


为更好地继承、弘扬中医药针灸学术,进一步发挥中医药针灸在人类卫生保健体系中的特色作用,加拿大中医针灸联盟、加拿大卑诗省中医师公会将于2022年4月16-17日太平洋标准时间(PST, 温哥华时间)在加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚省(简称BC省)共同举办2022加拿大中医药针灸国际学术大会(网络会议)。 


会议时间:2022416-17日太平洋标准时间(PST, 温哥华时间)早上9点到晚上23:25点(北京时间417号晚上0:00点到418号下午13:00)。 














黄煌, 男,江苏省名中医,南京中医药大学基础医学院教授、博士生导师。上个世纪80年代主要从事中医学术流派的教学与研究工作,90年代以后以经方医学流派的研究为主攻方向,其中尤以经方的方证与药证为研究重点。现致力于经方的普及推广工作,主持全球最大的公益性经方学术网站”经方医学论坛”。 




In this presentation, I would like to explain the details of function, indication, application of this famous Chinese herbal ingredient: Chai Hu jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (Bupleurum Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction), which was originally from 1500 years’ ago Zhang Zhongjing’s “Shang Han Lun”. This formula has been widely used for mental disorders treatment! 

David Bomzon
主题: 山本新头皮针治疗帕金森综合征



David Bomzon是一名中医治疗师和讲师,擅长针灸在神经系统康复中的应用(神经针灸),公认为以色列针灸康复的权威。

大卫于2006年毕业于以色列特拉维夫的 “东西方经典中医学院”,曾是山本利胜博士的学生,山本新头皮针(YNSA)的发明者。

大卫在2007年建立了 “Pnima中心”,这是以色列最大的社区整合中医诊所,它将经典中医和山本新头皮针YNSA与西医相结合。”Pnima中心”是一个独特的支持中心,为补充医学领域的新毕业生和有一定经验的从业者提供持续的专业充实和专业指导。



2015年,大卫还开设了 “Pnima国际头皮针灸学校”,举办YNSA的现场和在线研讨会,并在2020年出版了《山本新头皮针灸临床手册》的著作。



Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is named after the Japanese physician, Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto, who developed this acupuncture system in 1973. YNSA is used to treat neurological conditions, and is both effective and immediate in stroke patients with pain and/or restricted mobility.  As a result, the use of YNSA has increased and has become the most frequently used form of acupuncture. YNSA comprises basic acupuncture points (somatopes) mainly on the scalp, as well as on other body regions. In addition to providing symptomatic relief, YNSA is sometimes curative.

In this 40 minute talk I will speak and teach you the location and indications of the ZS ynsa point.

This point was not found by Dr Yamamoto but by Dr. med. Dorothea Zeise-Süss, a specialist in general medicine, naturopathic treatment, acupuncture, teaching practice for general medicine at the University of Heidelberg,

Here first use of this point was in 2007 for treating woman with hormonal imbalance, later on in the years she found the point was also useful for Parkinson’s desices.

This point was excepted by dr yamaoto into his method.

Camille Elenne Egidio



















在巴西多所学校和大学担任讲师和客座教授,其中包括:Anhembi Morumbi大学、Metodista大学、Anhanguera大学和Uniban大学。 



    Post-traumatic neuropathy is a condition in which the nerves have been affected by trauma, such as accidents, falls or sports injuries that can rupture or damage such innervations. Peripheral nerves are responsible for forwarding information from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. Peripheral neuropathy can cause permanent nerve damage and is often a disabling and even fatal problem. Electroacupuncture is a neuromodulatory therapeutic modality, which uses small electrical stimuli applied to two or more needles inserted in acupuncture points. This study aimed to demonstrate the effects of electroacupuncture in the treatment of post-traumatic neuropathy of the left fibular nerve in a female patient. The patient underwent an electroneuromyography exam before treatment, in which neuropathy was confirmed with the presence of nerve conduction block. Subsequently, 9 (nine) electroacupuncture sessions were performed at the acupuncture points located in the injured region in this patient and then, again, the electroneuromyography exam was performed to verify the possible results presented with such treatment method. The test result showed that electroacupuncture was extremely effective in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy of the patient under study.  

    Keywords: Peripheral neuropathy. Electroacupuncture. Electroneuromyography. 


       Saadat Bagherigaleh





    荣誉和奖项:获得针灸研究学会(SAR)会议奖学金,加州旧金山;2016年被提名为Phi Kappa Phi荣誉学会成员;2013年和2014年获得桥港大学Bob Flaws/Honora Lee Wolfe奖学金;医科大学毕业时被评为全国杰出人才;在全国基础科学综合测试中名列第四;在全国大学入学考试中名列前0.05% 


    Purpose: To evaluate therapeutic alliance (TA) between the patient and the practitioner during a course of acupuncture treatments of Gulf War Illness (GWI) using the Working Alliance Inventory (WAI). Data comes from a completed 3.5-year Army-funded RCT. Individualized acupuncture treatments were administered by practitioners in the community for a possible treatment window of 6 months. Thirty-two experienced practitioners were given training in the known medical information of GWI, and treated the range of GWI presentations in the best manner they knew, with only limited restriction (e.g. herbs were not allowed). Methods: To better understand how TA changes over time, we calculated and graphed WAI scores for both study groups: biweekly treatment, 2 months of waitlist followed by weekly treatment.  Paired-samples t-tests are used to measure improvement in WAI-SR scores for baseline and endpoint (6 months) in all factors (task, bond and goal). Results: As the study progressed over time, dyads reported increasingly more positive scores on the all 3 WAI-SR factors. Although, both the weekly dose and biweekly dose groups approximately had same WAI-SR scores at the endpoint (6 months), WAI-SR initial scores in all 3 factors were lower in the weekly dose group compared to the biweekly group. There was a significant improvement in WAI-SR scores for baseline (2 months) and endpoint (6 months) in all 3 factors in the weekly group using paired-samples t-test (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Our findings indicate importance of time and receiving treatments in gaining and improving therapeutic alliance. Our results also emphasized adverse effects of being in waiting list on initial therapeutic alliance. We postulated that a two-month waiting list is superior to the use of sham acupuncture, as a systematic review demonstrated that sham acupuncture might be as effective as true acupuncture.


