of Louisiana State University and Oregon Health Science University, USA. He has partnered with the Pulmonary Research Centre, University of Alberta, to finish an Acupuncture research project on COPD. As strong background in neuroscience, Dr. Wang focuses his research interests on pain management and mental health. He has published more than 30 professional papers and books. Jiulin has been invited to deliver both professional and public speeches all over the world. He has been sitting on three professional journals as an editorial board member in the past 6 years.
Since 2001, Jiulin has been an active member of the Acupuncture and TCM profession in Alberta. Since 2007, he has served as interim council of the College and Association of Acupuncturists of Alberta (CAAA). In 2010, 2012, 2014, he was elected as a CAAA council member, serving as secretary and treasurer separately. Currently Dr. Wang sits on conduct and competence committee in CAAA, and vice president of Alliance of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine of Canada (AACMC).

Topic: TCM and Acupuncture Treatment for Painful Hemorrhoids
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 12:15, 英国伦敦时间2月27日20:15,北京时间2月28日04:15
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 12:15,England London Time Feb 27th 20:15, Beijing Time Feb 28th 04:15
受聘贵州中医药大学荣誉教授和客座教授,湖南中医药大学客座教授,河南中医药大学客座教授 ,广东省针灸学会高级顾问。
The presentation put forward the understanding of hemorrhoids in Western medicine and Chinese medicine, including the causes and types of hemorrhoids. TCM and Acupuncture Treatment for Painful Hemorrhoids and the external treatment of hemorrhoids with Chinese herbal medicine, including the empirical prescriptions for hemorrhoids in Chinese medicine, are discussed in detail.
Dr. Jianhua Zheng, graduated from Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1983 with a bachelor’s degree in medicine. He holds a master’s degree in herbal medicine from the School of Pharmacy, the University of Sydney, and a PhD from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China.
Dr. Zheng has been practicing Chinese Medicine for over 37 years (30 years in Australia). His interests in Chinese Medicine are mainly in anorectal diseases, injuries and some rare illness using acupuncture and Chinese herbs. He has been tutored by famous medical masters such as Professor Xianguang Peng, Professor Qimin Zhou and Professor Zaoqi Shi. He has attended many international symposiums and conferences to enrich medical knowledge and experience.
Furthermore, he is the Visiting Professor at Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, and Henan University of Chinese Medicine.
Also, Dr. Zheng is the lifetime President of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), the committee member of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, the World TCM Forum, and the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies in Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnostics, Five Professional Transport Six Gas, Pain Rehabilitation Medicine, Chronic Diseases Management, TCM Diagnostic and Therapeutic Devices, etc.
In 2019, Dr. Zheng won the “Top Ten Outstanding Persons in Worldwide Traditional Chinese Medicine Service Award”.

Topic: Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression from the Governor Vessel (Du Mai)
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 16:20, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 00:20,北京时间2月28日08:20
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 16:20,England London Time Feb 28th 00:20, Beijing Time Feb 28th 08:20
张建斌博士, 澄江针灸学派传人,南京中医药大学教授、主任中医师,博士研究生导师,南京中医药大学第二临床医学院/第二附属医院(江苏省第二中医院)副院长,国家中医药管理局澄江针灸学派传承工作室负责人、第四批全国中医优秀人才、江苏省青蓝工程学术带头人。
Depression is a physical and mental illness, and clinical application of acupuncture and moxibustion for depression needs to be re-understood. The Governor Vessel (Du Mai) is the primary entry point for acupuncture clinical understanding of depression. Different symptoms of depression are correlated with the acupoints related to the Governor Vessel (Du Mai), and selecting the acupoints of the Governor Vessel (Du Mai) and giving appropriate manipulations can effectively improve the different symptoms of depression.
Dr. Zhang Jianbin, Successor of Chengjiang Acupuncture School, is a Professor, Chief Chinese Medicine Doctor, mentor of Master and PhD programs at the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. He also serves as Deputy Dean of the 2nd Clinical Medical School, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, and Deputy Dean of the 2nd Affiliated Hospital (Jiangsu Provincial 2nd TCM Hospital), Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. Dr. Zhang is the Chair of the Chengjiang Acupuncture School Inheritance Workshop of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China, the fourth batch of National Outstanding Chinese Medicine Talents, and the academic leader of the “Qinglan” Project Foundation of Jiangsu Province.
He is a member in the education committee of the China Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion and a special reviewer of the magazine “Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion”.
Dr. Zhang’s research interest is focused on technical standardization of acupuncture and moxibustion, and Acupuncture clinical application, diagnosis and treatment of various painful diseases and encephalopathy from the Governor Vessel, academic history and schools of acupuncture and moxibustion, etc. Dr. Zhang is PI or co-PI in more than 20 projects from National and provincial funding agencies, including the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of theMinistry of Science and Technology of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China. As Editor-in-chief , Dr. Zhang published 15 books including “The Twelve Meridian Theory and Clinical Guidance”, “Meridian Eternal Fission”, ” Diagnosis and Treatment Techniques of Chengjiang Acupuncture School “, “Cheng Dan An Medical Collection”, “A Collection of Rare Ancient Books of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture and Tuina Volume”; Dr. Zhang has over 180 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. Zhang won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education, the third prize of Jiangsu Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize of Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Award, the second prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of China Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society, and the second prize of Jiangsu Higher Education Achievement Award.

