BIO of:
Dr. Huang Guojian entered the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (now Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine) in 1983. In 1988, he began working at Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 1991, he pursued a master’s degree in Chinese-Western Medicine Integration at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and entered the doctoral program in Chinese-Western Medicine Integration at China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, China Union Medical College, in 1994, engaging in basic research on Chinese and Western medicine integration therapy. In 1998, he was employed as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Since 2005, he has been operating the An Kang Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Center in Winnipeg, Canada. He has edited and published several books, including “Practical Monographs for Disease Treatment”, “Comprehensive Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine Monographs”, and “Comprehensive Application of Acupuncture Monographs”, and has published dozens of academic papers both domestically and internationally. He specializes in the application of MRA, embedding thread therapy, and traditional Chinese medicine treatment for various common and difficult diseases. He is currently the Chairman of the Canadian Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Association, Chairman of the An Kang Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Center in Canada, President of the Canadian Mini Ren Acupuncture Therapy Research Association, Director and Professor of the Canadian Institute of Continuing Education in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, and Co-Chairman for Life of the World Integrative Medicine Federation.
黄国健博士,1983年进入南京中医学院(现南京中医药大学)中医系学习,1988年毕业后在江苏省中医院内科工作,1991年在南京中医药大学攻读中西医结合硕士研究生,1994年考入中国协和医科大学、中国医学科学院中西医结合博士研究生。后在北京中日友好临床医学研究所工作,1998年受聘于加拿大马尼托巴大学医学院从事博士后研究。2005年在加拿大温尼伯开设安康中医药针灸康复中心至今。黄国健博士主编出版了《实用单方治病指南》、《中医单方应用大全》、《针灸单穴应用大全》,协编《中年人养生保健全书》,在国内外发表学术论文数十篇。黄国健博士擅长应用迷你刃针疗法,埋线疗法、浮针及中医中药治疗各种痛症,不孕不育症,常见病及疑难病症。现为加拿大中医针灸联盟主席、加拿大安康中医药针灸康复中心主席、 马尼托巴专业针灸协会主席、加拿大迷你刃针研究会会长、 世界中医穴位埋线疗法学会加拿大分会会长、 加拿大整体医学研究院副主席、世界华人中医论坛常务理事、世界中医药联合会仲景传承与创新专业委员会常务理事,世界疼痛学会会员(International Association for the Study of Pain, IASP)及加拿大疼痛研究会会员(the Canadian Pain Society, CPS)。黄国健博士在温尼伯、多伦多、温哥华、旧金山开设了迷你刃针治疗痛症培训班,推广迷你刃针疗法取得了非常好的效果。