            Severine Essex



    Severine Essex医学博士专长于针灸,先后在法国、中国和印度接受医学教育。她还拥有心理学、自然医学、保健教育(医学营养、植物、耳穴疗法、拍打疗法、按摩、拔罐)、急救证书(讲师、考试评委和急救校长,在红十字会工作数年)等方面的专业技能,曾编著素食主义和运动相结合”、“肥胖症成功方案等专业书籍。Dr. Essex20多年的医疗经验和持续培训,帮助患者治疗各种疾病,包括中风瘫痪、帕金森病、癌症、肥胖症、糖尿病、肝脏疾病、失眠、创伤心理、传染病、疼痛综合症、运动伤害、情绪失衡、不育症、头痛、闭经、痛经和不孕症等。对病人的奉献精神使她创建了自然的全面医疗保健方案,为患者提供量身定制的高质量的医疗服务 

    Dr. Essex融汇中西医知识,并应用中西医结合疗法救人无数。


    The purpose of this topic is to understand the concept and main features of depression; know the etiology and pathology of depression, know the diagnosis and treatment of the common illnesses presenting depression. In depression, the main visceral organs affected are the liver and the heart, but other organs may become involved. These include the gallbladder, the spleen, the stomach, the lung, the kidney, the brain and in females the uterus. Clinically, it is common that strength and deficiency may become intermixed. In general, depression has a relatively prolonged disease. In its initial stages, depression is an illness of strength, principally Qi stagnation, but involve blood stasis, rise of endogenous Fire, gelling of Phlegm or food retention.  After the initial stages, if it persists it evolves from an illness of strength to one of deficiency of Qi, blood, Yin or Yang. Because many visceral organs may become affected and the injuries to Qi, blood, Yin and Yang may differ, depression manifest a variety of symptoms, related variously to the heart, the spleen, the liver and the kidney. I will discuss about etiology, pathology, clinical manifestation and Key Points analysis, which includes the accumulation Phlegm, blockage, food retention, how strength and deficiency transform into each other and the evolution in chronical depression.   The appropriate treatment which includes the acupuncture treatment, the technique in Scalp acupuncture, including cautions and precautions, ear acupuncture and the advice to the patients, specially the regulation of the mind and diet regulation. A case study will close the session.





    南京中医药大学教授、研究生导师、第二批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承人。曾任香港大学中医副教授、教学顾问(硕士课程学术主任),兼任国际筋针学会会长、中国针灸学会经筋诊治专业委员会副主任委员、《中国针灸》杂志编委、世界中医药学会联合会盆底医学专业委员会常务理事;曾兼任中国针灸学会穴分会理事、江苏省针灸学会针灸临床专业委员会副主任委员、江苏省中医药学会针刀专业委员会副主任委员。从事针灸教学、临床、科研工作近40年。研究方向:《内经》经筋理论与针灸临床研究、痛症与脊柱相关性疾病的研究。倡导筋脉辨证思维模式,研发“ 筋针疗法”、整合“经络整脊疗法”。在国家、省级针灸刊物上发表了50多篇(本)论著,其中有关经筋理论与筋针临床应用论文近20篇。筋针疗法曾在北京、香港、广东(深圳)、江苏、江西、河南、湖南、湖北、山东、浙江、辽宁、福建、台湾等地演讲,深受医师欢迎。曾多次赴德国、墨西哥、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、美国、新加坡等国家讲学。擅长中医针灸诊治痛瘫病症,如颈椎病、腰突症、软组织损伤、关节痛、偏头痛、三叉神经痛、带状疱疹、中风后遗痛与面瘫、偏瘫、截瘫等及耳鸣耳聋、鼻敏感等病症。


    The acupuncture methods based on the “Nei Jing” include shape-adjusting, qi-adjusting, and mind-adjusting technique. Among them, Qi-regulating acupuncture used to focus only on Ying Qi-regulating acupuncture but neglected Wei Qi-regulating acupuncture. However, most of the clinical symptoms are tendon and skin diseases caused by Wei Qi stagnation, such as motor nervous system diseases which are commonly treated by Ying Qi-regulating method which always resulted in the poor treatment effects.  

    For this reason, we decipher the acupuncture method of regulating the Wei Qi in the “Nei Jing” – sinew acupuncture, to provide a new idea for improving clinical acupuncture and moxibustion diagnosis and treatment of tendon and skin diseases. Sinew acupuncture has the characteristics of being safe, non-toxic, painless, and insensitive, quick-acting and high-efficiency, wide-ranging indications, easy to learn and use, economical and convenient. So, it is worthy of promotion to learn and practice. 