Topic: Pi (sword) Needle Treatment for Superior Gluteal Nerve Injury
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 11:50, 英国伦敦时间2月27日 19:50,北京时间2月28日03:50
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 11:50,England London Time Feb 27th 19:50,Beijing Time Feb 28th 03:50
This presentation mainly provides an anatomical overview of the superior gluteal nerve entrapment syndrome, as well as an outline of the six fixation points of the superior gluteal nerve, and the relationship between the thoracolumbar fascia and the superior gluteal nerve. The etiology, pathology, and clinical manifestations of the superior gluteal nerve entrapment syndrome and Pi (sword) needle treatment for superior gluteal nerve injury are described in detail, together with typical case sharing, and a brief discussion of clinical experience.
Dr. Chunhua Cen studied acupuncture at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in 1985. After graduation, Dr. Cen became a Faculty member at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and was engaged in clinical practice at Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2003, he was appointed as Deputy Chief Chinese Medicine Physician and Associate Professor. In the same year, Dr. Cen was selected by the Ministry of Health and the Sino-German Friendship Association to work at the Dresden International University (DIU), Germany. Since 2010, Dr. Cen has established his private practice in Dresden, Germany. He is currently the Chairman of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Association for Chinese Doctors in Germany, the Vice President of the International Alliance of Chinese Medicine in the Belt and Road Initiative, and the Service Trade Committee of the World Association of Chinese Medicine, Vice President & Executive Director of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), Executive Director of the Overseas Chinese Medicine Forum, Executive Director of the European Scalp Acupuncture Society, Executive Director of the China Healthcare International Exchange and Promotion Association.

Topic: “Huangdi Neijing” Shenhun Doctrine: Understanding and Exploration on Depression and Mental Illness
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 15:20, 英国伦敦时间2月27日 23:20,北京时间2月28日07:20
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 15:20,England London Time Feb 27th 23:20,Beijing Time Feb 28th 07:20
Guided by the doctrine of Shen-Qi in the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, Dr. Yin applies the theory of Chinese medicine Qi-transforming and Shen-Hun differentiation principle to treat early depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, hyperactivity, autism and other psychosomatic diseases, as well as chronic and difficult mental disorders with non-conventional therapies such as micro-needling for Shen and Chinese herbal medicine Qi-transforming integrated with Chinese medicine psychology.
Dr. Shaofeng Yin, a Chinese medicine practitioner with a family tradition, graduated from Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine with a master’s degree and studied Chinese medicine psychology under Professor Weidong Wang, Vice President of Guang’anmen Hospital, the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (CACMS), and Academic Chair of the Key Discipline of Chinese Medicine Psychology of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM).
Currently, Dr. Yin is Director of the Department of Insomnia, Wuqing Hospital of TCM affiliated to Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine.

Topic: Tai Chi and Wu Shu Benefit Mental Illness
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 19:25, 英国伦敦时间2月29日 03:25,北京时间2月29日11:25
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 19:25,England London Time Feb 29th 03:25, Beijing Time Feb 29th 11:25
傅学理博士, 美国武医研究院院长,黑带八段太极气功大师。来自四川成都,自小随父亲学习名医郑怀贤原中国武协主席的武医系统,后拜太极特级大师杨氏太极第五代传师林墨根为师,傅博士是两个太极和太极推手世界冠军的获得者,2007年美国《功夫杂志》封面人物,全美发行7盘畅销到现在的太极和推手气功教学片,自创峨眉“气针灸”。在馬里布美國頂尖自然療法“Time To Health ”診所行醫多年。傅博士具有二十年的临床经验,并且精通无痛针灸。
Dr. Jack Fu is a licensed Acupuncturist and has a PhD in Oriental Medicine. He is a Qi GONG Master and an 8 degree black belt Master in Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Martial Arts (Wushu).
Dr. Fu comes from a long line of doctors of traditional Chinese Medicine. A sixth-generation acupuncturist, Dr. Fu’s training started at age 5, when he began studying martial arts and Qi Gong (practices that awaken one’s inner chi or subtle energy).
Dr. Fu believes that because every patient is unique, treatment plans should be customized to fit their individual needs. “The patient and the doctor must build a true partnership.”
Master Fu’s unique skills, acquired over a lifetime of intense training, and mastery of Qi Gong and martial arts, allows him to share not only his medical knowledge, but also enables patients to access abundant and powerful Qi (“Chi”), a palpable healing energy, that allows healing on a holistic level.
Dr. Fu has twenty years clinical experience and is versed in painless acupuncture.
Dr. Fu is concurrently the Executive President of the World Federation of Integrative Medicine, the Dean of the School of Continuing Education and Extension of the University of East-West Medicine, USA, the executive VP of the Emei Martial Arts Medical Research Institute, and the director of the World TCM Forum.

Topic: Acupotomy Therapy for Frozen Shoulder
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 18:35, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 02:35,北京时间2月28日10:35
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 18:35,England London Time Feb 28th 02:35, Beijing Time Feb 28th 10:35
Dr. Shengchun Lu, born in 1960, is the chief physician. He is currently the vice president of the Acupotomy Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, the vice president of the Acupotomy Specialty Committee of the China Research and Promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Distinguished Professor of the College of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, the Distinguished Professor of the Beijing Institute of Hanzhang Acupotomy Medicine, Chief Dean of Shengchun Hospital Group, and Chief Professor of the Acupotomy Clinical Training Workshop of Shengchun Hospital Group. Previously, he served as director of pediatrics, director of internal medicine, director of infectious diseases, and vice president of Dexin Hospital, the Jiangxi Copper Corp. His clinical practice is comprehensive.
Dr. Lu has been engaged in the clinical and research of Acupotomy for 33 years, and has trained more than 10,000 Acupotomy students domestically and internationally. He is recognized as a practical Acupotomy expert in China. He has made outstanding contributions in the inheritance and development of Acupotomy medicine. He not only has achieved outstanding achievements in the treatment of orthopedic diseases such as neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain using Acupotomy, but also has made major breakthroughs in the treatment of internal medicine diseases, ENT diseases, gynecological diseases, dermatological diseases with acupotomy. Dr. Lu specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of intractable diseases with integrated Chinese and Western medicine.

