Chinese scalp acupuncture is a contemporary acupuncture technique that combines traditional Chinese needling methods with the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the Western cerebral cortex and biomedical sciences. Scalp acupuncture has been proven to be the most effective treatment for acute and chronic central nervous system diseases. Often, only a few needles are needed to produce significant effects, and improvement is usually seen immediately. Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years for disease prevention and treatment. However, scalp acupuncture is a modern innovation and development with only 50 years of history. Scalp acupuncture is often used in stroke, multiple sclerosis, motor vehicle accident paralysis rehabilitation, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, autism, and long-term symptoms of COVID-19. It is also used in pain management, especially pain caused by the central nervous system, such as phantom limb pain, complex regional pain syndrome, and residual limb pain. It has been proven to be very effective in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, brain injury, aphasia, ataxia, and Meniere's disease.
头针疗法是中国传统针法与西方大脑皮层解剖学、生理学、病理学和生物医学科学相结合的当代针灸技术。 头针已被证明是治疗急慢性中枢神经系统疾病最有效的方法。 通常,只需几针即可产生显着效果,并且通常会立即看到改善。 针灸在中国用于预防和治疗疾病已有数千年的历史。 然而头针疗法是现代的创新发展,只有50多年的历史。 头针常用于中风、多发性硬化症、机动车事故瘫痪康复、帕金森病、脑瘫、自闭症和COVID-19的长期症状。 它还用于疼痛管理,特别是中枢神经系统引起的疼痛,例如幻肢痛、复杂区域疼痛综合征和残肢痛。 已被证明对治疗创伤后应激障碍、脑损伤、失语症、共济失调和梅尼埃病非常有效。
In this Canadian international lecture, Dr. Linda Hao will teach the acupuncture therapy of scalp acupuncture, the clinical application of scalp acupuncture and the research and treatment of difficult diseases. Sharing her decades of success using scalp acupuncture to treat children and adults with difficult diseases from the United States and around the world. In this lecture, she will focus on the treatment of traumatic brain injury, and autism to demonstrate the lifesaving and life-changing miraculous effects of scalp acupuncture. Audiences will benefit from the lecture's information, motivating everyone's interest in using scalp acupuncture, and help colleagues to apply it widely in clinical practice. This lecture also briefly introduce neuro- acupuncture treatment for other complex neurological diseases related to DNA: such as DD, T18, gray matter heterotopia syndrome, etc. In this lecture, Professor Shi will present a video clip to share with audience!
本次讲还涵盖了介绍头针治疗与DNA相关的复杂的其它神经系统疾病:如DD,T18, 脑灰质异位证等。
Motion Acupuncture Therapy is a new acupuncture technique pioneered by Dr. Chen Decheng. It comprises five components: motion acupoints, motion needles, motion technique, motion mode and motion theory. This therapy integrates traditional acupuncture theories and techniques with modern knowledge in anatomy, histology, fasciology, kinesiology, and the physiological dynamics of muscles. Its goal is to stimulate and manipulate soft tissues through acupuncture, promoting self-healing processes to prevent and treat various diseases. Motion Acupuncture Therapy is renowned for its simplicity in selecting acupoints, precision in treatment, and rapid therapeutic effects. The motion needle, patented by Dr. Chen Decheng, is characterized by a needle body with edges and a spiral structure. Special needle techniques, such as needle retention and lifting, are applied at motion acupoints—treatment points determined through the "three-step in one process." Combined with patient-guided motion exercises under the supervision of a doctor, the treatment follows three key steps: foundation in finding acupoints, critical needle insertion, and the core focus on movement. This process aids in the repair of pathological fascia, muscle relaxation, and joint repositioning. Motion Acupuncture Therapy is primarily used to treat soft tissue injuries, chronic pain, joint issues, movement disorders, and related visceral diseases. The book "Motion Acupuncture Therapy" was published by People's Health Publishing House in 2020 and has received acclaim from experts and colleagues in the field, both domestically and internationally.