    Diabetic nephropathy is a widely recognized microvascular complication of diabetes and the leading cause of end-stage kidney failure worldwide responsible for morbidity and mortality. Clinical manifestations of diabetic nephropathy include initial increase in glomerular filtration (GFR), proteinuria, increased creatinine levels, and eventually decreased GFR. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been widely used in the treatment of diabetes and its complications for a long time; TCM has lots of advantages in the prevention of diabetic complications because of less toxicity and side effects. In this speech, I will discuss the advance of TCM treatment for diabetic nephropathy based on clinical studies to show the scientific basis for the therapeutic effects of TCM on diabetic nephropathy. The lower end stage renal disease with mortality rates among patients with incident diabetic nephropathy correlates with the use of TCM treatments. Further clinical studies about specific TCM modalities or medications for diabetic nephropathy are still needed. 




    Chief Director, Center for Traditional Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital .

    Assistant Professor, Institute of Traditional Medicine, School of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University .

    M.D., Faculty of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.

    Ph.D., Institute of Traditional Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan

    Director of Integrative Medicine, Center for Traditional Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital.

    Academic awards: Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum.

    Specialty: Laser acupuncture; sleep disorders; autonomic nervous system; cloud-based objective physiological parameters; Clinical studies of TCM.


    TCM is a holistic system of healthcare and healing, based on the notion of maintenance of balance in the body. A disease is thought to be a common product of both pathogenetic factors and maladjustments in the body in TCM. TCM is focused more on the response of human body to pathogenetic factors rather than the pathological mechanisms. In this presentation, I will explain more details about the TCM related science and art healing power activation which is from the wisdom of ancient Chinese philosophy and culture.

    主题: 中医+食疗在糖尿病、高血压临床康复研究 









    The research has a unique connotation of comprehensive conditioning technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) + Diet Therapy, including acupoint massage, meridian dredging, oral administration of Chinese Medicine, and external treatment of Chinese Medicine; diet therapy consists of two parts and eight sections, including nutritional meal replacements, aerobic exercise, active water, and health porridge. The technology selected various probiotics and microbial peptides as raw materials and then combined them with Chinese Medicine ingredients of the one origin as medications and food to form different nutritional packages. Combined with Chinese Medicine, taking methods are adopted for patients respectively. After multi-faceted and stereo-divergent comprehensive conditioning, to eliminate blood stasis and improve circulation, the upper energizer nourishes the yin of the lungs and clears the lung heat; the middle energizer strengthens the spleen and stomach function, and the ability to transport and transform; the lower energizer promotes kidney yang and nourishes kidney water. Simultaneously, it nourishes qi and blood, balances yin and yang, improves blood circulation, removes blood stasis, soothes the liver and regulates qi, dispels cold as well as dries dampness. 

    It focuses on helping patients to effectively regulates the coordinated function of the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and other organs. Meanwhile, striving to improve the metabolic capacity, the balance of the endocrine system, the function of the pancreas, increase the sensitivity of target cells to insulin, and improve the utilization rate of insulin by the human body to promote the balance of glucose metabolism, instead of directly lowering blood sugar and blood pressure, and achieve a better clinical effect. The effective rate is as high as 98.32%. 

    主题: 妙手微塑.瞬间美人




    他从事徒手美容整形矫业界多年,手法轻柔,技艺超群,其特色是在同患者聊天的短时间内,在无痛的情况下解除患者病痛。对于鼻脸歪斜、瘦脸、丰胸隆胸、驼背、脊柱侧弯症、O 型腿、膝关节病变、长短腿、骨盆倾斜等各种外科病症瞬间矫正完成,得到众多患者尤其是女性患者及家人的赞誉。 









    The midnight-noon and ebb-flow doctrine including the NaJia Method, NaZi Method, LingGui Eight Methods and Feiteng Eight Methods are classical methods for selecting acupuncture points in ancient times. These four methods are based on the principles that “there is a point for each time and a time for each point” and uses the sensitive acupuncture points corresponding to the time of the consultation. Time-Space Acupuncture developed these four methods from two aspects. The first is to point out “the memory function of temporal acupuncture points” and its five methods of application; the second is to follow the principles of setting time-sensitive acupuncture points for each methodology, and plan the spatial acupoints corresponding to the four methods, using this in conjuction with time-sensitive acupuncture points combine specific energy fields and mobilize the body’s self-healing mechanisms. Through more than 30 years of clinical practice in France and Europe, clinical observation of numerous conditions in two tertiary Chinese medicine hospitals in Yunnan and clinical trials of adverse reactions of breast cancer chemotherapy in Yunnan Cancer Hospital, has proven the effect of Time-space acupuncture in the treatment of common contemporary conditions, as well as having special curative effects in difficult and threatening diseases. Now to introduce the application of the NaZi method of Time-space acupuncture in the long-term symptoms of COVID-19. 







    While we have discussed extensively and deeply the development of acupuncture in the West, especially North America, the development of acupuncture in Canada does not seem to have received sufficient attention. My presentation attempts to fill this gap. The influence of these three medical acupuncture traditions which developed in Canada and has a history of more than half a century, extends beyond Canada. The three medical acupuncture traditions are Chit Chan Gunn’s Intramuscular Stimulation,Joseph Wong’s Neuro-Anatomical Acupuncture,Steven Aung’s Medical Acupuncture. These three traditions of acupuncture all started in the 1970s within the mainstream medical system, and they all had a certain impact on mainstream medicine. The Canadian case demonstrated that medical acupuncture could have distinctive features, thus providing a variety of ways of assimilation. 