Topic: Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy for mental illness and insomnia
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 13:40, 英国伦敦时间2月27日 21:40,北京时间2月28日05:40
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 13:40,England London Time Feb 27th 21:40, Beijing Time Feb 28th 05:40
许美华医生是中国埋线疗法创始人任树森教授的亲传弟子,国家中医药管理局出版《中医穴位埋线疗法》编委及全国埋线疗法讲师团成员,河北省中医药学会中医穴位埋线疗法专业委员会特邀副主任(两届),卫生部《专业人才证》中医美容针灸师,任树森香港创立世界中医穴位埋线疗法学会 副主席兼皮肤病分会会长,陈乙甲道医祝由术传承人的弟子,美国世界道医自然疗法联合总会创会会员,获中国高级美容师证书,中国中级营养保健师证书,香港中醫診所助理证书,香港中藥配劑員证书。是中国针灸推拿协会会员,深圳老中医协会会员,香港中华经筋医学会永久会员,香港中醫養生行業工会永久会员,香港社区医疗教育服务协会创会会员,港台中医师公会联合会澳门新华中医内科协会治未病专业委员会委员,武当山玄武派道教第十五代弟子 道號許理華
Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy originated in Shijiazhuang, and its founder was Dr. Ren Shusen. In 2005, the Ministry of Health fully affirmed Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy and listed it as one of the “100 Years of TCM Appropriate Technology Promotion Project”. In 2007, with the strong support of the Chinese Medicine Administration of the Hebei Provincial Health Department and the guidance of the leadership of the society, the Hebei Provincial Chinese Medicine Society approved the establishment of the “Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy Specialty Committee of the Hebei Provincial Chinese Medicine Society” which is the first in the official academic organizations. Since then, the therapy has gained its academic status. Dr. Ren Shusen was the first elected chairman of the Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy Specialty Committee, which was reported by Hebei Daily. In 2010, under the recommendation of the Hebei Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration, Dr. Ren Shusen participated in the compilation of the “Handbook of Appropriate Techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine Volume 3”, edited by Minister Wang Guoqiang of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and successfully included Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy as a key promotion project for approporiate techniques of Chinese medicine. Since then, the therapy has been recognized at the national level and has been promoted across the country. The manipulation of Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy is “Ren’s two fast and one slow”. In order to cooperate with the promotion of Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy, Dr. Ren Shusen authored the book “Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy” published by the China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House in 2011. As a disciple of Master Professor Ren Shusen, I have the honor to be an editorial board member of the book which more than 50,000 copies have been sold to date.
The Ministry of Health documents pointed out that Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy is an extension and innovation of acupuncture. It has a wide range of indications, especially for many chronic diseases and difficult diseases that cannot be cured by Chinese and Western medicines. It often obtains unexpected magical curative effects; the therapeutic effects are quite similar as classic acupuncture dozens of times treatment, which has the advantages of fast-acting, long-lasting and special effects for some chronic diseases.
Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy and acupuncture have the same roots, and the diseases that acupuncture treated can also be cured by Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy. We have the responsibility to develop Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy better, practice across the world and globally. We devoted to promoting Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy. Our vision is to take a relentless effort and make Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy accessible and affordable for practitioners.
A disciple of Master Professor Ren Shusen, the founder of Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy
Dr. Hsu is member of the editorial board of “Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy ” published by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and member of the national lecturer group of Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy, guest Deputy Director of the Chinese Acupoint Catgut-Embedding Therapy Specialty Committee of the Hebei Provincial Chinese Medicine Society (two terms) and ministry of Health “Professional Talent Certificate” Chinese Beauty Acupuncturist. Also she is vice President, World Acupoint Catgut Embedding Therapy Association, Hongkong, disciples of Dr. Chen Yijia Daoist priest of the art of Zhu You, founding member of the World Federation of Taoist Naturopathic Medicine, USA.
She has China Senior Esthetician Certificate, China Intermediate Nutrition Health Practitioner Certificate, Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic Assistant Certificate, and Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Dispenser Certificate.
She is the member of the Chinese Acupuncture and Tuina Association, member of Shenzhen Veteran Chinese Medicine Doctors Association, tenure Member of the Hong Kong Chinese Meridian Ligmentous Chinese Medical Research Institute, tenure Member of the Hong Kong Chinese Medicine and Health Care Professionals Union, founding Member of the Hong Kong Community Medical Education Service Association, member of Federation of Hong Kong and Taiwan Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association, Specialty Committee of Treating Pre-Disease of Macau Xinhua Chinese Internal Medicine Association and Taoist monastic name Hsu Lihua, the 15th generation disciple of the Xuanwu School of Taoism in Wudang Mountain

Topic: Cutaneous Pain/ cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 17:10, 英国伦敦时间2月29日 01:10,北京时间2月29日09:10
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 17:10,England London Time Feb 29th 01:10, Beijing Time Feb 29th 09:10
This presentation primarily focuses on cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome. Dr. Hu will explain the main symptoms of cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome, and how to understand the pathology of cutaneous nerve entrapment and the etiology of cutaneous nerve entrapment from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine; especially from the following aspects including anatomy, the major sub-population with cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome, poor posture and areas of entrapment. Acupuncture treatment for cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome is also discussed.
Susan Yuning Hu, R.TCMP, R.A. Graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology in 1992, after 6 years of extensive study on both modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.
She worked at Dongzhimen hospital, affiliated with Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology as a physician and Professor for 8 years, before I immigrated to Canada in 1999.
She lives and works at Toronto since year 2000. Operating The Best of Chinese Medicine Clinic since. She is doing her PhD study at Nanjing University of TCM currently. She is Secretary-General of International Precision Acupuncture Foundation.

