BIO of:

Wang, Junlin, Prof/ 王九林 博士

Dr. (Joe)Jiulin Wang has both MD and MSc. Degrees in TCM from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where he was also a faculty member. He has received manual osteopathic therapist designation from the Manual Osteopathic College of Canada in 2020, honoured with distinction.
Dr. Wang has taught TCM/Acupuncture in many universities from China, US, and Canada. Currently, Dr. Jiulin Wang is an associate professor and past chair of the Acupuncture Program at Grant MacEwan University. He is also a founding member of Bethune Oriental Medicine Center, a largest Acupuncture/TCM clinic in Alberta, where he provides private TCM/Acupuncture service to the public.
Jiulin is dedicated to biomedical research. He finished two terms of post-doctoral fellowship training in the Neuroscience Department of Louisiana State University and Oregon Health Science University, USA. He has partnered with the Pulmonary Research Centre, University of Alberta, to finish an Acupuncture research project on COPD. As strong background in neuroscience, Dr. Wang focuses his clinic and research interests on pain management and mental health. He has published more than 30 professional papers and books. Jiulin has been invited to deliver both professional and public speeches all over the world.
Dr. Wang has been an expert reviewer of ICD-11 TM code and Chinese medicine Terminology invited by World Health Organization (WHO). He has been sitting on three professional journals as an editorial board member in the past 10 years.
Since 2001, Jiulin has been an active member of the Acupuncture and TCM profession in Alberta and Canada. He has served as interim council of the College and Association of Acupuncturists of Alberta (CAAA) from 2007. In 2010, 2012, 2014, he was elected as a CAAA council member, serving as secretary and treasurer separately. Currently Dr. Wang sits on conduct and competence committee in CAAA, and vice president of Alliance of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine of Canada (AACMC).
T4 syndrome is a fasting growing but under diagnosed condition in Acupuncture clinic. Dr. wang will share his latest research on this common illness with TCM/Acupuncture treatment.

王九林医师于2001年获得加拿大麦科文大学针灸系教职(, 并于2010年晋升为系主任。王九林医师现任加拿大麦科文大学针灸系副教授。
他还是阿尔伯塔省最大的针灸诊所白求恩东方医学中心( 的创始成员,作为注册中医针灸师向公众提供中医/针灸治疗服务。
T4综合征是一种在针灸按摩诊所越来越常见,但未被明确诊断的疾病。王医生将分享他对这种常见疾病的最新研究,包括中医/针灸治疗。 St Mary’s Road, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 1L7

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