    从事临床工作近 40 年、擅长中西医结合治疗,对内科(肝、肾、脾、胃)妇科、  



    * 澳门科技大学中医药学院中医学(中医临床专业)医学博士毕业  

    * 广州中医药大学、香港中医药学院教授、美国国际医药大学等地教授、硕士生  




    * 中华医药杂志社社长  

    * 中华医药研究院主任研究员  

    * 中华医药出版社社长  


    * 《慢性胃炎 1097 例辨证要素研究与频数变量聚类分析》,中医药通报,中华中  

    医药学会主办,2009 ,4 月刋出版  

    * 《慢性胃炎 124 例基本证候变量聚类分析》,中医药通报,中华中医药学会主  

    ,2007 年,12 月刋出版  

    * 《半夏泻心汤加味治疗慢性胃炎 82 例观察》,中医药通报,中华中医药学会  

    主办,2007 ,4 月刋出版。  

    * 其它发表论文详见<中华医药>专业期刊等发表国际文等内容中  

    * 公开发表论文 1600 余篇  

    * 担任科教研等方面工作近四十年,长期专研肿瘤、内科、脾胃科、肝肾科、妇  










    長庚醫療財團法人高雄長庚紀念醫院 中醫部 教授 

    長庚大學 中醫系 教授 


    中國醫學院 中醫系 醫學士 

    陽明醫學院 公共衛生研究所 碩士 

    長庚大學 臨床醫學研究所 博士 


    1998~ 長庚醫療財團法人林口長庚紀念醫院中醫部 主治醫師 

    2000~ 長庚醫療財團法人高雄長庚紀念醫院中醫部主治醫師 

    2006~2014長庚醫療財團法人高雄長庚紀念醫院中醫部 副主任 

    2014~2020長庚醫療財團法人高雄長庚紀念醫院中醫部 主任 


    Objective: To evaluate the treatment effectiveness of laser acupuncture (LA) in patients

    with musculoskeletal pain.

    Methods: Major electronic databases, including Medline, PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library,

    CINAHL, and Scopus were searched to identify double-blind, randomized controlled trials of

    LA in musculoskeletal disorders. The primary outcome was the treatment efficacy for pain. The secondary outcomes included the comparison of disability, functional impairment, and dropout rate between LA and sham treatment, as well as the effect of sham treatment for pain. The results from included studies were synthesized with the random effects model.

    Results: In total, 20 articles comprising 568 patients receiving LA and 534 patients receiving sham treatment were included in the current study. Our analysis showed LA significantly reduced pain (g=0.88, 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.35 to 1.42, p=0.001), disability (g=0.68, 95%CI=0.29 to 1.08, p<0.001), and functional impairment (g=0.67, 95% CI=0.32 to 1.03, p<0.001). Through meta-regression analysis, we found these effects were not moderated by mean age, the percentage of females, or treatment duration. Additionally, there was no significant difference between the two groups in dropout rate (risk ratio=0.73, p=0.08), and the sham treatment significantly reduced only pain intensity (g=0.54, 95% CI=0.32 to 0.77, p<0.001).

    Conclusion: Our findings supported that LA significantly reduced pain, disability, and functional impairment in patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Further researches are required to determine the optimal therapeutic parameters and the suitable patients for receiving LA.

    Reference: Hung YC, Lin PY, Chiu HHE, Huang PY, Hu WL. The Effectiveness of Laser Acupuncture for Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pain: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies. Journal of Pain Research 2021;1707–1719.








    Acupuncture is one of the treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine. It uses the mechanical stimulation of needles to achieve physiological effects on the human body to relieve pain and improve symptoms. Meridian theory is the basis of acupuncture and moxibustion. By the four diagnosis and clinical evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine, appropriate acupoints are selected for treatment, and the curative effect of acupuncture can be enhanced by taking appropriate manipulation of reinforcing and reducing techniques. In addition, if combined with Qi therapy or electro-acupuncture treatment, we can achieve even better results. Several case studies were shared:  1. Facial nerve palsy ; 2. Hand numbness and weakness after cervical spine surgery; 3. Left upper eyelid drooping after trauma.




    現  任:高雄市宏福中醫診所 院長

    學  歷:湖南中醫藥大學碩士 北京中醫藥大學博士

    資  歷:臺灣中醫師81年特考 合格,臺灣基層中醫師協會 常務理事,高雄市中醫師公會 理事,中醫內科醫學會 監事,高苑科技大學樂齡大學 講師


    This 35-year-old female patient is a case of postpartum depression. She suffered dizziness, headache, vomiting, chest pain, weakness of limbs, short of breath, fatigue, depression, palpitation, poor appetite, thirsty, easy sweating, insomnia, and dreamful sleep. She also had gastric ulcer, mitral valve insufficiency and arrhythmia. A spontaneous abortion occurred 2 months ago; she came to our clinic for help. Scientific Chinese medicine was given for her stomach and digestive system, improving blood circulation and transform stasis. Then, we used traditional Chinese medicine for dispersing stagnated liver qi, relieving qi stagnation, benefiting qi and production of blood in the follow-up consultation to improve her symptoms.

    主题: 頭針在痛症臨床應用







    主题: 出土文前疫情中防治 






    According to Huang-Di Nei-Jing and other unearthed documents, we consider pulmonary diseases as representing a “blood stasis syndrome.” In this research, we gathered data from Taiwan’ s National Health Insurance research database, individual outpatient clinics and texts (combined with medical canons), and found the most common formula drugs used for treating lung and heart diseases related to COVID-19, are Guei-Zhi Fu-Ling Wan and Ban-Xia Hou-Pou Tang. Meanwhile, we stimulate the He-Gu (LI4), Zhao-Hai (KI6) and A-Shi acupoints. Prescriptions for “blood stasis syndrome” in treatiing pulmonary diseases is a common way in traditional medicine clinics in Taiwan nowadays. 