Topic: Tonifying Kidney-based Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis and Myelitis Spectrum Disease
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 15:55, 英国伦敦时间2月27日 23:55,北京时间2月28日07:55
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 15:55,England London Time Feb 27th 23:55,Beijing Time Feb 28th 07:55
主要社会兼职:中华中医药学会理事,中华中医药学会脑病专业委员会常委,内科专业委员会常委, 世界中医联合会中医内科专业委员会常委、络病专业委员会常委、脑病专业委员会常委;北京中医药学会青年工作委员会原主任委员、脑病专业委员会原主任委员,北京中医药学会综合医院工作委员会主任委员,中国医疗保健国际交流促进会原保健养生专业学会会长,中国循环学会神经变性病专业委员会中西医结合学组副主任委员,首都医科大学中西医结合学系副主任,北京市中西医结合脑病研究所副所长。国家自然科学基金评审专家。任中华中医药杂志/中华老年多器官疾病/北京中医药/环球中医药/中国卒中杂志等编委。
Multiple sclerosis and optic nerve sacrifice myelitis spectrum disorders are inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system. It is considered as two of the 100 rare diseases specified by the Chinese government. Repeated attacks, demyelination, and axonal damage lead to accumulating nerve damage and eventually disability. Conventional treatment with hormones and immune modifications has many side effects, and is expensive and unaffordable for Chinese. The efficacy is not very satisfactory either. Chinese medicine treatment based on syndrome differentiation, especially tonifying kidney–based treatment, has achieved better results. The presentation includes three aspects: why tonifying kidney-based treatment is the primary treatment, the clinical efficacy of tonifying kidney-based treatment, and the major mechanism of tonifying kidney-based treatment.
Dr. Yongping Fan M.D/PhD, male, was born in 1965, chief physician, professor, doctorate program supervisor. Currently, Dr. Fan is the Director of Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University; the 2nd group TCM clinical talents of Beijing Administration of TCM, academic leader in integrative Chinese and western medicine clinic disciplines of high level health technical talents of Beijing Health System, Beijing 125 Program for TCM talents, Beijing Interdisciplinary TCM Academic Leader, Dr. Fan was selected as a leading talent in Beijing high-level innovation and entrepreneurship talent support program at the end of 2017. He studied Chinese Medicine under the mentorship of national famous TCM master Prof. Nie Huimin, Professor Liu Duzhou, Professor Wang Mianzhi, Professor Zhang Binghou, and Professor Xue Boshou.
Dr. Fan serves as the Director of China Association of Chinese Medicine; Member of the Standing Committee of Neurology Committee of China Association of Chinese Medicine; Member of Standing Committee of Internal Medicine Committee of China Association of Chinese Medicine; Member of the Standing Committee of TCM Internal Medicine Specialty Committee, Collateral Disease Specialty Committee, Neurology Specialty Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS); Chairman of Neurology Committee of Beijing Chinese Medicine Societies; Chairman of Health Maintenance Committee of China Council for the Promotion of Health Care International Exchange; Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine group leader of The National Clinical Researching Center of Neurological Disease; Deputy Dean of the Department of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine of the Capital Medical University; Deputy Director of Beijing Institute of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine of Neurology; Program Evaluation Expert of Natinal Natural Sciences Foundation of China. Dr. Fan also serves as an Editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Journal of Multiple Organ Diseases in the Elderly, Beijing Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine, Global Chinese Medicine, Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice, Austin Journal of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology.
Dr. Fan’s expertise specializes in Chinese medicine treatment of multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, cerebrovascular disease, intracranial tumors, postoperative complications of craniocerebral operation, and other intractable diseases in nervous system. Dr. Fan has rich clinical experience and in-depth basic research in these diseases.
Dr. Fan is the PI of 5 projects of Natural Science Foundation of China, 3 projects of Natural Science Foundation of Beijing. He is a co-PI in projects of 973, 863 and Natural Science Foundation of China as well. He has published more than 230 peer-reviewed journal articles as the first author or corresponding author, authored 9 books and co-authored several book chapters. Dr. Fan is the 1st recipient of Beijing Science and Technology Award and 3 Third Prizes of the Science and Technology Award of the China Association of Chinese Medicine, and First Prize for Scientific Books of the China Association of Chinese Medicine.

Topic: Pandemic and Mental Health
演讲时间:温哥华时间2月27日 09:15, 英国伦敦时间2月27日 17:15,北京时间2月28日01:15
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 09:15,England London Time Feb 27th 17:15, Beijing Time Feb 28th 01:15
2007年因工作签证来英国执业至今14年,诊治英国及来自欧洲多国各科疑难病证无数,深获患者好评,相继在《英国中医》、《中医药导报》、《中国中医药报》、《TMR(Traditional Medicine Research)》(传统医学研究)及世界中医药大会等发表学术与临床文章30余篇,近两三年, 应海内外中医学术群邀请进行学术讲座数十场, 并先后被聘为《英国中医》、 《TMR》(传统医学研究)、《国际中医药文化》杂志等编委;
Dr. Bingsheng Yuan, Chief TCM Physician, has been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 30 years. Dr. Yuan has been treating difficult diseases and acute illnesses by using the combination of syndrome differentiation and disease differentiation in classic TCM and acupuncture. Dr. Yuan is highly appreciated by patients.
Dr. Yuan studied Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at Sichuan College of TCM, Chengdu University of Chinese Medicine from 1987-2006.
In 2007, Dr. Yuan started his Chinese medicine clinical practice and teaching career in UK with TCM doctor work permit. In 2012, Dr. Yuan opened his own TCM Herbs & Acupuncture Clinic in Rotherham and then moved back to Doncaster.
Dr. Yuan published over 60 journal articles in the top Chinese Acupuncture and TCM journals, and international TCM journals or important TCM conferences, including Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Journal of New Chinese Medicine, Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine, China News of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Journal of Chinese Medicine in the UK, Traditional Medicine Research (TMR). Dr. Yuan is also an Editorial Board Member and/or Editor at the Journal of Chinese Medicine In The UK, Macao Journal of Chinese Medicine, Traditional Medicine Research (TMR). In the past 3 years, Dr. Yuan was frequently invited as guest speaker by academic groups of Chinese medicine practitioners across world to give dozens of academic lectures.
He has served as a council member, VP, and Executive VP of the Academic Department of the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, UK (FTCMP), and Academic Dean, VP, and Executive VP of the European Association of Jing Fang TCM. He is the Vice President of Specialty Committee of Clinical Research for Ancient Classical Formulas of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), and Deputy Secretary-General of Specialty Committee of Scalp Acupuncture of WFCMS, Executive Director of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS). Dr. Yuan was appointed as a Professor at the Shulan College of Chinese Medicine, UK in 2018.