Fascia is part of the largest soft tissue system in the human body, covering the entire body inside and out like a network, generally divided into superficial and deep fascia. Fascia wraps around muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and the body's organs and limbs. There are gaps between muscle fascia filled with fluid to maintain mutual sliding between muscle tissues, playing a supporting and protective role in maintaining the activity of all soft tissues. In cases of soft tissue injury, including fascial tissue, it can trigger the same inflammatory response process, normally healing in the form of scar tissue. However, under certain pathological conditions, the formation of 1) scar adhesion tissue causes imbalance in soft tissue dynamics or compresses nerves, blood vessels, and muscles, leading to chronic pain, numbness, and functional impairments of the body; 2) fascial trigger points persist in the body, causing acute or chronic pain, tenderness, or referred pain, as well as autonomic nervous system dysfunction, etc. Regardless of the pathological condition, pain manifests in the form of painful nodules, summarized as "nodular pain syndrome". Painful nodules are locally swollen due to inflammatory reactions, increased tension, and sensitization of pain receptors, which are the root causes of pain. Mini Ren (blade needle) Therapy (MRA) directly punctures and opens the painful nodules with a bladed needle, cutting off the sensitized nerve fibers around the nodules, achieving immediate analgesic effects. Similarly, the blade needle can directly cut off scar adhesion tissue, restore dynamic balance between soft tissues, eliminate compression on blood vessels, nerves, and muscles, and heal acute or chronic pain. Practice has proven that MRA therapy is the safest, quickest, and most effective universal key for treating soft tissue injuries.
For thousands of years, TCM has known that beauty comes from the inside out. That means the color and luster of the face reflectour internal organs being balanced, regulated, and working in harmony. This course will teach participants how to create internal harmony that brightens the look of skin, improves facial radiance and removes wrinkles according to TCM practices.
根据过去几千年的中医学理论,美是源于内、发乎外的。一个人的脏腑要是平衡和谐、获得调理,脸色就会红润而有光泽。 在课程中,学员会学到怎样通过中医技术改善脏腑平衡,以达到提亮肤色、改善面部光泽和消除皱纹的效果,令求诊者的脸容显得更有朝气、更加年轻。
Like an orchestra conductor, fascia organizes the symphony of movement and communication within our body. A responsive, dynamic network, fascia provides structural support, transmits mechanical forces and is crucial to many physiological processes including cellular communication and transport. It is also our richest sensory organ. Once the groundwork of basic fascia science has been laid down, this lecture will highlight research involving acupuncture and the collagen network (the fascial system by any other name). will be highlighted; as well as the connections between the fascial system and the meridians. A rationale for fascia being the conveyor of qi will be discussed.
筋膜就像管弦乐队指挥一样,组织着我们体内的运动和交流的交响乐。筋膜是一种反应灵敏的动态网络,提供结构支撑、传递机械力。筋膜对包括细胞通讯和运输在内的许多生理过程至关重要。它也是我们最丰富的感觉器官。 奠定了基础筋膜科学的基础。本讲座将重点介绍涉及针灸和胶原蛋白网络(筋膜系统任何其他名称)的研究,将突出显示筋膜系统和经络之间的联系。我们将讨论筋膜作为气的输送器的基本原理。
Acupuncture, a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has been practiced in over 190 countries and areas due to its clinical efficacy, wide range of indications, safety, and lower cost. USA, Canada, and many countries in Europe and other continents has officially recognized the acupuncture as one of the regulated health professions, similar with family physicians, dentists, and other health professions. In the ICD-11 published by the World Health Organization (WHO), over 3100TCM terminologies are included to facilitate application of TCM/traditional medicine worldwide. Despite global acceptance of the acupuncture and TCM, large number of research has failed to confirm the clinical efficacy of acupuncture for osteoarthritis of knee, migraine, and lower back pain, etc. Such research findings are contrary to the fact and to the observed treatment effects by patients and acupuncturists. Are those researchers insufficient in understanding the theory and practice of acupuncture, or did they misuse a research methodology and analysis, or an irrelevant study design and poor implementation? Perhaps, it is among all of these reasons. Wholistic view and person-time-place-syndrome-disease-relevant treatment are basic features and principles of TCM, thus an individualized diagnosis and treatment is practiced for thousands of years. This pattern of practice not only recognizes the individual differences in genetics, diet, lifestyle, culture and religion, social and natural environment, time and season, causes and pathogenesis of disease/attack, but also considers the interaction between the body and mind, man and nature, among other inter-relationships in the body and the universe/environment. Thus, attempting to use a standardized protocol, which is established in modern medicine, to evaluate clinical efficacy of acupuncture for different diseases and complex syndromes is doomed to fail. This paper will discuss the necessity of establishing the acupuncture-TCM- relevant research methodology and framework for accurately evaluate clinical efficacy of a given disease or syndrome.