    This speech will start from the psychiatry history of traditional Chinese medicine to introduce the understanding of traditional Chinese medical psychiatry in various periods. Sort out the experience and empirical research on schizophrenia, affective disorders( including depression) from the perspectives of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Finally to share the experience of integrative Chinese and Western medicine research on opiate use disorder. 

    主题: 糖尿病症中:以神經病 




    現職:臺中榮民總醫院, 傳統醫學科, 主任


     中國醫藥大學, 中醫學系, 醫學博士

    中國醫藥大學, 中醫學系, 醫學士 

    經歷/Work experience 

    • 中國醫藥大學附設醫院, 中醫部, 住院醫師(19990719~20020718) 
      China Medical University Hospital, Department of Chinese Medicine Resident 
    • 中國醫藥大學附設醫院, 中醫部, 總醫師(20020719~20030718) 
      China Medical University Hospital, Department of Chinese Medicine, Chief Resident 
    • 中國醫藥大學附設醫院, 中醫部, 主治醫師(20030719~20060831) 
      China Medical University Hospital, Department of Chinese Medicine,  Attending Physician 
    • 臺中榮民總醫院, 傳統醫學科, 主治醫師(20060901~迄今) 
      Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Attending Physician 
    • 臺中榮民總醫院, 傳統醫學科, 主任(20161001~迄今) 
      Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,  Director 
    • 中國醫藥大學, 中醫學院中醫學系學士班, 講師(20030801~20060831) 
      China Medical University School of Chinese Medicine, Lecturer  
    • 東海大學, 共同學科暨通識教育中心, 助理教授(20060901~迄今) 
      Tunghai University, Center for General Education , Assistant Professor 
    • 國防醫學院, 醫學系, 助理教授(20140701~20210630) 
      National Defense Medical Center, Department of Medicine , Assistant Professor 
    • 中興大學, 醫學院籌備處, 助理教授(20210901~迄今) 
      National Chung Hsing University, Preparatory Office for School of Medicine, Assistant Professor 
    • 臺灣中醫病理學醫學會 秘書長(20150101~20181231) 
      Taiwan Society for Pathology of Chinese Medicine (TSPCM) Secretariat CEO 
    • 臺中市中醫師公會 常務理事(20180325~20210324) 
      Taichung Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Executive Director 
    • 臺中市中醫師公會副理事長 (20210325~迄今) 
      Taichung Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Vice President 

    專長/Research expertise 

    • 中醫臨床研究 / TCM Clinical Research 
    • 內分泌新陳代謝學 / Endocrinology &Metabolism 
    • 腫瘤醫學/ Oncology 
    • 中醫內科 / TCM Internal Medicine
    • 中醫藥教學 /TCM Teaching 


    There is still no cure for diabetes complications. Since the discovery of insulin by Dr. Banting in 1921, the mortality rate of acute complications of diabetes has been basically controlled clinically, but the incidence of chronic complications has been increasing due to the increase of DM patients and the prolongation of life expectancy. Diabetes is a chronic disease that has existed since ancient times. The name of the disease in the corresponding category recorded in ancient Chinese medicine is “Dispersion-thirst”disease. Its most common complications are most similar to “Blood-blockage” according to its clinical manifestations such as pain and numbness. 

    Traditional Chinese medicine treatment may reduce various pains caused by diabetic neuropathy and improve the quality of life of patients in addition to traditional western medicine treatment. 

    主题: 谈谈精气神治疗抑郁症的体会 



    1983 年毕业于浙江中医学院,学士学位。  

    1987 年毕业于湖北中医学院,师从国医大师李今庸,硕士学位。  

    1994 年国家教委访问学者来法国进行神经免疫研究。  

    1995 年在法国里昂开设中医诊所。  

    2007 年成立法国里昂三才中医学院。  






    祝跃平院长对【五运六气】和【中医命理学】的研究深有建树,提倡和传承医易同源理念,是欧洲传讲五运六气和中医命理学的先驱者。2018 年至今已在欧洲多个国家做了五运六气的公益面授及视频线上讲座。 

    1. 讲座采用简单易懂的语言解读五运六气和命理学之精华;
    2. 临床疑难杂症浅方用药:使用命图,病图,时图和药图,并参合四诊;
    3. 临床针灸治疗:善长脊八针,头针,地支针法;
    4. 五运六气学术上:秉承五运定病位,六气定病性的核心思想;
    5. 对各种疾病,以精准诊断先天体质及弱脏,达到精准治疗为目的,取得广大海内外患者的信任。
    6. 临床五运六气课程形成独具特色的诊断,方药和针灸体系,深受各国学员好评。


      In terms of the difference between Chinese and Western medicine, Western medicine seeks technology, Chinese medicine looks for regular patterns. Technology is ever-changing, the truth is eternal. Chinese medicine has thousands of years of history and has found much regularity. The essence, qi (energy) and spirit are one of these laws. Chinese medicine is a perfect holistic medicine. From the beginning of the Nei Jing (the Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor), it is established that humans are made up of a combination of three elements: essence, qi and spirit. The first is the level of essence or body, which is an anatomical concept, a category of Newtonian mechanics. The second is the level of qi, the energy aspect, the Chinese medicine qi -origin, the five elements of yin and yang, meridians, and the function of visceral manifestation. It belongs to the category of quantum mechanics. The third is the level of Spirit, which belongs to the scope of the study of the mechanics of consciousness, dominating body and qi. When you follow the principle of essence, qi and spirit in your mind, you can see the patient as a three-dimensional, transparent person. Miscellaneous difficult and complicated diseases must be treated from the integrative therapy of modulation of Spirit, Qi and body with great facility and achieving reliable results. 