Topic: An Introduction of UTCMH Acupuncture System and Its Clinical Application
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 13:15, 英国伦敦时间2月27日 21:15,北京时间2月28日05:15
Schedule: Atlantic Standard Time Feb 27th 10:00,Beijing Time Feb 28th 00:00, London Time Feb 27th 16:00
社会任职: 中国国家中医药管理局国际交流联络代表以及加拿大中医之家创始人。
获奖:1,2019年 “中国大健康论坛”,特授予李荣刚 “2019健康中国优秀公益个人奖”的荣誉称号。
2,2020年1月4日加拿大华人联合总会又授予李荣刚 “2019社区贡献奖”称号。
This presentation mainly focuses on the achievements, contributions, characteristics and clinical significance of the theoretical system of the UTCMH Acupuncture.
The system of tonifying yang of UTCMH Acupuncture includes the macro-system and the micro-system of UTCMH Acupuncture. In the system of tonifying yang of UTCMH Acupuncture, the characteristics of “the unity of nature and mankind, the combination of Taoism and skill” are particularly embodied. The macro-system of tonifying yang “the unity of nature and mankind, and the doctor-oriented care” embodies the characteristics of Tao; the micro-system of tonifying yang “the unity of nature and mankind, the patient–centered care” embodies the characteristics of the skills. In the past decades long-term medical practice, Dr. Li has established the “UTCMH Acupuncture Treatment System for Clinical Diseases”, which has built the overall thinking and strategy for the treatment of various diseases. The herbal formulas, special acupoints and characteristic techniques for the treatment of various clinical diseases have been developed. It has strong practical expertise and solves many clinical problems.
Dr. Ronggang Li is a disciple of the National Chinese Medicine Master Professor Zhiming Liu. Dr. Li is also a Guest Professor and Mentor of doctoral program at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. Dr. Li received his master degree in TCM Acupuncture and PhD in Chinese Medicine from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine.
The founder and director of the UTCM Acupuncture Research and Education College and the UTCM Holistic Medicine Centre, Prof. Dr. Li is a world-renowned expert in acupuncture and one of the world’s greatest acupuncturists. Because of his excellent technique, he has been elected to the Executive Council of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) for several years. When the Specialty Committee of Acupuncture Manipulation of the WFCMS was formed in 2012, Prof. Li was one of the few given the honor to demonstrate needle technique at the celebration, to show the world’s highest level of acupuncture technique.
Prof. Li. has specialized in acupuncture for 30 years in clinical practice and teaching. Dr. Li has been a professor at several International Chinese Medicine colleges in Canada. He is one of the few in the world who has mastered many ancient classical methods, which can often produce instant healing results, but which are in danger of disappearing. He has also invented his own needle techniques and acupuncture theory based on classical texts such as the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic, the Classic on Difficulties, and the Classic of Cold-Febrile Diseases. From these, he invented “the UTCMH Acupuncture System,” a new and highly effective diagnosis and treatment system. Dr. Li authored the book “UTCMH SCIENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE” published by China Culture Publishing House in 2019. From 2017 to 2020, more than 30 “UTCMH SCIENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE” training workshops and lectures were held in Canada, China and across the world, and nearly ten thousand Chinese acupuncturists were trained.
Dr. Li is a recipient of 2019 Community Contribution Award by the 5th Directors Committee of CCSA.

Topic: Combination of Scalp Acupuncture and Abdominal Acupuncture for Depression Treatment
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日08:25,英国伦敦时间2月27日16:25,北京时间2月28号00:25
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 08:25,England London Time Feb 27th 16:25, Beijing Time Feb 28th 00:25
Depression is caused by emotional impairment, disharmony of the five organs, qi and blood, Yin and Yang, and the unfavorable brain and mind. However, whether emotional factors cause depression is not only related to the intensity and duration of the mental stimulation, but also closely related to the function of the body’s own internal organs. Chinese medicine believes that “weak of the visceral qi” is an important intrinsic factor in the onset of depression.
Depression requires precise clinical differentiation, and the combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine can achieve good results. The Liver Meridian, Heart Meridian and Governor Meridian are most closely related to the human body’s emotional activities. In the past, body acupuncture treatments mostly used the acupoints of the above meridians. The scalp acupuncture treatment invented by Professor Jiao Shunfa, the inventor of scalp acupuncture in the 1970s, and abdominal acupuncture treatment invented by Professor Bo Zhiyun in the 1990s. These two acupuncture treatments are the new achievements of TCM acupuncture in the past 50 years, and have opened up new treatment modalities for depression.
Scalp acupuncture is performed in a specific stimulation area of the head. It is based on traditional acupuncture and combined with modern medical theory on the function of the cerebral cortex. It has a significant effect on brain-derived diseases. Acupuncture treatment in the emotional area has a significant and rapid relief of depression symptoms. Abdominal acupuncture treatment can return all qi to its root, and quickly achieve the medical treatment effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the mind, clearing the heart and waking the brain, calming the mind, regulating qi and blood.
Scalp acupuncture combined with abdominal acupuncture treatment has rapid and stable efficacy and minor tolarable acupuncture pain, which are complementary and mutually reinforcing. It is significantly better than single body acupuncture and is worthy of clinical promotion.
Dr. Chunbiao Guo, Chief Physician of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine, Master of Medicine, Ph.D. candidate at Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Guo is an International Acupuncturist, International Chinese Medicine Doctor, and China Practicing Doctor. Dr. Guo serves as an Executive Committee member of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Secretary General of the World Traditional Medicine Forum, Vice Chairman of the Minimally Invasive Medicine Alliance of China Association of Chinese Medicine, Vice Chairman of the Scalp Acupuncture Specialty Committee of the WFCMS, and President, the Italian Traditional Chinese Medicine Institute. He is also an Editor of World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
In 1984, he completed his medical studies in Western medicine at Tianjin Medical College and graduated from the Medical Department of Tianjin Institute of Science and Technology. After graduation, he worked as a clinician in the Cardiovascular Department of San Tan Hospital in Tianjin. Before going abroad, he participated in the advanced training class at the Tianjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where he studied Chinese Medicine from Professors Wang Wenzhong and Shi Xuemin. Dr. Guo went to Australia for further study in 1989, and lived in Rome, Italy in 1990. Dr. Guo studied under the professors of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rome in Rome, and practiced Chinese medicine at the clinic of the Faculty of Medicine for 20 years. He is currently a member and instructor of the Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies(FISA). He has delivered many lectures at the annual national academic meetings of the Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies(FISA) , introducing his expertise in the treatment of stroke, promoting Master Professor Shi Xuemin’s Xing Nao Kai Qiao (Awaken the Mind and Open the Orifices) protocol, comparing Chinese and Western medicine treatment for ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and Chinese medicine treatment for depression. Dr. Guo has been actively involved in several Sino-Italian Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Symposiums as chair or co-chair of the conference organizing committees.