针灸作为中医的重要组成部分,以其临床疗效确切、适应症广泛、安全、费用低廉等特点,已在190多个国家和地区推广。 美国、加拿大以及欧洲和其他大陆的许多国家已正式承认针灸是受监管的健康职业之一,类似于家庭医生、牙医和其他健康职业。 世界卫生组织(WHO)出版的ICD-11收录了3100多个中医术语,以方便中医/传统医学在全球范围内的应用。 尽管针灸和中医已被全球接受,但大量研究未能证实针灸治疗膝骨关节炎、偏头痛、腰痛等的临床疗效。此类研究结果与事实和观察到的治疗效果相悖。 由患者和针灸师。 是这些研究者对针灸理论和实践的理解不够,还是误用了研究方法和分析,或者是研究设计不相关、实施不力? 也许,这是所有这些原因之一。 整体观和因时因地因病治疗是中医的基本特点和原则,个体化诊疗已延续了数千年。 这种修行模式不仅认识到遗传、饮食、生活方式、文化和宗教、社会和自然环境、时间和季节、疾病/发作的原因和发病机制等方面的个体差异,而且还考虑了身心、人与人之间的相互作用。 和自然,以及身体和宇宙/环境的其他相互关系。 因此,试图利用现代医学建立的标准化方案来评估针灸对不同疾病和复杂证候的临床疗效注定会失败。 本文将讨论建立针灸中医相关研究方法和框架以准确评估特定疾病或证候的临床疗效的必要性。
Fascial spasm which includes contraction, constriction, spasm and adhesion of fascial tissues, is the basic pathological mechanism of various pains of the body, either due to cold, contraction of fascia leads to spasm, or due to injury, the stagnation of qi, blood and fluid retention leads to spasm, or due to deficiency, malnutrition of fascia leads to spasm. The pain of limbs and outside torso is mostly due to spasm of muscles and tendons, pain of the inside torso is mostly due to the contraction of membrane capsule which wraps the organs, and the pain from cancer is mostly due to the increasing tumour size or the inflammatory reaction stimulated by abnormal activity of the cancer cells, which leads to the tightening of the fascia or membrane capsule which surrounds the tumour. Therefore, the treatment of pain focuses on alleviating fascial tension and restoring the self-stabilizing state of the internal and external environment of fascial membrane tissue. Acupuncture treatment should combine local acupoints, distal acupoints along the meridian and acupoints based on syndromes differentiation; point to diseased target point; identify branch, root, prosperity and decline; choose specific acupuncture techniques for relieving the fascial spasm, techniques for promoting qi and stopping pain, techniques for tonifying deficiency and clearing excessive, and combine electro-acupuncture and moxibustion therapy to relieve the fascial spasm to stop pain. When qi and blood circulation is well regulated, the body is at ease.
T4 syndrome is a fasting growing but under diagnosed condition in Acupuncture clinic. Dr. wang will share his latest research on this common illness with TCM/Acupuncture treatment.
What is Qi Acupuncture ? A new practice method that can treat pain and other diseases with or without needles. Head, neck, shoulders, waist, legs, knees, ankles, feet pain, each part of the acupoints within 3 minutes, immediate pain relief method. You don’t need use needle also you can use needles. Understand what is Qi, how to control Qi to help body pain immediately, the rules and positions of Qi points in various parts, how to treat pain in the least painful way. Practice Tai Chi Qigong to strengthen the body, the world champion teaches you the real authentic Yang Tai Chi, let you know what Tai Chi internal strength is, how to practice, how to use Introduce fasting health care, how to quickly and thoroughly detoxify and lose weight, let all the functions of the body restart, at least how to lose weight immediately without hunger and pain.