      主题: 针灸与冥想对焦虑症自主神经活动的调节作用    




      他对自己的工作充满热情,在治疗焦虑/抑郁症、偏头痛/紧张性头痛和疼痛管理方面有多年经验。 2013年以来,胡医师一直在南素里的白石社区从事针灸治疗。作为一名传统中医,他还练习太极拳和冥想,以达到放松和安神的目的。 


      Mounting evidence demonstrate that neuroplasticity, a fundamental mechanism of neuronal adaptation, is altered by mood and anxiety disorders. Based on the neuroplasticity hypothesis, exposure to chronic stress or stressful life events increases toxic glutamatergic neurotransmission in multiple brain regions, particularly in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus. To protect neurons from apoptosis, dendrites retract and spine density decreases in order to limit the damage; nevertheless, such disrupted synaptic connection or impaired neurogenesis can be reversed by antidepressant treatment. The most common pharmacology therapeutic strategies involved are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and augmenting agent with SSIRs is required if the treatment response is lacking. Spontaneous activity of serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) regulates mood and motivational state. Potentiation of serotonergic function is one of therapeutic strategies for treatment of mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).  As chronic stress can disrupt the function of neuroplasticity, this lecture proposes to use scalp needling and meditation to modulate the spontaneous activity of DRN to enhance its serotonergic transmission. 















      It is generally believed that low immune function is the manifestation of weakness of healthy qi. Most of them use tonic drugs, such as Sijunzi Decoction and Yupingfeng powder. The more tonic the result, the more serious it becomes. This situation is called obstruction of evil. In fact, in clinical treatment, we should pay attention to dispelling evil, and only when evil goes to right can we be safe. If evil does not go to right Qi, tonic drugs will first replenish evil Qi. In the beginning, we should dispel evil and then replenish healthy qi Many patients with repeated colds do not get good results with tonics. They completely recover from colds after using drugs for relieving exterior and removing pathogenic factors. They do not catch colds for many years. Clinical practice is the touchstone of theory 

      When pathogenic factors, including microorganisms, attach to a specific tissue and organ of the human body, it will lead to the attack of the immune system, which will cause the damage of the body tissue at the same time. The immune system cannot only attack pathogenic microorganisms without damaging the normal tissue. Therefore, it is inappropriate to define this kind of disease as immune dysfunction You can’t just use immunosuppressive drugs. You should dispel evil and get it out. 









      As worldwide, more and more countries are entering into an aging society, health care practice shifting the focus towards antiaging, maintenance of body’s normal structure, function, and life quality, preserve body’s overall health condition from age damage and deterioration is getting more and more important. During past two years of COVID pandemic, we witnessed that the tremendous impact of age, pre-existing health conditions on the illness outcome.  More and more evidence demonstrated that immunity is the key for health maintenance and prevention of the development serious and lifespan threatening illness. This presentation discussed about the TCM’s view on aging, age related illnesses, physiological and pathological characteristics of illness in the aged population, different TCM treatment modalities that has immune enhancing effects, as well, herbs and formulas that has potential for boosting immunity and antiaging are discussed. 

      主题: 迷你针浅刺解结疗法治疗焦虑性多发性肌纤维疼痛综合征 



      黄国健博士擅长应用迷你刃针疗法,埋线疗法、浮针及中医中药治疗各种痛症,不孕不育症,常见病及疑难病症。现为加拿大中医针灸联盟主席、加拿大安康中医药针灸康复中心主席、加拿大迷你刃针研究会会长、 世界中医穴位埋线疗法学会加拿大分会会长、加拿大整体医学研究院副主席、世界华人中医论坛常务理事、世界中医药联合会仲景传承与创新专业委员会常务理事,世界疼痛学会会员(International Association for the Study of Pain, IASP)及加拿大疼痛研究会会员(the Canadian Pain Society, CPS)。 


      Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain all over the body (also referred to as widespread pain), sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress. Lots of research indicated that there is a vicious cycle between physical body pain and mental distress, including anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue. The key treatment strategy of fibromyalgia is to break this vicious cycle, to release widespread physical pain, to improve energy and relief mental distress, to build up a virtuous cycle.  

      Mini Ren Acupuncture therapy is a unique acupuncture technique by using flat head needle to break up myofascia trigger points and infected scar tissues which are the cause of fibromyalgia physical pain. Once the physical body pain is getting better, the patients will have more energy, a more positive attitude, less stress, anxiety, and better sleeping. I will introduce two case studies to present the key features and advantages of Mini Ren Acupuncture therapy in the treatment of anxious involved fibormylgia syndrome. 

