Canadians registering for the conference: Please pay the registration fee via e-transfer and include the following information in the message section: your full name, phone number, email address, in person or zoom, whether you are submitting a conference paper, and whether you will be presenting at the conference.
Standard Fee
Early Bird (valid until April 10)
AACMC Members
ZOOM Conference
Additional Information: The ZOOM conference offers 8 hours of NACCOM credit over two days.
Registration Contact:
Ms. Ma: +1 204-775-2266
注册大会的外国人士,通过online payment 注册缴费,同样标注是否提交大会论文,是否做大会发言
International participants registering for the conference: Please pay the registration fee via online payment and indicate whether you are submitting a conference paper, whether you will be presenting at the conference.