Topic: Commonly used Chinese medicine Herbal Formulas and Acupoints for Mental and Psychological Disorders Treatment
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 17:35, 英国伦敦时间2月29日 01:35,北京时间2月29日09:35
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 17:35,England London Time Feb 29th 01:35, Beijing Time Feb 29th 09:35
Dr. Cheng earned her Bachelor’s Degree in TCM and Western Medicine in 1983 from Hunan College of TCM, China. She did further study at Tianjin College of TCM, China in 1987 with a Master’s Degree in Medicine and Acupuncture. In 1990, she received her Ph.D in Medicine from Chengdu College of TCM, China with a specialty in Acupuncture and Chronomedicine.
Dr. Cheng has over 37 years of clinical experience as a physician, herbalist and acupuncturist. She has been a professor at several colleges as well as instructing foreign students in China. She has translated several publications and is a published author of several TCM works. She also teaches courses on TCM to medical professionals and offers public education workshops on TCM.
Dr. Cheng is an active participant in the process of regulating TCM in Alberta. She was elected as a council member of the College and Association of Acupuncturists of Alberta (CAAA). In September 2004 her long-time dream of opening a school of TCM was realized with the opening of CITCM, where she is the founding executive director.
Dr. Cheng is currently the Director of the BodyMind Synergy Health Centre, a member of several professional association boards and Vice-President for the Alberta Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Colleges, Vice-President of the Canadian Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CICAMR), Co-Chair of the International Conference of Traditional Medicine on Health and Wellness (2017, 2018, 2019), and Deputy Director of the WFCMS International Collaborating Centre for Clinical Research in Chinese Medicine in Canada.

Topic: Clinical Application of Qi-Acupuncture Guiding Therapy in Pain Management
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 10:00, 英国伦敦时间2月27日18:00,北京时间2月28日02:00
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 10:00,England London Time Feb 27th 18:00, Beijing Time Feb 28th 02:00
- 国际气功太极养生学院 院长
- 南京中医药大学英国维多利亚学院教授,博士研究生导师
- 世界大健康运动联盟 欧洲和南美洲分会 主席
- 世界中医药联合会中医治未病专业委员会 常务理事
- 世界中医药联合会癌症专业委员会 理事
- (英国)国际太极气功养生协会 会长
- 《气针导引疗法》创始人
- 英国中医药学会学术委员
Dr Yuhong Xie graduated from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in 1990, and practised Chinese medicine in a general hospital for five years. In 1998, Dr Xie completed his master’s degree in medicine from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. He then worked as a lecturer and consultant at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. He was appointed as associated professor there in 2002.
In July 2005, Dr. Xie was awarded Doctorate in medicine in the field of Acupuncture and Qigong Tuina by Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in China. After 2005 he started practicing and teaching Chinese Medicine in the UK. He specialises in Acupuncture therapy and Tuina, medical Qi Gong for pain management.
Dr Xie is engaging into Tai Qi and Qi Gong training programmes for TCM practitioners for the last twenty years and established his reputation as one of the best Qigong Teachers in Chinese medicine society. He has trained over a thousand people from more than 10 countries such as US, England, France Italy, Spain, Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong etc… to become Tai Qi and Medical Qigoing practitioner. Dr Xie has taken part in academic activities and international conferences in Medical Qigong. He has published more than 20 research papers in Chinese, with 5 of them nominated for and winning awards.
Dr Xie has written and published the books “Chinese differentiation of Qi Gong”, “Qi Gong for Wellbeing”, “Qi Gong Wishing you well” and is joint author of the textbook “Chinese medicine and Qi Gong”, “Treatment summary of Chinese medicine”. He also wrote and published books “Chinese differentiation of Qi Gong”, “Qi Gong for Wellbeings”, “Qi Gong Wishing you well” etc. and jointed published textbook “Chinese medicine and Qi Gong”, “Treatment summary of Chinese medicine” etc.
Dr Xie is registered with the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (UK) (ATCM), a professional regulatory body for TCM in the UK. He is a Council Member of Specialty Committee of External Cancer Therapy of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies and an Executive Council Member of TCM Preventative Treatment Specialty Committee of WFCMS. Dr. Xie is a Professor and Tutor of PhD program at the UK Centre of NJUCM and Shulan College of Chinese Medicine, UK.

Topic: Meridian Acupuncture for Neck Pain Treatment
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 19:00, 英国伦敦时间2月29日 03:00,北京时间2月29日11:00
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 19:00,England London Time Feb 289th 03:00, Beijing Time Feb 29th 11:00
Dr. Weidong Yu graduated from Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1983, where he studied both Traditional Chinese Medicine and western medicine for five years and received a Bachelor of Medicine degree. In 1991, he earned a Master’s degree in Public Health from the School of Public Health, Free University of Brussels, Belgium.
Dr. Yu has practiced both Traditional Chinese Medicine and western medicine at Binzhou Medical College Hospital as a resident physician. He also worked as an Assistant Research Fellow at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, the best research institute in Chinese medicine in China.
Dr. Yu has practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine in Belgium, the United States and Canada. Dr. Yu established Wellspring Institute of Chinese Medicine Technology and Wellspring Clinic for Holistic Medicine in Vancouver, Canada in 1997. Dr. Yu is an accomplished practitioner, researcher and educator, with dozens of publications in both the Chinese and English medical literature, and lectures internationally.
Dr. Yu is a specialist in Chinese medicine for fundus diseases. His clinic is one of the few specialty clinics overseas that specializes in the treatment of retinitis pigmentosa – serving patients with retinitis pigmentosa from 46 countries/regions.
Dr. Yu was the Chairman emeritus of the British Columbia Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Practitioners (ATCMA). He was invited as a WHO expert in 2015, involved with the development of the international guide of acupuncture clinical practice. Currently, Dr. Yu serves as an Executive Council member of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS), and a Board Member of College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CTCMA). In 2018, Dr. Yu founded and remains chair of the Wellspring Charitable Foundation.
He is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the State of California, United States and a Registered Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