      Amir Hooman Kazemi







      主题: 肺癌化中口腔瘍疼痛之中經驗 



      现任:教授/學士後中醫學系/義守大學 ,部長級主治醫師/義大大昌醫院 


      中國醫藥大學中醫學系博士(Graduate Institute of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University.Taiwan) 

      高雄醫學大學天然藥物研究所碩士(Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy,  Kaohsiung Medical University. (Taiwan)) 

      中國醫藥大學學士後中醫學系/醫學士(Bachelor of Medical Science, School of PostBaccalaureate Chinese Medicine, China Medical UniversityTaiwan) 


      )  教學經歷 

      1.義守大學學士後中醫學系/ 教授/系主任 


      ()  學術經歷 

      1.台灣中醫醫學雜誌 總編輯   

      ()  臨床服務經歷 

      1. 1. 中醫內科醫學會理事長
      2. 2. 義大醫院中醫部部長/義大大昌醫院部長級主治醫師


      This 56 year-old male patient was a case of left upper lung adenocarcinoma with cervical 2 to cervical 7 metastases. He suffered from left shoulder herpes zoster infection on 2018/02/15 with arm numbness and tenderness, he went to E-Da hospital neurology outpatient department for treatment. Associated symptoms are including cervicalgia, focal weakness on left upper limb. Due to above reason, cervical spinal magnetic resonance imaging was performed for cervical radiculopathy survey. The image report showed left upper lobe lung cancer. with cervical 2 to cervical 7 metastases causing spinal canal stenosis and spinal cord compression. 2018/03/27 Computerized tomography showed: Lung cancer with lung to lung, bone, and mediastinal lymph node metastases, preliminary image staging T4N2M1c (According to AJCC 8th Edition). Cervical spinal discectomy and Laminectomy on 2018/04/04. Diagnosis was given of left upper lobe adenocarcinoma stage IV with bone(cervical spine metastasis). After operation, the target therapy with afatinib used and the Avastin iv-infusion on 2018/04/17. After eighth chemotherapy, several pain with ulcers, wounds in the oral cavity and on the tongue, speech difficultly, swallow hardly, hoarse and dry throat and severe acneiform eruption on the trunk. Therefore, a consultation with the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Internal physician was requested by her family, for smoothing the side effect of chemotherapy. The patient was discharged after Integrated Chinese and Western medicine. In this case report, the cause, mechanism and principle of treatment of severe oral ulcers caused by the side effects of target therapy from the TCM perspective were discussed. Chinese medicinal treatments for severe oral ulcers were reviewed. The experience could be the reference treatment of the combination of Modern Medicine and TCM for severe oral pain with ulcers caused by chemotherapy. 








      • 中国武术八段
      • 世界武术散手道联盟黑带八段
      • 两度太极和太极推手世界冠军
      • 杨氏太极第六代传师
      • 世中联传统医药合作委员会副秘书长
      • 世界中医药总联盟中国功夫气功专家评委会主席


      • 2007年美国《功夫》杂志封面人物



      Integrative medicine treats high blood pressure and diabetes using a combination of spiritual-technique, diet, exercise, Chinese and Western medicine, and acupuncture, with a focus on treating the whole person, not focused only on separate parts. 

      1While practicing fasting, it is helpful to also be practicing authentic, Yang style Taijiquan and the six special qigong practices focused on lowering blood pressure or Qigong for helping diabetes. 

      2Acupuncture for the treatment of hypertension and diabetes includes techniques including Dong’s special acupoints, body acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, acupuncture, moxibustion, bloodletting, ear acupoints and other methods, each of which has its own effect and can be combined based on the specific case. 

      3The treatment of diabetes should also be a human-centered, holistic treatment, and attention should be paid to medicine and food homology during treatment. The root of diabetes is the dysfunction of spleen and stomach which is weak, especially the spleen-yang deficiency. The combination of practice and treatment is the right way.  

      主题:F.A.C.E 美颜针 





      With this presentation, I would like to introduce: What is FACE? Why was the FACE developed? Practical application of FACE; Instrument for FACE; Side Effects? Media promotion; Clinic Design; The principles of the FACE; Understanding of facial structure; Diagnosis of face; Application of FACE; The process of FACE.


      主题: 针刀医学在面部美容方面的临床应用





      Acupuncture has significant short-term and long-term effects in the treatment of wrinkles, scars, acne, chloasma, and face-lifting. 

       Acupuncture can help remove scars and adhesions, improve local blood circulation, and promote local stem cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration; it can help human body absorb type 2 collagen, re-synthesize, and secrete type 1 collagen by fibroblasts, make the skin smooth and lustrous, and remove skin pigmentation. 

      The KeyPoint of acupotomy for wrinkles is to cut insertion point of the expression muscle, which is not the starting point of Smas fascia, but is the insertion point of skin dermis layer to achieve reliable results. The more important thing is the cosmetic effect will last for a long time, and the side effects are minimum.  Therefore, the application of acupotomy in cosmetology has a bright future.

      主题: 糖尿病诊治经验 





      Focusing on the following eight aspects, I would like to systematically introduce my clinical experience of traditional Chinese medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes: 

      1. The “Theory of Separation of Body and Spirit of TCM” that must be known; 2. The “energy metabolism” that must be known; 3. What would be the correct treatment goals for diabetes? 4. What is the reason for the rise in blood sugar? 5. Should the blood sugar number be the only judging indicator of diabetic curative effect? 6. My TCM Experience in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes; 7. Diagnosis and application of western medicine for diabetes; 8. Diet and Exercise for diabetes
      英文: 膏肓痛的針刺治紹跳針法 





      Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) is a disorder of muscle pain with painful pressure points, mainly characterized by Trigger Point (TrP). Trigger points are the main source of widespread musculoskeletal pain, as each of the skeletal muscles, which account for approximately 40% of the body weight, may produce trigger points, which induce dysfunction of the neuromuscular system. Trauma, inflammation, disc pathology, chronic incorrect posture, and emotional stress can all contribute to the development of this disease. 