什么是气针灸可以用针也可以不用针的练治结合治疗疼痛等疾病的新方法。 头,颈,肩,腰,腿膝,踝,足疼痛每个部位3分钟内打通气点,立刻祛痛的方法。了解什么是气,怎么操纵气来立刻帮助身体疼痛,各个部位气点的规律和位置,怎么用最不痛的方法来治疗疼痛。 练太极气功强身,世界冠军教您真正正宗的杨太极,让您知道什么是太极内功,怎么练,怎么用 介绍辟谷养生,怎么快速彻底排毒减重,让身体所有机能重启,最低限度可以怎么立刻不饿,不痛苦的减肥。
Professor Chen brings together the essence of techniques and acupuncture, combined with the advantages of American chiropractic. Inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese bone-setting techniques, rooted in the traditional culture of the motherland, the technology grew up in Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Bone-setting and tendon-strengthening techniques and acupuncture have gone through a period of formation and development. Special diagnostic technology provides guarantee for clinical efficacy. Bone-setting is used to relieve nerve compression, and tendon-strengthening is used to strengthen muscles and bones. The technique and acupuncture are integrated to provide safe, fast and painless relief. Nerve compression, fascial contracture and adhesion. Demonstrate how to quickly, safely and comprehensively treat common and difficult painful diseases, truly combining acupuncture and techniques, and using techniques and acupuncture to eliminate pain without pain (relieving lesions inside and outside the spinal canal).
As modern society flourishes with refined diets and convenient environments, it also introduces many hidden health issues to us. We will explore various environmental toxins and their effects on health and pain, such as environmental hormones, food additives, household products, and chemicals in the environment. We will also discuss how acupuncture and other complementary therapies can achieve detoxification with clinical efficacy.
This session will provide a brief overview of current evidence emphasizing the importance of soft tissue therapy for effective outcomes when treating myofascial pain syndrome (MPS). An exploration of what research tells us about the importance of manual therapy as a tool in an outcome-based treatment plan will be covered. Additionally, how soft tissue therapy can be integrated into an interdisciplinary treatment protocol to improve the quality of life for MPS patients will be discussed.
本次会议将简要概述当前的证据,强调软组织治疗在治疗肌筋膜疼痛综合征 (MPS) 时对于取得有效结果的重要性。 将探讨研究告诉我们手法治疗作为基于结果的治疗计划中的工具的重要性。 此外,还将讨论如何将软组织治疗整合到跨学科治疗方案中,以改善 MPS 患者的生活质量。
(1) 董氏奇穴的前世與今生
(2) 臨床處理皮膚疾病的思維及心得
(1) The past and current life of Tung's Acupuncture System
Tung's Extraordinary Acupuncture System (TEAS) originated as an ancient classical acupuncture system passed down within the family of Master Tung Ching-Chang. It was not documented in any classical literature throughout history but was transmitted within his family lineage.
In 1963, Master Tung began accepting apprentices, and in 1973, he published "Tung's Extra Points of Authentic Meridians," gradually disseminating these points to the world. Since Master Tung's passing in 1975, over the past half-century, his principal disciple, Dr. Young Wei-Chieh, has further developed and expanded the system.
Today, not only are the acupoint analyses clear, but their clinical applications have also expanded. Moreover, the elucidation of the underlying mechanisms by Dr. Young has solidified the system, making it a popular acupuncture school enthusiastically studied and applied by practitioners worldwide.
(2) Clinical Insights of treating Skin disorders with Tung's Acupuncture
"Itching," "swelling," "heat," "pain," "toxins," "stasis," and various "skin lesions" are common therapeutic targets in the clinical treatment of skin disorders. As a result, objectives such as "relieving itching," "reducing swelling," "dispersing nodules," "reducing redness," "clearing heat," "promoting healing," and "repairing" become fundamental goals in treatment. Through years of practice, Dr. Chung has skillfully combined commonly used acupuncture points from the fourteen meridians with Tung's Extraordinary Acupuncture points, creating a synergistic integration of extraordinary and conventional techniques. This fusion has led to the development of the Eight Arrays of Skin Treatment Protocols.
These protocols, utilizing only about a dozen points, offer flexible combinations tailored to specific circumstances. Techniques such as needling, acupuncture, or moxibustion are employed, either independently or in conjunction with oral herbal medicine, topical preparations, and other modalities. The efficacy of these protocols has been demonstrated in conditions such as "urticaria (wind rash), eczema, psoriasis, acne, and herpes zoster," yielding gratifying results.