BIO of:
Dr. AC, Dr. TCM, PhD, Dr. NM, MD
President of Advanced Rejuvenation MediSpa and Institute
President of the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM)
This Facial Rejuvenation-Cosmetic Acupuncture course will be taught by an industry
expert with over 40 years of clinical experience and a PhD in Acupuncture. Dr. Diana
Tong Li has studied, researched, and taught Facial Rejuvenation-Cosmetic
Acupuncture for more than 40 years. She owns the Advanced Rejuvenation MediSpa and
Institute since 2009. For the past 27 years, she participated in advanced international
cosmetic conventions (United States, Canada, and China), also in 2012, Dr. Li with
Dr. Franklyn Chen traveled to Boston to acquire unique, advanced, and modern
medical Facial Rejuvenation-Cosmetic training. Facial Rejuvenation-Cosmetic is one
of Dr. Diana Tong Li’s specialties. In fact, it’s the one she’s most passionate about!
It’s not only an important part of her profession but a big part of her personal life. She
practices what she teaches!
Dr. Diana Tong Li is the founder and president of the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM), the vice president of the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada (CMAAC), and the president of the Nova Scotia chapter of CMAAC. Dr. Diana Tong Li is an executive committee member of the World Federation of the Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), and the vice chairman of Psychosomatic Medicine Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Societies (WFCMS). She is also the Vice President of Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Colleges of Canada.
Together with Dr. Chen, Dr. Li established her first career college, the Canadian College of Natural Medicine (CCNM), in 1998 after 10 years of teaching certificate courses. CCNM focused on offering diplomas in Chinese Acupressure massage and Swedish massage therapy. In 2008, CCNM changed its name to the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM). CCATCM is a government-approved career college purely focused on promoting Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Its purpose is to train more qualified practitioners of acupuncture and TCM to face the increased demand within the rapidly growing industry. To date, CCATCM has trained hundreds of qualified Acupuncture practitioners who practice in Canada, the USA, and other countries. Dr. Li has also worked with Dr. Chen to publish several specialized English textbooks on Acupuncture and TCM. Dr. Li and Dr. Chen offer signature acupuncture and acupressure courses not found anywhere else.
Dr. Li is well-respected in the local medical community for her passion and success in establishing the first clinic dedicated to acupuncture and TCM in Atlantic Canada. She has helped thousands of patients with a broad array of conditions. As a result of her more than 30-year history of conception, healing, and success in Canada, Dr. Li is an established expert on acupuncture and TCM and is frequently sought-after for interviews. With her public education and efforts, despite her busy schedule, Dr. Li often dedicates herself to a variety of media organizations, such as CBC, ATV, The Chronicle Herald, Chatelaine, and Global News. Dr. Li’s expertise has led to the publishing of many clinical research papers on the topics of acupuncture and TCM, the treatment of pain, addiction, mental health conditions, and more.
李彤博士在任教证书课程10年后,于1998年与陈实成博士一起建立了她的第一所职业学院——加拿大自然医学学院 (CCNM)。CCNM 专门提供中式指压按摩和瑞典式按摩疗法的文凭课程。 2008年,CCNM改名为加拿大针灸中医学院(CCATCM)。 CCATCM 是一所获政府批准、旨在推广针灸和中医的职业学院, 其成立目的是培训更多合资格的针灸师和中医师,以满足社会上对这个行业不断增长的需求。 迄今为止,CCATCM 已培训了数百名合资格的针灸师,他们在加拿大、美国和其他国家执业。李博士和陈博士合作出版了多本关于针灸和中医药的英文专业教材,并开办了独一无二的特色针灸和指压按摩课程。
李博士建立了加拿大大西洋地区第一家专门提供针灸和中医疗法的诊所,帮助了数以千计患有各种病症的患者,她的热心和成就使她备受当地医学界的尊敬。在生育及疾病治疗等方面,李博士在加拿大拥 30 多年的成功经验,因此被视为针灸和中医业的知名专家,经常受到各界采访。为了向大众提供资讯,李博士经常在百忙中抽空出席各传媒机构,如CBC、ATV、The Chronicle Herald、Chatelaine 和 Global News的活动。李博士也发表了许多临床研究论文,分享自己对针灸和中医、疼痛治疗、成瘾、心理健康状况等题目的专业知识。