      The trigger point phenomena are localized tenderness, taut band, local twitch response, referred pain, and other special phenomena that can be felt when touching the trigger point. If the pressure on the trigger point persists, there will be referred autonomic phenomena, including muscle contracture, vasoconstriction, sweat increase, and coldness.  


      Current treatments for myofascial pain syndrome(MPS)  include stretch and spray, local injection, acupuncture, medication, physical therapy, and psychological consultation. 


      Chinese medicine has developed different theories and corresponding therapies for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal pain for thousands of years. “Invaluable Formulas for Emergency, Volume 29, Examples of Moxibustion” by Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty: “There is the method of A-Shi acupuncture, if someone is sick with pain, he should pinch (pink) it, and if the inside (fruit) is at the right place, without asking the acupoint, it will quickly become the pain point, that is referred as A-Shi. Both Acupuncture and moxibustion all work well, so it is also called A-Shi point… Those who are ill with the hand press it will be quickly recovered, practically if you are careful, calm and mindful, you can understand it.” The name of A-Shi acupoint comes from this; it is mainly used to treat the symptoms of meridians and tendons, that is, common clinical symptoms such as pain, spasm, rigidity, and convulsions. Ancient healers used needles to prick the A-Shi point, and the patient would feel pain, comfort, heat, and other sensations, followed by relief of meridian symptoms. In modern times, on the basis of A-Shi point, the longitudinal acupuncture therapy with round and long needles has been developed, and the needles are accurately inserted obliquely into the injured muscle bundles. It has obvious curative effect on cord softening, pain relief and functional recovery, and has a complete and lasting therapeutic effect, rather than temporary anesthesia analgesia or hypnosis.  


      The theory of “tendon out of the groove” is proposed in Chinese medicine traumatology for tendon disorders. ” Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition – Key Points to the Hearty Methods of Bone Alignment” states: “The tendons are chipped, longitudinal, rolled, spastic, turned, rotated, separated, and combined…”, as well as “tendon distortion” and “tendon walking”, all refer to the loss of the original position of the tendon after injury. Depending on the original position of the tendon with or without a groove, those with a groove are called “tendon out of the groove”, while those without a groove are called “tendon twisting”, “tendon turning” or generally “tendon injury”. Nowadays, based on the concept of tendon out of groove, acupuncture at the motor nerve fiber ends has been developed to quickly relieve muscle and joint pain. After acupuncture to get qi, with the cooperation of certain manipulations, the limbs or muscles are twitched to achieve the miraculous curative effect of tendon reset and pain relief. 


      主题: 结理论在肿瘤三级靶位诊治中的应用 


      刘金洪先生先后求学于南京中医药大学、上海中医药大学、浙江中医药大学,获得针灸学学士、硕士学位和中医内科(肿瘤)学博士学位,现为加拿大约翰·珍妮中医学院院长、教授,约翰·珍妮中医院院长、肿瘤中心主任,安大略省注册中医师、针灸师,靶向中医学与经方针灸学创始人,南京中医药大学客座教授、国际经方学院加拿大分院院长, 加拿大癌症支持协会理事,加拿大中医针灸联盟副主席、安省主席,世界中医联合会国际临床研究合作中心专家。自1988年起从事中医临床工作,采用针药结合治疗各种痛症、瘫痪及自体免疫性疾病,采用独具特色的经方针灸靶向治疗方法治疗癌症/肿瘤及内科、妇科疾病,临床效果显著,受到患者普遍赞誉,是加东地区具有重要影响力的中医医生之一。曾多次获得省、厅级科技进步和教学成果奖,主持的《中医药靶向治疗研究》项目获中国国家科学基金和浙江省医药卫生优秀人才基金的资助。主编《约翰·珍妮针药结合临证精要》两部,参与编写专业著作10余部,在国内外专业期刊公开发表论文70余篇。

      Tumor diseases are located in the three yin levels, and the Zang organ deficiency is the root. The formation of tumor is that the qi and blood are knotted in the organs and tissues along the corresponding meridian of the Zang organ, which is essentially consistent with the “Zang Jie” theory described in the Shang Han Lun.   

      We continue to expand the application of “Zang Jie” theory  in the clinical practice of TCM oncology, take the ten formulas of Zang Jie in Guilin Ancient Version of Shang Han Lun as the longitude and latitude of cancer differentiation and treatment, combined with three-level target diagnosis and the combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine targeted therapy to diagnose and treat various tumors.  Patients were satisfied with the therapeutic effect.   

      5 clinical cases are attached below. 




      李彤博士是加拿大针灸中医学院 院长,加拿大中医针灸学会 副会长,加拿大中医针灸学会新斯科舍省分会会长,世针联执委委员,世界中医药学会联合会心身医学专业委员会副会长. 加拿大中醫院校聯盟會 副会长


      在1998年李彤博士与陈实成博士一起创始是加拿大自然医学学院,此学院在2008年改名为加拿大针灸中医学院, 加拿大针灸中医学院专注于中医与针灸的教育,至今己培养了众多的优秀的合格的针灸师服务于加拿大、美国及其他国家。

      李彤博士与陈实成博士一起编辑和出版了一系列英文书籍包括:中医基础学,李-陈点穴按摩放松, 李-陈点穴治疗痛症, 李-陈点穴经络按摩,供学生们更好地学习中医。



      Traditional Chinese Medicine for facial rejuvenation has a thousand-year long history based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory. TCM uses meridians and common acupuncture points to achieve beauty from the inside out. In this topic, Dr. Diana Tong Li will discuss how to use the most common Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies (gua sha, cupping, acupressure, acupuncture) to achieve facial rejuvenation.” 

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