The Alliance of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine of Canada is a civil society group voluntarily initiated and formed by Canadian practitioners of Chinese medicine and acupuncture, professional colleges of Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and people of insight in the field of Chinese medicine through friendly consultations. The main work will focus on using the advantages of the Canadian TCM and Acupuncture Alliance platform to comprehensively promote TCM culture and TCM characteristics and advantages, so that TCM’s unique medical care and rehabilitation model and its value can be understood and accepted by the entire society. Joint the TCM and Acupuncture Professional College in the alliance to carry out various exchange activities and conferences; integrate and use multiple channels and resources to provide members with a resource service system, an expert service system, and a self-help system for alliance members. The TCM acupuncture and moxibustion professional colleges in the alliance will improve the quality and academic level of practitioners in the TCM and acupuncture industry through the development of training plans, training courses, and distance education. Promote continuing clinical education for Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists. Actively participate in the professional consulting work of provincial TCM acupuncture and moxibustion professional associations and legislative consulting work, TCM acupuncture professional degree education certification and practice qualification joint examination related reform professional consulting work.
The alliance is based on traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists serving community medical care, saving the Canadian government huge expenditures on regular hospitals. Actively participate in the legislative reform of Chinese medicine in government departments and the Ministry of Health. Communicate regularly to strengthen academic exchanges, information exchanges, and exchanges of results among alliance members, improve the level of Chinese medicine business, inherit and develop Chinese medicine, and promote continuing clinical education of Chinese medicine doctors and acupuncturists. Promote participation in the group health and medical insurance benefit plans of various insurance companies, and provide alliance members with the eligibility for medical service insurance payment.
Connection to a group of acupuncture therapists, traditional Chinese medicine doctors, qi-gong & Tai-Qi practitioners, as well as other holistic and integrative medicine professionals dedicated to personal care more effectively, and improving access to high-quality life of Canadian communities.
Membership also allows you to submit papers, posters and other content to our programs.
Free access to our ever-increasing body of Webinars, as well as preferred pricing for our annual International ATCM Conference, North American ATCM Summit Forum, as well as Canadian Annual Scientific Meeting.
Only Members can apply for the Alliance’s program of grants and awards.
Join one of our five special interest groups (SIG) to learn from and network with those who share your specialty: 1)acupuncture, 2)traditional Chinese medicine, 3)qigong-taiqi, 4)holistic-integrative medicine; 5)Others
Our trainee-specific events are designed by Trainees, for Trainees, and are only open to members!
Access to resources, recordings, and archived information through the members section of the website.
Increased opportunities to network with colleagues, peers, and experts in your region and across the country and worldwide, a chance to build your contacts, share ideas, best practices and solutions to enhance your current role, or expand you career opportunities.
Committee, Leadership and Board opportunities are only open to members. These positions provide opportunities to learn, gain leadership skills, and shape the direction of the organization that you may need for your resume, professional growth, or self-promotion. Opportunities are available on the Board, committees, and special projects.
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