BIO of:

Wang, Fulin, Prof/ 王福麟 教授

Dr. Fu-Lin WANG is the co-founder and President of Bethune Oriental Medicine Center with over 30 years of practice in Alberta, Canada. He received MD from Ningxia Medical College in 1982, Master in Public Health from Harbin Medical University in 1987, and PhD in Epidemiology from University of Calgary in 1994. He is an Honorary Professor of Ningxia Medical University.
He has served for many years in various organizations and committees of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) – President of the College and Association of Acupuncturists of Alberta (CAAA), Executive President and President of the Canadian Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research, Co-chair of the International Conference of Traditional Medicines on Health and Wellness held in Vancouver (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021), Director of the International Collaboration Center of TCM Clinical Research in Canada – the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Society (WFCMS), VP and Executive President of Acupotomy Medical Association of Canada, council member of WFCMS, etc.
He also served as Adjunct Assistant Professor at University of Calgary, Instructor for the Acupuncture Program at Grant MacEwan University (1998-2017), and several committees in TCM and preventive medicine. He authored and co-authored 30+ scientific papers, and over 40 government reports and TCM book chapters – such as Yin-Yang Theory and Pattern Identification by Zang-Fu Organ System.
Using Acupuncture, Tuina massage and herbal therapy, Dr. Wang has helped patients with complex and severe conditions which are difficult to treat in modern medicine, such as ulcer infection of diabetic lower limbs, major depression with reproductive system infections, MS with infertility, among others. In this presentation, Dr. Wang will share his experience of how to apply the Unity of Man and Nature and Yin-Yang Balance in diagnosis and treatment.

王福麟博士、医生是加拿大白求恩东方医学中心合伙创始人、院长。1994年阿省注册针灸师, 经历了由单干到合伙,并创立加拿大白求恩东方医学中心的过程。他1982 年宁夏医学院临床医学系毕业留校任教,1987 年获哈尔滨医科大学公共卫生医学硕士,1994 年获加拿大卡尔加里大学医学院流行病学专业博士。毕业后,受聘于加拿大阿省政府卫生部工作; 也受聘宁夏医科大学客座荣誉教授。
为提高中医诊疗技能,王医生先后组织参加了40多个中医培训班,不段积累摸索;运用針灸、按摩、中药,帮助诊治了内、外、妇、儿科等多种病症,有些是西医不治或难治之病症,如糖尿病下肢潰瘍感染、重度憂鬱症伴隨生殖系統感染、多發性硬化症伴不孕症等。在本次演講中,王醫師將分享他如何運用天人合一、陰陽平衡來診斷和治療的經驗。 St Mary’s Road, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 1L7

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