Topic: Acupuncture Manipulation and Pain Management
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 18:35, 英国伦敦时间2月29日 02:35,北京时间2月29日10:35
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 18:35,England London Time Feb 29th 02:35, Beijing Time Feb 29th 10:35
于1997年与夫人荆小庭一起开创了私人诊所“美国传统中医康复中心”,每天上门诊至今,目前受邀在全美各地及澳大利亚, 英国伦敦,加拿大,阿根廷,香港,中国中医科学研究院针研所等地讲学,现任洛杉矶中医工会针灸特聘专家,北美北京中医药大学校友会董事长,全美中医药大学联合会针灸部主任,全美多所中医药大学客座教授及博士生指导老师,英国英中中西医协会副会长, 洛衫矶武医学院名誉院长, 温州医科大学中美针灸康复研究所第一届专家委员会高级特聘专家.
Dr. Lu earned his medical degree at Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Lu became a faculty member of the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion and was involved in acupuncture practice under the guidance of Professor Kuishan Zheng in 1984. He pursued his Master degree under the guidance of Professor Jiashan Yang at the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from 1986 to 1989. Dr. Lu was appointed as the deputy chief physician at the Beijing Institute of Modern Chinese Medicine Clinical Immunology and served as the Director of the acupuncture department.
Dr. Lu was awarded the honor of studying specialized acupuncture techniques with two world-renowned acupuncturists: Professor Zheng Kuishan, and Professor Yang Jiasan, one of the premier acupuncturists in China who was featured in Bill Moyer’s ‘Healing and the Mind’ program on PBS. During this time, Dr. Lu learned effective acupuncture techniques such as “Setting the Mountain on Fire” and “Penetrating Heaven’s Coolness” – two techniques rarely practiced in the West, but which are extremely effective for immunological and neurological disorders, as well as all types of pain conditions that have not been alleviated through other healing modalities.
Dr. Biao Lu is a Licensed Acupuncturist. Dr. Lu and his wife Dr. Shiaoting Jing currently practice at his private clinic Traditional Chinese Medicine Healing Center in Los Angeles & Santa Monica area for over twenty years..
Dr. Lu is a faculty member of Yo San University in Los Angeles and Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in Santa Monica and serves as Associate Dean of Academics. Dr. Lu is currently teaching doctorate program at American Academy of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine.

Topic: 《Nei Jing》 Spiritual Essences
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月27日 10:25, 英国伦敦时间2月27日18:25,北京时间2月28日02:25
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 27th 10:25,England London Time Feb 27th 18:25, Beijing Time Feb 28th 02:25
Do you all know? The first author of Lingshu’s treatment for pain is higher than all of us now.
He is using three-dimensional acupuncture for treatment.
If you don’t understand the system of the first author of Lingshu, then you must be stuck in the treatment for pain disorders.
The meridian and acupuncture point system that we learned in our schools is not, by and large, the system of the first author of the Spiritual Center. It is a system that is essentially to be abolished; it is a fabricated one.
This patchwork system is derived from the 10th chapter of Lingshu and the patchwork of the Jia Yi scriptures on various aspects of the literature. The authors of the Lingshu Sutra should be divided into three, six or nine classes. It is unreasonable to construct the foundation of acupuncture based on Chapter 10 of Lingshu.
In most cases, the first author of Lingshu does not use the so-called concept of meridians and acupoints for the treatment of pain disorders. You have to check with your hands and listen to the patient. You have to listen to the patient in both aspects. It is based on the principle that the disease location indicated by the patient body’s nervous system is incredibly precise. Any scholar must be humble and listen to the patient. Taking pain as reference, as he said 13 times, is in no way a waste of the reader’s time. But you think that taking pain as reference is just too superficial where it hurts. The deepest discipline of acupuncture is these 4 words, 以痛为腧 which means “Taking Pain as Reference”.
Dr. Xiaochun Huang, graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 1982, then he was a resident doctor in the Department of Respiratory Medicine at the Tianjin Chest Hospital. In 1990, Dr. Huang went to Denmark and started his Chinese medicine research and practice career in the past 20 years. Dr. Huang opened TCM acupuncture private clinic in Denmark in 1992. Over the decades, Dr. Huang dedicated himself to in-depth research and exploration of various aspects of TCM. His academic thoughts combined various aspects of the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Canon, acupuncture, magnetic therapy and warm moxibustion.

Behzad Barikbeen
演讲题目:光的力量 (无针针灸)
Topic: Power of Light-“Acupuncture Without Needles”
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 14:30, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 22:30,北京时间2月29日06:30
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 14:30,England London Time Feb 28th 22:30,Beijing Time Feb 29th 06:30
LifeWave Inc Company founded in 2004, has developed a nanotechnology called Phototherapy, Photobiomodulation or in other words Acupuncture without Needles. It uses non-transdermal patches registered with FDA as a medical device. The patches are specifically designed to passively reflect back into the body a portion of the electromagnetic frequencies that they are exposed to when placed on the body.
The various types of patches activate specific organs with different sets of bioelectric frequencies. The first generation of lifewave products focused on quality of life and ICEWAVE patch was designed for pain relief which works in seconds and provides a pain relief status The second generation of lifewave products focus on anti-aging and the third generation of lifewave products with the introduction of X39 patch address age reversal & regeneration by activation of stem cells. In this speech I will talk more on pain management and agereversal
Behzad Barikbeen是一位接受过国际培训的医学博士(ITMD)。他在伊朗克尔曼医科大学完成了医学博士学位,此后作为一名研究员和培训师已经工作了18多年,在马什哈德医科大学等学术中心以及全球生物制药公司和其他机构发表演讲。他目前住在加拿大多伦多。
Behzad Barikbeen is an internationally trained medical doctor(ITMD). He completed his doctorate in Medicine from Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran and since then has been working for over 18 years as a researcher and trainer giving presentations in academic centres such as Mashhad University of Medical Sciences as well as in global biopharmaceutical companies and other corporate settings.

David Euler
Owner at Newton Acupuncture Clinic
Topic: Palpation Based Acupuncture in differential diagnosis and treatment of emotional stress and anxiety
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 12:40, 英国伦敦时间2月28日 20:40,北京时间2月29日04:40
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 12:40,England London Time Feb 28th 20:40, Beijing Time Feb 29th 04:40
Euler博士于1989年完成了他的针灸学业,他擅长于受日本风格影响的触诊针灸,主要是长野大师(Master Nagano)和松本岐子(Kiiko Matsumoto),以及川干大师(Master Kawai)。他将日本针灸风格与欧洲微系统和低水平激光疗法(LLLT)相融合,成为一种温和而又强大的治疗方式。
In this hour I will present the most common areas of pressure pain significant to the differential diagnosis for emotional stress and Anxiety and how to eliminate this pressure pain. It is very difficult to translate what exactly a patient tells us about the emotional stress and anxiety to acupuncture points. Due to the culture differences and the individual upbringing of the patient that seek acupuncture, we need a more reliable system of diagnosis and treatment verification. Palpating specific reflection-areas will provide a focus that the treatment can concentrate on. The reflection areas and treatments are very closely related to the antique Chinese texts and Traditional Chinese Medical patterns. Only that the translation onto the individual patient is done by palpation. We let the patient’s body show us what to treat. In this short presentation, for example, one of these reflection areas common to emotional stress and anxiety is the CV17 area. We shall focus on eliminating the pressure pain on that area using distal points.
Dr. Euler completed his Acupuncture Studies in 1989,he specialized in palpation-based acupuncture influenced by Japanese styles, mainly Master Nagano and Kiiko Matsumoto, as well as Master Kawai. Blending the Japanese styles of acupuncture with European micro-systems and Low Level Laser therapies became a gentle, yet a very powerful treatment modality.
His Professional Activities include:
1,Treating patients at the Newton Acupuncture Clinic in Newton, MA.
2,Previously, Co-Directing and Teaching an Acupuncture Course for Physicians at the Harvard Medical School, Dep. of continuing Education for 17 years.
3,Providing continuing acupuncture training to acupuncturist and physicians around the US and World for 20 years.
4,Authoring and Publishing articles, chapters, Books, and DVD’s about this style of Acupuncture.
His Publications include:
◆”Acupuncture in Practice” Edited by Hugh MacPherson and Ted Kaptchuk, Churchill livingstone, NY, 1997: A chapter on Diabetic neuropathy in the lower limbs
◆”Kiiko Matsumoto’s Clinical Strategies, Vol.1″; KMI, Natick, 2002. David Euler and Kiiko Matsumoto
◆”Clinical DVD #1″, KMI, Natick , 2005 David Euler
◆”Stresskrankheiten”Andreas Noll and Barbara Kirschbaum, editors, Elsevier GmbH München 2006: Chapter on Japanese Meridian Therapy.
◆”Kiiko Matsumoto’s Clinical Strategies, Vol.2″; KMI, Natick, 2008. David Euler and Kiiko Matsumoto
◆ A contribution in “Integrative Pain Medicine”, Audette and Bailey, Humana Press, NJ 2008
A chapter on Chinese herbal medicine for pain
◆”Pain and Chemical Dependency”, Edited by Howard Smith and Steven Passik, Oxford University Press, NY 2008.Chapter on Traditional Chinese Medicine for pain and Addiction.
◆”Leitfaden Triggerpunkte”, Dominik Irnich, Elsevier GmbH München 2009
Throughout the book, accompanied palpation-based acupuncture for each trigger point.

Wai-Ching Lee
Dame Reverend Doctor
Topic: Infinity Quantum Qi Gong for mental transformation
演讲时间: 温哥华时间2月28日 16:20, 英国伦敦时间2月29日 00:20,北京时间2月29日08:20
Schedule: Vancouver Time Feb 28th 16:20,England London Time Feb 29th 00:20, Beijing Time Feb 29th 08:20
Wai-Ching Lee博士是一位来自自然医生传统血统的医学直觉治疗师。她还是美国合格注册的整体健康咨询师和整体身心体能治疗师,在自然和整体康复领域拥有20多年的治疗经验。自1992年以来,她作为Earth Star / Earth HeART整体咨询公司的负责人,一直与整合医学界的医生和科学家合作。Lee博士是一位现代的神秘主义者,治疗师,也是1990年在超然神明的指导下诞生的“无限量子气功与治疗”传统艺术的老师。她将古老的智慧与神圣科学中的心身和量子场治疗技术相融合。她的交融达到了顶点,与《神秘之谜》的Sharron Rose最终成为纪录片系列《Quantum Qi》的联合制片人 (www.quantumqimovie.com)。由于她在量子能量治疗和研究方面的毕生工作,她被希望骑士团的神圣医疗团授予尊爵夫人博士学位(Dame Reverend Doctor)。更多信息请访问Amaliawaichinglee.earth
Wai-Ching Lee is a medical intuitive healer from a traditional lineage of natural physicians. She is also a U.S. qualified Holistic Health Counselor and Holistic Somatic Bodywork Therapist with over 20 years of adult experience in the field of natural and holistic healing. As principal of Earth Star/Earth HeART Holistic Consultancies, she has been collaborating with medical doctors and scientists in the field of Integrative Medicine since 1992 . Wai- Ching is amodern mystic, healer and teacher of the traditional art of Infinity Quantum Qi Gong and Healing birthed by transcendental divine guidance in 1990. She fuses ancient wisdom with psychosomatic and quantum field healing techniques in Sacred Science. Her interweaving culminates as Associate Producer of the documentary series “Quantum Qi “ with Sharron Rose of Sacred Mysteries. www.quantumqimovie.com. She was invested the title of Dame Reverend Doctor ( PhD) for her lifelong work in quantum energy healing and research by the Sacred Medical Order of the Hospitallers of the Knights of Hope. Please find more information at Amaliawaichinglee.earth
大会筹备委员成员: 黄国健,李彤,王天山,陈实成,王三涛,刘金洪,刘东,王九林,赵立业,陆魁忠,徐炜杰,黄菡,刘津,廖晓崑, 徐国男